
 大一學習C語言的時候就想要用Turbo C編寫一個視頻小遊戲出來,種種原因後面擱淺了,現在藉着學習Linux系統編程的勁頭,編寫了一個終端下可以運行的貪喫蛇遊戲,其中此視頻遊戲用到的一些知識和操作系統運行時候的一些簡單功能有點類似,引用《Unix/Linux 編程實踐教程》(Bruce Molay著)裏面所介紹的視頻遊戲一般的編寫以及同操作系統的關係的原文如下:









  本貪喫蛇實現的功能是通過喫食物來增長自己的長度,可以利用按鍵 'f' 實現加速和 's' 鍵實現減速, 'q' 鍵退出,方向鍵控制方向,蛇要是碰到自己的身體或者碰到牆或者喫到一定數量,那麼遊戲就結束。功能還是挺簡單的吧,下面就介紹下各個步驟的設計:

  1.首先要使用終端圖形庫curses.h文件,由於不是C標準庫,一般電腦不會自帶,需要自行下載安裝,ubuntu下可以這麼下載  sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev  已經替換成ncurses.h 即 new curses.h的意思,完全兼容curses。介紹下此遊戲需要用到的常見的幾個curses函數。


initscr() 初始化curses庫和tty
endwin() 關閉curses並重置tty
refresh() 刷新屏幕顯示
mvaddch(y,x,c) 在座標(y,x)處顯示字符c
mvaddstr(y,x,str) 在座標(y,x)處顯示字符串str
cbreak() 開啓輸入立即響應
noecho() 輸入不回顯到屏幕
curs_set(0) 使光標不可見
attrset() 開啓圖形顯示模式
keypad(stdscr, true) 開啓小鍵盤方向鍵輸入捕捉支持


更詳細的可以  man ncurses   或者參見http://bbs.chinaunix.net/viewthread.php?tid=909369



首先是頭文件 snake.h的代碼:由於在純文本模式下編程以及本人英語水平有限,可能有的註釋比較彆扭。


/* Game: snake		version: 1.0	date:2011/08/22
 * Author: Dream Fly
 * filename: snake.h

#define SNAKE_SYMBOL	'@'		/* snake body and food symbol */
#define FOOD_SYMBOL		'*'
#define MAX_NODE		30		/* maximum snake nodes */
#define DFL_SPEED		50		/* snake default speed */
#define TOP_ROW		5			/* top_row */
#define BOT_ROW		LINES - 1
#define LEFT_EDGE	0
#define RIGHT_EDGE	COLS - 1

typedef struct node			/* Snake_node structure */
	int x_pos;
	int y_pos;
	struct node *prev;
	struct node *next;
} Snake_Node;

struct position				/* food position structure */
	int x_pos;
	int y_pos;
} ;
void Init_Disp();			/* init and display the interface */
void Food_Disp();			/* display the food position */
void Wrap_Up();				/* turn off the curses */
void Key_Ctrl();			/* using keyboard to control snake */
int set_ticker(int n_msecs);/* ticker */

void DLL_Snake_Create();	/* create double linked list*/
void DLL_Snake_Insert(int x, int y);	/* insert node */
void DLL_Snake_Delete_Node();	/* delete a node */
void DLL_Snake_Delete();		/* delete all the linked list */

void Snake_Move();			/* control the snake move and judge */
void gameover(int n);		/* different n means different state */


/* Function: Init_Disp()
 * Usage: init and display the interface
 * Return: none
void Init_Disp()
	char wall = ' ';
	int i, j;
	cbreak();				/* put termial to CBREAK mode */
	curs_set(0);			/* set cursor invisible */

	/* display some message about title and wall */
	attrset(A_NORMAL);		/* set NORMAL first */
	attron(A_REVERSE);		/* turn on REVERSE to display the wall */
	for(i = 0; i < LINES; i++)
		mvaddch(i, LEFT_EDGE, wall);
		mvaddch(i, RIGHT_EDGE, wall);
	for(j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
		mvaddch(0, j, '=');
		mvaddch(TOP_ROW, j, wall);
		mvaddch(BOT_ROW, j, wall);
	attroff(A_REVERSE);		/* turn off REVERSE */
	mvaddstr(1, 2, "Game: snake    version: 1.0    date: 2011/08/22");
	mvaddstr(2, 2, "Author: Dream Fly	Blog: blog.csdn.net/jjzhoujun2010");
	mvaddstr(3, 2, "Usage: Press 'f' to speed up, 's' to speed down,'q' to quit.");
    mvaddstr(4, 2, "       Nagivation key controls snake moving.");

/* Function: Food_Disp()
 * Usage: display food position
 * Return: none
void Food_Disp()
	food.x_pos = rand() % (COLS - 2) + 1;
	food.y_pos = rand() % (LINES - TOP_ROW - 2) + TOP_ROW + 1;
	mvaddch(food.y_pos, food.x_pos, FOOD_SYMBOL);/* display the food */

/* Function: DLL_Snake_Create()
 * Usage: create double linked list, and display the snake first node
 * Return: none
void DLL_Snake_Create()
	Snake_Node *temp = (Snake_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Snake_Node));
	head = (Snake_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Snake_Node));
	tail = (Snake_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Snake_Node));
	if(temp == NULL || head == NULL || tail == NULL)
	temp->x_pos = 5;
	temp->y_pos = 10;
	head->prev =NULL;
	tail->next = NULL;
	head->next = temp;
	temp->next = tail;
	tail->prev = temp;
	temp->prev = head;
	mvaddch(temp->y_pos, temp->x_pos, SNAKE_SYMBOL);

  3.接下來就是蛇的移動問題,這個是核心部分以及最困難的設計部分了,我採用的是蛇用雙向鏈表的結構來構造出來,分別有一個head 和tail指針,用來添加和刪除元素。這裏若要實現移動的話(未碰到食物前),就是在鏈表的頭部(head的下一個)插入一個新元素,記錄下此時的座標,用mvaddch(y,x,c)函數添加蛇的圖形'@',與此同時,在鏈表尾部(tail的前一個)刪除一個節點,同時這裏的座標用mvaddch(y,x, ' ')添加了' '空白字符,實現刪除效果,最後加上refresh(). 這樣就可以看到蛇在“移動”了。當然,要是碰到食物的話,尾部節點處就不用刪除,達到增長長度的效果。


  那麼,接下來的問題是:如何觸發蛇的移動呢?如何實現均勻移動以及通過按鍵 ‘f’ 或 's' 改變運動速度呢?這裏我採用的是信號計時中斷調用的函數  signal(SIGALRM, Snake_Move) 和 間隔計數器 來實現,通過產生相同間隔的時間片段來不斷地調用Snake_Move()函數來執行相應的功能。加減速的功能是通過設定其他變量ttm, ttg來實現再此基本計數器上面再次分頻的效果來加減速,ttm, ttg 越大,減速越明顯,反之則相反效果。  具體的間隔計數器的函數設計見下:(參考了以上所提書本上的函數)


/* Function: set_ticker(number_of_milliseconds)
 * Usage: arrange for interval timer to issue SIGALRM's at regular intervals
 * Return: -1 on error, 0 for ok
 * arg in milliseconds, converted into whole seconds and microseconds
 * note: set_ticker(0) turns off ticker
int set_ticker(int n_msecs)
	struct itimerval new_timeset;
	long n_sec, n_usecs;

	n_sec = n_msecs / 1000;					/* int second part */
	n_usecs = (n_msecs % 1000) * 1000L;		/* microsecond part */

	new_timeset.it_interval.tv_sec = n_sec;	/* set reload */
	new_timeset.it_interval.tv_usec = n_usecs;

	new_timeset.it_value.tv_sec = n_sec;	/* set new ticker value */
	new_timeset.it_value.tv_usec = n_usecs;

	return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &new_timeset, NULL);



void Snake_Move()
	static int length = 1;		/* length of snake */
	int Length_Flag = 0;		/* default snake's length no change */
	int moved = 0;
	signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
	/* judge if the snake crash the wall */
	if((head->next->x_pos == RIGHT_EDGE-1 && x_dir == 1) 
		|| (head->next->x_pos == LEFT_EDGE+1 && x_dir == -1)
		|| (head->next->y_pos == TOP_ROW+1 && y_dir == -1)
		|| (head->next->y_pos == BOT_ROW-1 && y_dir == 1))
	/* judge if the snake crash itself */
	if(mvinch(head->next->y_pos + y_dir, head->next->x_pos + x_dir) == '@')

	if(ttm > 0 && ttg-- == 1)
		/* snake moves */
		DLL_Snake_Insert(head->next->x_pos + x_dir, head->next->y_pos + y_dir);
		ttg = ttm;		/* reset */
		moved = 1;		/* snake can move */
		/* snake eat the food */
		if(head->next->x_pos == food.x_pos && head->next->y_pos == food.y_pos)
			Length_Flag = 1;
			/* Mission Complete */
			if(length >= MAX_NODE)
			/* reset display the food randomly */
		if(Length_Flag == 0)
			/* delete the tail->prev node */
			mvaddch(tail->prev->y_pos, tail->prev->x_pos, ' ');
		mvaddch(head->next->y_pos, head->next->x_pos, SNAKE_SYMBOL);
	signal(SIGALRM, Snake_Move);




/* Game: snake		version: 1.0	date:2011/08/22
 * Author: Dream Fly
 * filename: snake.h

#define SNAKE_SYMBOL	'@'		/* snake body and food symbol */
#define FOOD_SYMBOL		'*'
#define MAX_NODE		30		/* maximum snake nodes */
#define DFL_SPEED		50		/* snake default speed */
#define TOP_ROW		5			/* top_row */
#define BOT_ROW		LINES - 1
#define LEFT_EDGE	0
#define RIGHT_EDGE	COLS - 1

typedef struct node			/* Snake_node structure */
	int x_pos;
	int y_pos;
	struct node *prev;
	struct node *next;
} Snake_Node;

struct position				/* food position structure */
	int x_pos;
	int y_pos;
} ;
void Init_Disp();			/* init and display the interface */
void Food_Disp();			/* display the food position */
void Wrap_Up();				/* turn off the curses */
void Key_Ctrl();			/* using keyboard to control snake */
int set_ticker(int n_msecs);/* ticker */

void DLL_Snake_Create();	/* create double linked list*/
void DLL_Snake_Insert(int x, int y);	/* insert node */
void DLL_Snake_Delete_Node();	/* delete a node */
void DLL_Snake_Delete();		/* delete all the linked list */

void Snake_Move();			/* control the snake move and judge */
void gameover(int n);		/* different n means different state */


/* Filename: snake.c 	version:1.0 	date: 2011/08/22
 * Author: Dream Fly 	blog: blog.csdn.net/jjzhoujun2010
 * Usage: 'f' means speed up, 's' means speed down, 'q' means quit;
 * Navigation key controls the snake moving. 
 * Compile: gcc snake.c -lncurses -o snake


struct position food;		/* food position */
Snake_Node *head, *tail;	/* double linked list's head and tail */
int x_dir = 1, y_dir = 0;	/* init dirction of the snake moving */
int ttm = 5, ttg = 5;			/* two timers defined to control speed */

void main(void)
	Init_Disp();			/* init and display the interface */
	Food_Disp();			/* display food */
	DLL_Snake_Create();		/* create double linked list and display snake*/
	signal(SIGALRM, Snake_Move);
	Key_Ctrl();				/* using keyboard to control snake */
	Wrap_Up();				/* turn off the curses */

/* Function: Init_Disp()
 * Usage: init and display the interface
 * Return: none
void Init_Disp()
	char wall = ' ';
	int i, j;
	cbreak();				/* put termial to CBREAK mode */
	curs_set(0);			/* set cursor invisible */

	/* display some message about title and wall */
	attrset(A_NORMAL);		/* set NORMAL first */
	attron(A_REVERSE);		/* turn on REVERSE to display the wall */
	for(i = 0; i < LINES; i++)
		mvaddch(i, LEFT_EDGE, wall);
		mvaddch(i, RIGHT_EDGE, wall);
	for(j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
		mvaddch(0, j, '=');
		mvaddch(TOP_ROW, j, wall);
		mvaddch(BOT_ROW, j, wall);
	attroff(A_REVERSE);		/* turn off REVERSE */
	mvaddstr(1, 2, "Game: snake    version: 1.0    date: 2011/08/22");
	mvaddstr(2, 2, "Author: Dream Fly	Blog: blog.csdn.net/jjzhoujun2010");
	mvaddstr(3, 2, "Usage: Press 'f' to speed up, 's' to speed down,'q' to quit.");
    mvaddstr(4, 2, "       Nagivation key controls snake moving.");

/* Function: Food_Disp()
 * Usage: display food position
 * Return: none
void Food_Disp()
	food.x_pos = rand() % (COLS - 2) + 1;
	food.y_pos = rand() % (LINES - TOP_ROW - 2) + TOP_ROW + 1;
	mvaddch(food.y_pos, food.x_pos, FOOD_SYMBOL);/* display the food */

/* Function: DLL_Snake_Create()
 * Usage: create double linked list, and display the snake first node
 * Return: none
void DLL_Snake_Create()
	Snake_Node *temp = (Snake_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Snake_Node));
	head = (Snake_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Snake_Node));
	tail = (Snake_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Snake_Node));
	if(temp == NULL || head == NULL || tail == NULL)
	temp->x_pos = 5;
	temp->y_pos = 10;
	head->prev =NULL;
	tail->next = NULL;
	head->next = temp;
	temp->next = tail;
	tail->prev = temp;
	temp->prev = head;
	mvaddch(temp->y_pos, temp->x_pos, SNAKE_SYMBOL);

/* Function: Snake_Move()
 * Usage: use Navigation key to control snake moving, and judge
 * if the snake touch the food.
 * Return:
void Snake_Move()
	static int length = 1;		/* length of snake */
	int Length_Flag = 0;		/* default snake's length no change */
	int moved = 0;
	signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
	/* judge if the snake crash the wall */
	if((head->next->x_pos == RIGHT_EDGE-1 && x_dir == 1) 
		|| (head->next->x_pos == LEFT_EDGE+1 && x_dir == -1)
		|| (head->next->y_pos == TOP_ROW+1 && y_dir == -1)
		|| (head->next->y_pos == BOT_ROW-1 && y_dir == 1))
	/* judge if the snake crash itself */
	if(mvinch(head->next->y_pos + y_dir, head->next->x_pos + x_dir) == '@')

	if(ttm > 0 && ttg-- == 1)
		/* snake moves */
		DLL_Snake_Insert(head->next->x_pos + x_dir, head->next->y_pos + y_dir);
		ttg = ttm;		/* reset */
		moved = 1;		/* snake can move */
		/* snake eat the food */
		if(head->next->x_pos == food.x_pos && head->next->y_pos == food.y_pos)
			Length_Flag = 1;
			/* Mission Complete */
			if(length >= MAX_NODE)
			/* reset display the food randomly */
		if(Length_Flag == 0)
			/* delete the tail->prev node */
			mvaddch(tail->prev->y_pos, tail->prev->x_pos, ' ');
		mvaddch(head->next->y_pos, head->next->x_pos, SNAKE_SYMBOL);
	signal(SIGALRM, Snake_Move);

/* Function: set_ticker(number_of_milliseconds)
 * Usage: arrange for interval timer to issue SIGALRM's at regular intervals
 * Return: -1 on error, 0 for ok
 * arg in milliseconds, converted into whole seconds and microseconds
 * note: set_ticker(0) turns off ticker
int set_ticker(int n_msecs)
	struct itimerval new_timeset;
	long n_sec, n_usecs;

	n_sec = n_msecs / 1000;					/* int second part */
	n_usecs = (n_msecs % 1000) * 1000L;		/* microsecond part */

	new_timeset.it_interval.tv_sec = n_sec;	/* set reload */
	new_timeset.it_interval.tv_usec = n_usecs;

	new_timeset.it_value.tv_sec = n_sec;	/* set new ticker value */
	new_timeset.it_value.tv_usec = n_usecs;

	return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &new_timeset, NULL);

/* Function: Wrap_Up()
 * Usage: turn off the curses
 * Return: none
void Wrap_Up()
	set_ticker(0);		/* turn off the timer */

/* Function: Key_Ctrl()
 * Usage: using keyboard to control snake action; 'f' means speed up,
 * 's' means speed down, 'q' means quit, navigation key control direction.
 * Return: none
void Key_Ctrl()
	int c;
	keypad(stdscr, true);		/* use little keyboard Navigation Key */
	while(c = getch(), c != 'q')
		if(c == 'f')
			if(ttm == 1)
		else if(c == 's')
			if(ttm == 8)
		if(c == KEY_LEFT)
			if(tail->prev->prev->prev != NULL && x_dir == 1 && y_dir == 0)
				continue; /* it can't turn reverse when snake have length */
			x_dir = -1;
			y_dir = 0;
		else if(c == KEY_RIGHT)
			if(tail->prev->prev->prev != NULL && x_dir == -1 && y_dir == 0)
			x_dir = 1;
			y_dir = 0;
		else if(c == KEY_UP)
			if(tail->prev->prev->prev != NULL && x_dir == 0 && y_dir == 1)
			x_dir = 0;
			y_dir = -1;
		else if(c == KEY_DOWN)
			if(tail->prev->prev->prev != NULL && x_dir == 0 && y_dir == -1)
			x_dir = 0;
			y_dir = 1;

/* Function: DLL_Snake_Insert(int x, int y)
 * Usage: Insert node in the snake.
 * Return: none
void DLL_Snake_Insert(int x, int y)
	Snake_Node *temp = (Snake_Node *)malloc(sizeof(Snake_Node));
	if(temp == NULL)
	temp->x_pos = x;
	temp->y_pos = y;
	temp->prev = head->next->prev;
	head->next->prev = temp;
	temp->next = head->next;
	head->next = temp;

/* Function: gameover(int n)
 * Usage: gameover(0) means Mission Completes; gameover(1) means crashing
 * the wall; gameover(2) means crash itself.
 * Return: none
void gameover(int n)
		case 0: 
			mvaddstr(LINES / 2, COLS / 3 - 4, "Mission Completes,press any key to exit.\n");
		case 1:
			mvaddstr(LINES/2, COLS/3 - 4, "Game Over, crash the wall,press any key to exit.\n");
		case 2:
			mvaddstr(LINES/2, COLS/3 - 4, "Game Over, crash yourself,press any key to exit.\n");
	/* delete the whole double linked list */

/* Function: DLL_Snake_Delete_Node()
 * Usage: delete a tail node, not the whole linked list
 * Return: none
void DLL_Snake_Delete_Node()
	Snake_Node *temp;
	temp = tail->prev;
	tail->prev = tail->prev->prev;
	temp->prev->next = tail;

/* Function: DLL_Snake_Delete()
 * Usage: delete the whole double linked list
 * Return: none
void DLL_Snake_Delete()
	while(head->next != tail)
	head->next = tail->prev = NULL;




CSDN: blog.csdn.net/jjzhoujun2010

作者:Dream Fly



  參考資料:《Unix/Linux編程實踐教程》    (美)Bruce Molay 著       楊宗源   黃海濤   譯               清華大學出版社

http://note.sdo.com/my#!note/preview/xJ29Q~jAYzOpnM01Y0004K       curses庫的使用

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c3b26e10100sd7b.html   貪喫蛇雙鏈表模型






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