




[HOW-TO] Change status bar clock color

Short step by step write-up about how I changed the status bar clock color to red (because I like red )

Standard disclaimer, I don't guarantee anything that might happen after following these steps, and I mean anything!! These steps worked for me and I have tried to include every minute step! My phone is running CM but this should theoretically work on any ROM. But no guarantees.

1. Connect phone using USB and check that you can see your device using: adb devices
2. in your SDK/tools directory from command line do: adb pull /system/framework/services.jar services.jar
3. Make a backup of the services.jar file that just popped in the tools folder just in case!
4. Download smali and baksmali from http://code.google.com/p/smali/ and place them in the tools folder. Rename the files to baksmali.jar and smali.jar to save on typing later
5. Open the services.jar file with something such as winrar or 7zip or whatever you prefer
6. Copy out the classes.dex file to your SKD/tools folder
7. run following from command line: java -jar baksmali.jar -o classout/ classes.dex
8. Now browse to your new folders classout/com/android/server/status
9. Open the file StatusBarIcon.smali in something like notepad or context or any text editor
10. Locate a line that says: .line 46, under this line it should have something like:
const/high16 v6, -0x100
11. Change this to say: const/high16 v6, -0x1
12. Save the file
13. Now back to the command line and from your SDK/tools folder run: java -Xmx512M -jar smali.jar classout/ -o new-classes.dex
14. If the above finishes without errors you should have a file called new-classes.dex in your SDK/tools folder now that is the same size as your classes.dex file.
15. Rename the old classes.dex file to classes-old.dex and rename the new-classes.dex file to classes.dex
16. Open the services.jar file with your archiving tool again from step 5 and replace the existing classes.dex file with our new classes.dex we just created.
17. From command line run: adb remount
18. also from command line: adb push services.jar /system/framework/
19. Finally run: adb shell reboot

Your phone should now restart and after being very very patient (5+ mins i've had) the phone starts and your clock is now Red =o)))

Hope this worked out for you, too tired to change the other texts now...need sleep


ps. Thanks to Cyanogen (in general), XDA-developers and this thread so; Ohsaka and mianosm and JF

Last edited by fxn; 18th August 2009 at 02:02 AM.

nice... will try it out latter today... what would be the code for white color text? does this also modifies notification fonts?



To change it to white just change this line:
const/high16 v6, -0x100
const v6, -0x1



And for the date where is the line?



date is in layout, status_bar.xml



Great write up! My problem is the OS I'm using uses odex files. I'm assuming the part I need to modify is in that file since my services.jar does not have classes.dex and its file size is only 1k. Do you know how to modify the odex file?



.line 45
.local v2, layoutParams:Landroid/widget/LinearLayout$LayoutParams;
const/high16 v6, 0x4180

invoke-virtual {v4, v6}, Landroid/widget/TextView;->setTextSize(F)V

.line 46
const v6, -0xe0e0f

invoke-virtual {v4, v6}, Landroid/widget/TextView;->setTextColor(I)V

.line 47

Ok, I got this far, and this is what I see... Which one is the color? And how do I find the codes for other colors? My clock is white right now... Want to change that...



const/high16 v6, 0x4180 is the color dude, it was answered in the post when some asked whats the code for the color white.





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