Virtual & Abstract (C++)


Virtual 函數(virtual function)

 Virtual 是C++ OO(面向對象機制) 機制中很重要的關鍵字。虛函數就是因爲成員函數加了關鍵字virtual, 可見它的重要性。





   (1)重載的幾個函數必須在同一個類中;virtual 函數 相應覆蓋的函數必須在有繼承關係的不同的類中。

   (2)virtual 函數 相應 覆蓋的幾個函數必須函數名、參數、返回值都相同


    (3) virtual 函數 相應的被覆蓋函數前必須加關鍵字virtual



 In object-oriented programming, a virtual function or virtual method is a function or method whose behavior can be overridden within an inheriting class by a function with the same signature. This concept is an important part of the ploymorphism portion of object-oriented programming (OOP).


  (1) 定義一個函數爲虛函數,不代表函數爲不被實現的函數。

  (2) 定義它爲虛函數是爲了允許用基類的指針來調用子類的這個函數。

  (3) 定義一個函數爲純虛函數,才代表函數沒有被實現。


  The concept of the virtual function solves the following problem:

  In object-oriented programming when a derived class inherits form a base class, an object of the derived class may be referred to via a pointer or reference of either the base class type or the derived class type. If there are base class methods overridden by the derived class, the method actually called by such a reference or pointer can be bound either 'early' (by the compiler), according to the declared type of the pointer or reference, or 'late' (i.e. by the runtime system of the language), according to the actual type of the object referred to.

  Virtual function are resolved 'late'. If the function in question is 'virtual' in the base class, the most-derived class's implementation of the function is called according to the actual type of the object referred to, regardless of the declared type of the pointer or reference. If it is not 'virtual', the method is resolved 'early' and the function called is selected according to the declared type of the pointer or reference.

  Virtual function allow a program to call methods that don't necessarily even exist at the moment the code is compiled.

  In C++, virtual methods are declared by prepending the virtual keyword to the function's declaration in the base class. This modifier is inherited by all implementations of that method in derived classes, meaning that they can continue to over-ride each other and be late-bound.

Virtual Destructors 

  Object-oriented languages typically manage memory allocation and deallocation automatically when objects are created and destroyed. However, some object-oriented languages allow a custom destructor method to be implemented, if desired. If the language in question uses automatic memory management, the custom destructor (generally called a finalizer in this context) that is called is certain to be the appropriate one for the object in question. For example, if an object of type Wolf that inherits Animal is created, and both have custom destructors, the one called will be the declared in Wolf.

  In manual memory management contexts, the situation can be more complex, particularly as relates to static dispatch. If an object of type Wolf is created but pointed to by an Animal pointer, and it is this Animal pointer type that is deleted, the destructor called may actually be the one defined for Animal and not the one for Wolf, unless the destructor is virtual. This is particularly the case with C++, where the behavior is a common source of programming errors.

Behavior During Construction and Destruction

  Languages differ in their behavior while the constructor or destructor of an object is running. For some languages, notably C++, the virtual dispatching mechanism has different semantics during construction and destruction of an object. While it is recommended that virtual function calls in constructors should avoided for C++, in some other languages, for example C# and Java, the derived implementation can be called during construction and design patterns such as the Abstract Factory Pattern actively promote this usage in languages supporting the ability.


  C++ 語言爲我們提供了一種語法結構,通過它可以指明,一個虛擬函數只是提供了一個可被子類型改寫的接口。但是,它本身並不能通過虛擬機制被調用。這就是純虛擬函數(Pure Virtual Function)。純虛擬函數的生命如下所示:







    爲了解決上述問題,引入純虛函數的概念,將函數定義爲純虛函數(方法: virtual returnType Function() = 0;),則編譯器要求在派生類中必須予以重寫以實現多態性。同時含有純虛函數的類稱爲抽象類,它不能生成對象。聲明瞭純虛函數的類是一個抽象類。用戶不能創建類的實例,只能創建它的派生類的實例。

    純虛函數最顯著的特徵是: 它們必須在繼承類中重新聲明函數(不要後面=0,否則該派生類也不能實例化),而且它們在抽象類中往往沒有定義。




   (1) 抽象類的定義:稱帶有純虛函數的類爲抽象類。

   (2) 抽象類的作用:


    (3) 使用抽象類時,注意:



Abstract classes and pure virtual functions

  A pure virtual function or pure virtual method is a virtual function that is required to be implemented by a derived class, if that class is not abstract. Classes containing pure vitual methods are termed "abstract" and they cannot be instantiated directly. A subclass of an abstract class can oly be instantiated directly if all inherited pure virtual methods have been implemented by that class or a parent class. Pure virtual methods typically have a declaration (signature) and no definition (implementation).

  Although pure virtual methods typically have no implementation in the class that declares them, pure virtual methods in C++ are permitted to contain an implementation in their declaring class, providing fallback or default behavior that a derived class can delegate to , if appropriate.

  Pure virtual functions can also be used where the method declarations are being used to define an interface - similar to what the interface keyword in Java explicitly specifies. In such a use, derived classes will supply all implementations. In such a design pattern, the abstract class which serves as an interface will contain only pure virtual functions, but no data members or ordinary methods. In C++, using such purely abstract classes as interfaces works because C++ supports multiple inheritance. However, because may OOP languages do not support multiple inheritance, they often provide a separate interface mechanism. An example is the Java programming language.

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