A search spider i…


Posted: March 19, 2012 Author: Deepak Prasanna | Filed under: Uncategorized |Leave a comment

When I first looked at Nokogiri, it was a redefining moment(atleast for me!) on how to screen scrap. Recently I found my love with cucumber and capybara-webkit. For newbies to capybara-webkit, it is a capybara driver which simulates a webkit browser for running tests. Perks? You get a simulated browser running in a headless mode, it supports javascript and its bloody fast! For more info, please checkout a previous article on how to get started. I was extremely bored this weekend, and all of a sudden an idea was born. I created a simple search spider using capybara-webkit which would fetch search results from google. And here is how I did it.

require 'ruby gems' 

require 'capybara' 

require 'capybara/dsl' 

require 'capybara-webkit' 

Capybara.run_server = false 

Capybara.current_driver = :webkit 

Capybara.app_host = "http://www.google.com/"  

module Spider 

 class Google 

 include Capybara::DSL 

 def search 


 fill_in "q", :with => ARGV[0] || "I love Ruby!" 

 click_button "Google Search" 

 all("li.g h3").each do |h3| 

 a = h3.find("a") 

 puts "#{h3.text}  =>  #{a[:href]}" 





 spider = Spider::Google.new 

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