Oracle 角色授權與安全


connect tom/tomcat as sysdba;
connect / as sysdba;


grant SELECT ON dept TO tester;
revoke SELECT ON dept FROM tester;
grant SQL命令 ON 表 TO 用戶;
revoke SQL命令 ON 表 FROM 用戶;

create user tom identified by tomcat;
grant connect to tom;
grant resource to tom;


tom 用戶表:
grant all on t_staff to scott;
grant all on t_corp to scott;
grant all on t_abc to scott;

show user;
grant connect/resouce/dba to user;
revoke emp on select from user;

alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy_mm_dd';

create user tester profile default identified by test account unlock;
grant connect to tester;
grant select on scott.dept to tester;
alter user tester default tablespace users;
alter user tester identified by tester;
alter user tester account lock;
alter user tester account unlock;
create user jones identified by jones default tablespace jones;
drop user jones cascade;
grant select on scott.dept to tester with grant option;

grant execute on scott.myproc to tester;
grant create user to tester with grant option;
grant drop user to tester;

conn / as sysdba;
grant select on scott.dept to tester with grant option;
conn tester/test;
select * from scott.dept;
grant select on scott.dept to tom with grant option;
grant select on scott.dept to tom;
conn tom/tomcat;
select * from scott.dept;
conn / as sysdba;
revoke select on scott.dept from tester;
conn tester/test;
select * from scott.dept;
conn tom/tomcat;
select * from scott.dept;

系統授權,可以加with admin option
對象授權,可以加with grant option
grant create user to tester with admin option;

create role myrole;
grant all on scott.dept to myrole;
grant all on scott.emp to myrole;
grant all on scott.staff to myrole;
grant all on scott.corp to myrole;

grant myrole to tester;
conn tester/test;
select * from scott.dept;

revoke all on scott.dept from myrole;


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