Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft® Office 2003系列翻譯(一)

Part I


Chapter 1.  A Quick Tour of Office

第一章 Office快速旅程

Why Office?


There are a handful of key tasks that most people want to accomplish with a computer, particularly in a business setting, and this is probably true of you. For example, it's a good bet that you need to manage your email and contacts, work with letters and other documents, and maybe even keep track of some information in a database. There are no doubt several other tasks you need to perform on a regular basis with your computer.



Microsoft Office is a suite of applications designed to give you the programs you need to accomplish most of your tasks. If you're not familiar at all with Microsoft Office, you might think it's mainly for creating documents. Although Office does include Word to help you create, view, and modify documents, it also includes several other applications, each with a specific purpose. These productivity applications include the following:


  • Word You can use Word to create and manage documents such as reports, letters, research papers, and signs.

  • Outlook You can use Outlook to manage your email, contact list, to-do list, schedule, and other personal or business-related information.

  • Excel You can use Excel to store and analyze mainly numeric information, such as sales, grades, bills, and so on.

  • Access You can use Access to create, view, and modify relational databases. For example, you might track inventory, customers, students, or similar information with a database.

  • PowerPoint You can use PowerPoint to create presentations for meetings, sales calls, classes, and the Web.











There are certainly other programs that let you accomplish these tasks. For example, Microsoft's own Works application suite offers some of the same capabilities as Word, Excel, and Access. Applications from other vendors also offer the same or more advanced features.


So why choose Microsoft Office? Although some would argue that popularity is not a good reason to pick a particular application or suite, Microsoft Office is by far the most popular productivity suite. Why do I think that's important? If you change jobs, it's a good bet that the next company will be using Microsoft Office, so you won't have to learn a new set of applications. If you're a student, learning Office is important because that first job will probably require that you use at least one Office application. It's also likely that the people with whom you need to share documents—whether in your own company or another—will be using Microsoft Office because of its popularity. What's more, Office can import and export in several popular formats to help you share documents with others who do not use Office.


Another important reason Office is a good choice is the integration between the programs. You can easily use data from one Office program in another. For example, you can create a mass mailing in Word by using contacts you have stored in Outlook or in an Access database.


Over the many years it has been in development, Office has become easier to use. That's particularly true with this latest edition. Lots of wizards, a streamlined user interface, good Help documentation, and other features (not to mention this book!) will help you get up to speed with all your Office applications.


Although Microsoft Office doesn't do everything, it can probably handle a big portion of the things you need to do in a given day. Add in a few special-purpose applications, including a nice streaming audio player for your favorite online radio station, and your day is set!


Back Up Anything You Can't Lose


Unless you haven't used your old copy of Office, you probably have at least some documents on the computer that you wouldn't want to lose. Maybe they are letters or reports you created in Office, email messages or contacts stored in Outlook, or Access databases. Whatever the case, you should back up these documents. It's unlikely that upgrading to Office 2003 will cause any of those documents to be lost, but why take the chance?


The documents can be almost anywhere on your computer, so unless you've been really conscientious about organizing your documents, you should search the hard disks for them. Here's a list of the file types for which you should search:


  • .DOC and .DOT .DOC files are documents, and .DOT files are templates that help define the look and content of a .DOC file. Both are created with Word.

  • .XLS These are Excel spreadsheet files.

  • .PPT These are PowerPoint presentation files.

  • .PST and .OST .PST files are personal folder files that store Outlook data (email, contacts, and so on). .OST files are offline store files used in conjunction with Exchange Server mailboxes. They enable you to work with Outlook data when you can't connect to your Exchange Server.

  • .MDB These are Access database files. You'll probably find a few .MDB files on your computer that you didn't create. Many programs, Office included, use Access databases to store content and other information.











In general, you can back up to any medium, including another hard disk, a floppy disk, ZIP media, and recordable CD (CD-R). If you back up to a CD-R and later have to restore the files from the CD to your hard disk, you just need to remember to change the file attributes so that the files are no longer read-only. You right-click a file or folder and choose Properties to change the read-only attribute.



In Windows 2000, you can select Start, Search, For Files or Folders to begin searching for files on your computer. In Windows XP, you can select Start, Search to open the Search Companion pane, and then click All Files and Folders to begin searching for document files.

在Windows 2000中,你可以選擇開始,搜索文件或文件夾來開始搜索你的電腦。而在Windows XP中,你可以選擇開始,搜索來打開搜索面板,然後點擊全部文件及文件夾來搜索文檔。

Clean Up the Computer


No, this doesn't mean wiping the grime off the top of the monitor, although that's not a bad idea. Before installing Office, you should take the time to defragment the computer's hard disk. Setup is going to copy a ton of files to your computer, and having the disk in good shape will make for a faster installation and better performance afterward.


You can find the Disk Defragmenter by selecting Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools. You can also right-click a drive in My Computer, choose Properties, and click the Tools tab in the System Properties dialog box to access the Disk Defragmenter.



A disk that is fragmented has pieces of its files scattered across the hard disk. Defragmenting a drive rewrites the files into contiguous space on the disk, providing quicker disk access and ultimately better performance.


Working with Letters and More with Word


Letters, reports, and similar correspondence are the mainstay of business, and creating them is one of the most common tasks you're likely to perform with Office. I've been using Word since version 1, which first saw the light of day around 1983. 


Word isn't limited to creating just letters and boring, dry reports. Word includes several templates and wizards to help you quickly and easily create legal pleadings, faxes, Web pages, memos, agendas, resumes, brochures, manuals, directories, and lots more. Anything that gets read on paper or online can probably be created with Word.


Document and Font Formatting


Word gives you control over almost every aspect of how a paragraph or even a single letter appears in a document. You can control paragraph spacing, indents, justification, and more. You can use different fonts, colors, sizes, and other properties for characters in a document. The result is that you have the ability to control to a fine degree how a document looks onscreen as well as how it looks on paper or online.



The following sections explore just a few of Word's main features. There are many others not listed here that are included in Word and discussed inPart III, "Writing with Word."

下面這幾部分概述了Word的主要功能,還有許多沒有提及的功能將會在第三部 - 使用Word寫作 中探討。


Chapter 10, "Adding Pizzazz with Word," explains how to add formatting to a document.

第十章,Word如風 將會講述如何向文檔添加格式。

Word also makes it easy to add tables and columns to a document. You can draw tables with the mouse or simply tell Word how many columns and rows you want and let it do the work for you. In either case, you can merge table cells, change cell width and height, and make lots of other changes after the fact. You can also use Word's AutoFormatfeatures to automatically format the appearance of a table.




If you frequently work on a particular type of document, you'll find thatdocument styles are a very handy Word feature. Styles let you apply complex formatting to a paragraph and its contents with just a few mouse clicks. You can create a collection of styles and save them as a template, which you can then use to create documents. Templates make it easy to create and use styles in multiple documents, such as one book to another.


See Chapter 10 to learn about templates and styles.


Spelling and Grammar


Some people are whizzes at spelling; others find it a real challenge. Everyone has problems with certain words. With Word, you can concentrate on writing and let Word concentrate on spelling. Word has an extensive dictionary and can check your spelling for you as you type, underlining in red words it doesn't recognize. Word can also correct misspelled and mistyped words automatically to save you time.


Word can also check your grammar and prose style, offering suggestions about sentence fragments, awkward sentence structure, and so on. Word underlines in green words or phrases for which it has grammar suggestions.


Chapter 13, "Checking Spelling and Grammar," explains how to set up and use Word's spelling and grammar features.

第十三章 拼寫和語法檢查 講述如何設置和使用Word的拼寫和語法功能。

If you work in a field that has special terminology, you'll be happy to know that Word can use custom dictionaries to help you with spelling of words that are not contained in the default dictionary. You can also create your own dictionary entries and control lots of other aspects of how Word checks spelling and grammar (including turning off both features).


Outlining and the Document Map


Working with a long document can be a real chore if there's not a good outline. Word offers some great features that help you create an outline and work within a long document.


See Chapter 9 to learn how to create and work with outlines. Word offers several shortcuts for creating an outline. For example, you can press Ctrl+Alt+<arrow>, where <arrow> is the left or right arrow key, to promote or demote an outline head. Word also provides paragraph styles for easy outlining, the ability to automatically number an outline by using different numbering styles, and the ability to easily expand and collapse the outline to navigate through it and work with specific sections.


Crunching Numbers with Excel


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application. You mainly use Excel to keep track of and analyze numeric information such as grades, sales figures, budgets, bills to pay, and so on. However, you can also use Excel to store and sort other types of information.


Working with Numbers and Formulas


The thing you'll most often do with Excel is enter numbers and then use formulas to analyze those numbers. A very simple example is adding a column of numbers to determine the total value of some office assets.


Excel makes it easy to enter information and perform math operations and other manipulation on the information. It gives you quick access to common operations such as Sum, Average, Count, and many more in several different categories, including Financial, Date & Time, and Math & Trig. You can quickly add simple calculations or build very complex formulas to analyze or process information in the way you need.


Chapter 17, "Once Around the Worksheet,"introduces you to spreadsheets, andChapter 18, "From Simple Addition to What-ifs: Formulas," explains how to add formulas to spreadsheets.

第十七章 繞工作表一週 將會介紹電子表格,而第十八章 從簡單的加法到公式 將會介紹向表格添加公式。

Using Charts and Graphs


Excel isn't limited to just numbers. You can also add text and other types of data, including charts and graphs. Excel offers some great charting and graphing features that make it easy to add those elements to a spreadsheet. In most cases, you just highlight a range of information, select a command from the menu, and set a few options, and you have a great-looking chart or graph.


The charts and graphs you create in Excel don't have to stay in Excel. You can easily import them into Word or other applications to create reports, Web pages, and other types of documents.


Using Slide Shows and Presentations with PowerPoint


PowerPoint, another of the applications included with Microsoft Office, helps you create presentations and slide shows for meetings, classes, sales presentations, and so on.


Each slide in a presentation can contain text, images, and even rich media such as video and audio clips. By supporting these types of media, PowerPoint makes it possible to create rich, professional-looking presentations that you can present to a live audience or broadcast across a local network or the Internet. PowerPoint is also a handy tool when you just want to create a set of printed handouts.


PowerPoint includes lots of templates with predefined backgrounds and themes that you can use to create presentations with very little effort. You can also create and use your own themes.


See Part V, "Creating Presentations in PowerPoint," to learn how to create presentations by using PowerPoint.

參見 第五部 在PowerPoint中創建演示稿 ,其中講述瞭如何使用PowerPoint創建演示文稿。

The Absolute Minimum


Microsoft Office is by far the most popular productivity suite on the market, and it has been for a long time. Understanding how to use Office applications is probably not only important to you today, but it could be important in the future if you change jobs. Most jobs involve using at least one Office application.


Each of the applications in the Office suite is geared toward a particular type of task. For example, you might use Word to create a written report, Excel to analyze sales figures, and PowerPoint to present information in a sales meeting. One of the best things going for Office is the ease with which it enables you to use the same data in different ways and different applications.


Now, flip that page, and let's get Office started on your computer!


Chapter 2. Office Basics

第二章 Office基礎


Chapter 3. Help!

第三章 幫我!






下一篇直接進入主題,從第三部 寫Word 開始翻譯,第二部講Outlook的使用,暫不翻譯,因爲其實Outlook常用的功能比較簡單,就是個郵箱。。。


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