遠程刷 HP server iLO flash

一臺n年的老機器 HP DL380 出現故障,訪問 iLO 時出現以下錯誤提示:


The iLO firmware is in a network flash recovery state.
Refer to the iLO network flash recovery under the trouble shooting section in the iLO users guide.


找了一下,沒找到其中提到的 iLO user guide,然後google了一下,搜到這個。


其中詳細說明了如何遠程刷 iLO 的flash


iLO Flash recovery:

1.       Using an FTP client (or just command line FTP program) connect to the iLO IP address:

ftp  iLO_ip_address

2. Login as user flash and password recovery

Name (iLO_ip_address:root): flash
331 Password required.
Password: recovery
231 User name accepted.

3. Send the latest ilo binary file to the device:

ftp> put ilo194.bin
local: ilo194.bin remote: ilo194.bin
200 OK.
150 ready to take file.
426 Data Connection: File write error.
2102359 bytes sent in 3 seconds (7e+02 Kbytes/s)


關機,然後再啓動,這樣就應該好了。網上也有人說 1.94版的這個bin 有問題,如果 1.94 不能正常工作,就刷1.93吧,我是用1.94的,下載地址在這裏


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