Tortoise CVS圖標顯示不正確或不顯示的解決方案

之前一直留意到我的Tortoise CVS中文件的圖標顯示的不正確,比如未修改的文件上帶一個綠色的對勾,修改了的文件應該帶一個紅色的標記,沒有在Tortoise CVS庫中的文件應該帶一個藍色的問號的圖標。但是我發現我的文件夾中除了未修改的文件帶了一個綠色的對勾,其它的類型的文件,都沒有相應的顯示。今天無意中看到,一個說法,Windows中只能顯示15種Overlay的文件Icon,Overlay Ico簡單的說就是實現TortoiseCVS把自己的各種小圖標疊加到系統本身的文件圖標上的方法。因爲我的機器中已經裝了一個Tortoise SVN了,肯定是Overlay的圖標太多了,試着把Tortoise SVN給卸載了,問題果然好了。

TortoiseSVN 文件夾圖標不顯示

July 16th, 2010 | Tags: 文件夾圖標

Windows can only show a limited number of Overlay Icons (15 total, 11 after what Windows uses). Programs like Office Groove, Dropbox, Mozy, Carbonite, etc, will hijack a bunch of the 11 possible overlay icons (boy would it be nice if Microsoft upped the number of these as the number of applications that use them seem to increase and increase)…

You can see what overlays are set up, and change them (at your own risk) in the registry here:


If you are using TortoiseCVS (and have nothing else using overlay icons), you will get a couple of TortoiseSVN Icons, and all of your TortoiseCVS icons. This is because the overlay icons are used in alphabetical order. Again, at your own risk (editing the registry may blow up your computer, yada, yada, yada — and if you are reading Stack Overflow and using Windows and haven’t edited the registry, you are a rare beast indeed), feel free to rename them (I suggest putting numbers in front of the ones you want to use and “z_”‘s prefixed to the ones you don’t need). The TortoiseSVN Shell extensions are nicely named so you know what they do, the TortoiseCVS extensions are not. After looking through the source code, I found the pertinent information:

  • TortoiseCVS0In CVS
  • TortoiseCVS1Not in CVS
  • TortoiseCVS3Conflicted
  • TortoiseCVS4In CVS readonly
  • TortoiseCVS5Ignored
  • TortoiseCVS6Added
  • TortoiseCVS7Deleted
  • TortoiseCVS8Locked



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