
namespace A 
  struct X;
  struct Y;
  void f( int );
  void g( X );

namespace B
  void f( int i )
    f( i );   // which f()?

  void g( A::X x )
    g( x );   // which g()?

  void h( A::Y y )
    h( y );   // which h()?

namespace NS 
	class T { };	
	void f(T);
NS::T parm;

int main()
	f(parm);    // OK, calls NS::f	

//*** Example 1 (a) 
class X { /*...*/ };
void f( const X& );

//*** Example 1 (b) 
class X
  void f() const;

/*** Example 2 (a) ***/ 
struct _iobuf { /* goes here...*/ };

typedef struct _iobuf FILE;

FILE* fopen ( const char* filename, const char* mode );
int   fclose( FILE* stream );
int   fseek ( FILE* stream,	 long  offset,int   origin );
long  ftell ( FILE* stream );
/* etc. */

//*** Example 2 (b) 
class FILE
	FILE( const char* filename, const char* mode );
	int  fseek( long offset, int origin );
	long ftell();
	/* etc. */	
	/* goes here...*/	

//*** Example 2 (c) 
class FILE
	FILE( const char* filename,  const char* mode );
	long ftell();
	/* etc. */
	/* goes here...*/

int fseek( FILE* stream, long  offset,int   origin );

std::operator<<( std::cout, hello );

//*** Example 4 (b) 

namespace NS   // typically from
{             // some header T.h
  class T { };
  void f( T ); // <-- new function

void f( NS::T );

int main()
  NS::T parm;
  f(parm);     // ambiguous: NS::f
}             //   or global f?

//*** The Myers Example: "After" 
namespace A
	class X { };
	void f( X ); // <-- new function

namespace B
	void f( A::X );
	void g( A::X parm )
		f(parm);   // ambiguous: A::f or B::f?

//*** NOT the Myers Example 

namespace A
	class X { };
	void f( X );

class B      // <-- class, not namespace
	void f( A::X );
	void g( A::X parm )
		f(parm); // OK: B::f, not ambiguous

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