
If you are a Linux Developer in search of great resources, then look no further. Here you will find the best of the best.


Developing for Linux can be a lonely life. If you have the need to feel connected to a larger commuity(原文有誤,應爲community) of developers, or you just need help with a tricky part, then these sites can help you out. After all, no matter how good a developer is, he cannot be an island unto himself. Of course, if you are that good, you can still enjoy the company of your peers. You could also spend quality time impressing others with how prolific your skills are. Maybe, you will get a chance to do both. Enjoy the listing.


Kernel 內核

Granted, you can't get into this site unless you are coding for the Kernel, but if you get in you will have a lot of fun. Just remember that it never hurts to ask members to recommend you, if you want to get in.


Source Forge 開源鐵匠鋪

This site is your go to for all things Linux code. You will be able to find just about anything that you want (or need) on this site. It has something for every coder and every language under the Linux sun.


The Linux Foundation Linux基金會

This site is more about companionship and collaboration, than it is about specifics of code. Any developer who wants to network, or who has a family full of glassy-eyed zombies from listening to you talk about code, will want to check this one out.


Mozilla 謀智

Sure, they spend a lot of time talking about propriatry(原文有誤,應爲 proprietary?) projects, but they are a lot of fun anyway.


Linux Game Development Center Linux遊戲開發中心

Come on, you know that you want to have fun. Go ahead, and make a game.


IBM Developer Works: Linux IBM開發者工場:Linux

If you are in search of a more structured and professional enviroment(原文有誤,應爲environment?), then Developer Works may be the way to go.


Linux Dev Center Linux開發中心

This site has a wide range of articles written by experts that can help developers of all levels.


The LInux Magazine Site Linux雜誌網站

Sure, you could buy the magazine, but you can get a lot of the same information for free on the site.


Fresh Meat 鮮肉

Its a good site for the newbie to intermediate developer. It features both articles and a blog with fresh content every week.


GNU Coding Standards GNU編碼標準

If you need the very basic information, or just a refresher of the standards, then this site can help you out.


Enjoy the site, and have a great time. Just remember the proper forum ettiquette(原文有誤,應爲etiquette).


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