Lotus script實現讀多個郵件,併合並在一起發出去

Dim session As NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim emaillog As NotesLog

Const SUBJECT = "MQ Monitor mail: "

Const Mailstart = "Dear all,"
Const mailSignature = "Your sincerely"

Const LOGMAILSUBJECT = "MQ Monitor generator tool status log"

Const ROWS = 8
Const COLS = 1

Dim folders(8) As String
Dim subjects(8) As String 
Dim lables(8) As String

 Sub InitializeVariables
 Description: Comments for Sub
Sub InitializeVariables
 emaillog.logAction("Start of InitializeVariables.")
 folders(0) = "CHECK"
 folders(1) = "CHECK"
 folders(2) = "CHECK"
 folders(3) = "CHECK"
 folders(4) = "CHECK"
 folders(5) = "CHECK"
 folders(6) = "MQMonitorConfig"
 folders(7) = "MQMonitorConfig"
 subjects(0) = "hub_check"
 subjects(1) = "info_check"
 subjects(2) = "Check (GHO)"
 subjects(3) = "Gateway check"
 subjects(4) = "Hourly_Status"
 subjects(5) = "MQ Status Check"
 subjects(6) = "Failed Queue Depth History"
 subjects(7) = "Guide & Attention"
 lables(0) = "ACheck"
 lables(1) = "BCheck"
 lables(2) = "CCheck"
 lables(3) = "DCheck"
 lables(4) = "ECheck"
 lables(5) = "FCheck"
 lables(6) = "Failed Queue Depth History"
 lables(7) = "Guide & Attention" 

 emaillog.logAction("End of InitializeVariables.")
End Sub


Sub Initialize
 Set session = New NotesSession
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 REM Create a email log
 Set emaillog = New NotesLog("email log")
 Call emaillog.openMailLog(session.UserName, LOGMAILSUBJECT)
 emaillog.logAction("Start of Agent.") 
 Call InitializeVariables
 Call SendMQMonitorMail
 emaillog.logAction("End of Agent.")
End Sub

Sub Terminate
End Sub

 Function SendMQMonitorMail
 Description: Comments for Function
Sub SendMQMonitorMail
 emaillog.logAction("Start of SendMQMonitorMail......")
 emaillog.logAction("The user name is: " & session.CommonUserName )
 emaillog.logAction("The user id is: " & session.UserName )
 REM Create a notes mail
 Dim doc As New NotesDocument(db)
 Call doc.AppendItemValue("From", session.UserName)
 Call doc.AppendItemValue("Form", "Main Form")
 REM Set subject with timestamp
 Call doc.AppendItemValue("Subject", SUBJECT & GetGMTTime)
 emaillog.logAction("mail document created successfully.")
 Dim body As New NotesRichTextItem(doc, "Body")
 Call body.AppendText(Mailstart)
 Call body.AddNewLine(2)
 Call body.AppendText("    Working fine?")
 Call body.AddNewLine(2) 
 REM Create table
 Call body.AppendTable(ROWS, COLS, lables)
 emaillog.logAction("Table created successfully.")
 Dim rtnav As NotesRichTextNavigator
 Set rtnav = body.CreateNavigator
 Call rtnav.FindFirstElement(RTELEM_TYPE_TABLECELL)
 REM Set content of table cells
 emaillog.logAction("Start to set content of table cells.")
 Dim i As Integer
 For i% = 1 To ROWS
  emaillog.logAction("Generating content for lable: " & lables(i - 1))
  Call body.BeginInsert(rtnav)
  Call body.AppendText(getMailContent(folders(i - 1), subjects(i - 1)) )
  Call body.EndInsert
  Call rtnav.FindNextElement(RTELEM_TYPE_TABLECELL)
 REM Set mail signature         
 Call body.AddNewLine(2) 
 Call body.AppendText(mailSignature)
 Call body.AddNewLine(2) 
 emaillog.logAction("Sending mail......")
 Call doc.send(True, session.UserName)
 emaillog.logAction("End of SendMQMonitorMail.")
End Sub

 Function GetMailContent
 Description: Comments for Function
Function GetMailContent(ByVal viewName As String, ByVal subject As String) As String
 emaillog.logAction("Start of getMailContent.")
 Dim view As NotesView
 Set view = db.GetView(viewName)
 Dim doc As NotesDocument
 Set doc = view.Getfirstdocument()

 Dim mailContent As String
 If doc.HasItem("Subject") Then
  While Not(doc Is Nothing)
   Dim subj As NotesItem
   Set subj = doc.GetFirstItem("Subject")
   If subj.text = subject Then
       emaillog.logAction("Found the subject:" & subject)
    Dim body As NotesRichTextItem
    Set body = doc.GetFirstItem("Body")

       mailContent = body.Text
       GoTo endofMailcontent
      End If
      Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
 End If

 emaillog.logAction("End of getMailContent.")
 GetMailContent = mailContent
End Function


 Function GetGMTTime
 Description: Comments for Function
Function GetGMTTime() As String
 Dim dateTime As NotesDateTime
 Set dateTime = session.CreateDateTime(Time()) 
 GetGMTTime = dateTime.GMTTime
End Function

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