在SQL SERVER 2005的表分區裏,如何對已經存在的有數據的表進行分區

2011-10-21 13:07:09|  分類: Mssql2005|字號 訂閱


下面來說下,在SQL SERVER 2005的表分區裏,如何對已經存在的有數據的表進行分區,其實道理和之前在http://www.cnblogs.com/jackyrong/archive/2006/11/13/559354.html說到一樣,只不過交換下順序而已,下面依然用例子說明:

use master  IF  EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'Data Partition DB3')  DROP DATABASE [Data Partition DB3]  GO  CREATE DATABASE [Data Partition DB3]  ON PRIMARY  (NAME='Data Partition DB Primary FG3',  FILENAME=  'C:\Data2\Primary\Data Partition DB Primary FG3.mdf',  SIZE=5,  MAXSIZE=500,  FILEGROWTH=1 ),  FILEGROUP [Data Partition DB3 FG1]  (NAME = 'Data Partition DB3 FG1',  FILENAME =  'C:\Data2\FG1\Data Partition DB3 FG1.ndf',  SIZE = 5MB,  MAXSIZE=500,  FILEGROWTH=1 ),  FILEGROUP [Data Partition DB3 FG2]  (NAME = 'Data Partition DB3 FG2',  FILENAME =  'C:\Data2\FG2\Data Partition DB3 FG2.ndf',  SIZE = 5MB,  MAXSIZE=500,  FILEGROWTH=1 ),  FILEGROUP [Data Partition DB3 FG3]  (NAME = 'Data Partition DB3 FG3',  FILENAME =  'C:\Data2\FG3\Data Partition DB3 FG3.ndf',  SIZE = 5MB,  MAXSIZE=500,  FILEGROWTH=1 ),  FILEGROUP [Data Partition DB3 FG4]  (NAME = 'Data Partition DB3 FG4',  FILENAME =  'C:\Data2\FG4\Data Partition DB3 FG4.ndf',  SIZE = 5MB,  MAXSIZE=500,  FILEGROWTH=1 )  然後建立一個數據表:
USE [Data Partition DB3]  go  CREATE TABLE MyTable  (ID INT NOT NULL,  Date DATETIME,  Cost money ) on [primary]  並建立一個索引
USE [Data Partition DB3]  go  CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX MyTable_IXC  ON MyTable(ID) on [PRIMARY]  接下來往表裏增加數據
USE [Data Partition DB3]  go  declare @count int  set @count =-25  while @count <=100  begin  insert into MyTable select @count,getdate(),100.00  set @count=@count+1  end  set @count =101  while @count <=200  begin  insert into MyTable select @count,getdate(),200.00  set @count=@count+1  end  set @count =201  while @count <=300  begin  insert into MyTable select @count,getdate(),300.00  set @count=@count+1  end  set @count =301  while @count <=400  begin  insert into MyTable select @count,getdate(),400.00  set @count=@count+1  end  set @count =401  while @count <=800  begin  insert into MyTable select @count,getdate(),500.00  set @count=@count+1  end  此時查詢一下,可以看到數據都在一個表裏
select * from sys.partitions where object_name(object_id)='MyTable'
use [Data Partition DB3]  GO  CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [Data Partition Range](int)  AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (100,200,300)  這裏表明分區的原則是四個分區,從負數到100,101-200,201-300,大於300
當然,如果用right for values的話,就是從負數到99,100到199,200-299,和大於300
USE [Data Partition DB3]  go  CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [Data Partition Scheme]  AS PARTITION [Data Partition Range]  TO ([Data Partition DB3 FG1], [Data Partition DB3 FG2], [Data Partition DB3 FG3],[Data Partition DB3 FG4]);  把原來建立好的表,移動到這個表分區裏
Drop index MyTable_IXC on MyTable with (Move To [Data Partition Scheme] (ID) )
select * from sys.partitions where object_name(object_id)='MyTable'
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