

轉載自: http://zqwt.012.blog.163.com/blog/static/1204468420107745836163/



/* Procedure for the assignment of structures, */

/* if the C compiler doesn't support this feature */


  memcpy (d, s, l)


register char *d;

  register char *s;

  register int i;

  while (i--)

  *d++ = *s++;










(4)局部靜態變量不能定義爲寄存器變量。不能寫成:register static int a, b, c;









The storage class specifier register stores a variable’s data in a hardware CPU register (if available) instead of memory.

For example,

the definition

register int num;

uses a register for the integer num.

Only nonstatic, local variables may reside in registers, and C++ uses the same rules for register variable scope and initialization as it does with automatic variables.

You cannot take the address of a register with &, use static with registers, or declare register variables outside of functions.



Register variables are highly machine and compiler dependent.

Many compilers, for instance, allocate registers for only pointers, int, and char data types. Furthermore, your compiler may choose to ignore all of your register declarations or give you a register even if you don’t ask for one! Consult your compiler’s documentation to see how to use register variables effectively.


Why use register variables?

In time-critical code, register variables can improve a program’s performance.

Arithmetic and array subscripting operations inside loops usually execute faster with register variables than with auto or static variables.

Loop variables, pointers, and function parameters are also suitable candidates for register variables.

Registers are a limited resource, so you’ll want to allocate them carefully.

When the compiler runs out of hardware CPU registers, variables that you declare register become automatic.


The following code, for example, uses a register variable to loop through a large array if it’s time to process data.


 if (process) {

  for (register int i = 0; i < huge; i++)


    . . . a[i] . . . 


Inside the for loop, the program declares i as a register variable before it loops through the array. If a register is available, the loop executes faster than it would without one.



What should you do when there are not enough registers?

If this situation arises, declare your registers outside of loops and declare the most important register variables first.

This approach makes the least important variables become local variables if the compiler cannot provide registers.


A good application of this technique is with multidimensional array subscripts. The following code, for example, loops through all the elements of a two-dimensional array of integers declared as b[imax][jmax].


 for (register int i = 0; i < imax; i++) 

   for (register int j = 0; j < jmax; j++)

. . . b[i][j] . . .

The compiler, however, is likely to allocate a register first for i, not j (if only one register is available). The following approach is arguably better and more portable for time-critical code.


register int j;

register int i; 

 for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) 

  for (j = 0; j < jmax; j++)

. . . b[i][j] . . .

Since the second for loop executes more often than the first for loop, it’s more important for the compiler to provide a register for j than for i.

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