cartographer探祕第四章之代碼解析(八) --- grid2d map 數據類型

本次閱讀的源碼爲 release-1.0 版本的代碼

也可以下載我上傳的 全套工作空間的代碼,包括 protobuf, cartographer, cartographer_ros, ceres,,現在上傳資源自己不能選下載需要的積分。。。完全靠系統。


1 map_limits.h

struct CellLimits {
  CellLimits() = default;
  CellLimits(int init_num_x_cells, int init_num_y_cells)
      : num_x_cells(init_num_x_cells), num_y_cells(init_num_y_cells) {}

  explicit CellLimits(const proto::CellLimits& cell_limits)
      : num_x_cells(cell_limits.num_x_cells()),
        num_y_cells(cell_limits.num_y_cells()) {}

  int num_x_cells = 0;
  int num_y_cells = 0;

// Defines the limits of a grid map. This class must remain inlined for
// performance reasons.
class MapLimits {

  // Returns the cell size in meters. All cells are square and the resolution is the length of one side.
  double resolution_;   

  // Returns the corner of the limits, i.e., all pixels have positions with smaller coordinates.
  Eigen::Vector2d max_;  

  // Returns the limits of the grid in number of cells.
  CellLimits cell_limits_;

map_limits 記錄了地圖的各種信息,分辨率,物理世界座標的最大值(左上角的柵格最大),柵格的x, y方向的格子數量。

max_ 爲該柵格在物理世界中的座標,不是柵格的座標。


2 grid2d.h

class Grid2D : public GridInterface {
  explicit Grid2D(const MapLimits& limits, float min_correspondence_cost,
                  float max_correspondence_cost);
  explicit Grid2D(const proto::Grid2D& proto);

  // Returns the limits of this Grid2D.
  const MapLimits& limits() const { return limits_; }

  // Finishes the update sequence.
  void FinishUpdate();
  // Returns the correspondence cost of the cell with 'cell_index'.
  float GetCorrespondenceCost(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const;

  // Returns the minimum possible correspondence cost.
  float GetMinCorrespondenceCost() const { return min_correspondence_cost_; }

  // Returns the maximum possible correspondence cost.
  float GetMaxCorrespondenceCost() const { return max_correspondence_cost_; }

  // Returns true if the probability at the specified index is known.
  bool IsKnown(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const;

  // Fills in 'offset' and 'limits' to define a subregion of that contains all
  // known cells.
  void ComputeCroppedLimits(Eigen::Array2i* const offset,
                            CellLimits* const limits) const;

  // Grows the map as necessary to include 'point'. This changes the meaning of
  // these coordinates going forward. This method must be called immediately
  // after 'FinishUpdate', before any calls to 'ApplyLookupTable'.
  virtual void GrowLimits(const Eigen::Vector2f& point);

  virtual std::unique_ptr<Grid2D> ComputeCroppedGrid() const = 0;

  virtual proto::Grid2D ToProto() const;

  virtual bool DrawToSubmapTexture(
      proto::SubmapQuery::Response::SubmapTexture* const texture,
      transform::Rigid3d local_pose) const = 0;

  const std::vector<uint16>& correspondence_cost_cells() const {
    return correspondence_cost_cells_;
  const std::vector<int>& update_indices() const { return update_indices_; }
  const Eigen::AlignedBox2i& known_cells_box() const {
    return known_cells_box_;

  std::vector<uint16>* mutable_correspondence_cost_cells() {
    return &correspondence_cost_cells_;
  std::vector<int>* mutable_update_indices() { return &update_indices_; }
  Eigen::AlignedBox2i* mutable_known_cells_box() { return &known_cells_box_; }

  // Converts a 'cell_index' into an index into 'cells_'.
  int ToFlatIndex(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const;

  // 地圖信息
  MapLimits limits_;

  // 柵格地圖每個柵格的概率值
  std::vector<uint16> correspondence_cost_cells_; 

  // 概率最小值,最大值
  float min_correspondence_cost_;
  float max_correspondence_cost_;

  std::vector<int> update_indices_;

  // Bounding box of known cells to efficiently compute cropping limits.
  Eigen::AlignedBox2i known_cells_box_;

// Returns the correspondence cost of the cell with 'cell_index'.
float Grid2D::GetCorrespondenceCost(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const {
  if (!limits().Contains(cell_index)) return kMaxCorrespondenceCost;
  return ValueToCorrespondenceCost(

  const std::vector<uint16>& correspondence_cost_cells() const {
    return correspondence_cost_cells_;

int Grid2D::ToFlatIndex(const Eigen::Array2i& cell_index) const {
  CHECK(limits_.Contains(cell_index)) << cell_index;
  return limits_.cell_limits().num_x_cells * cell_index.y() + cell_index.x();

// Converts a uint16 (which may or may not have the update marker set) to a
// correspondence cost in the range [kMinCorrespondenceCost,
// kMaxCorrespondenceCost].
inline float ValueToCorrespondenceCost(const uint16 value) {
  return (*kValueToCorrespondenceCost)[value];

const std::vector<float>* const kValueToCorrespondenceCost =

std::unique_ptr<std::vector<float>> PrecomputeValueToCorrespondenceCost() {
  return PrecomputeValueToBoundedFloat(
      kUnknownCorrespondenceValue, kMaxCorrespondenceCost,
      kMinCorrespondenceCost, kMaxCorrespondenceCost);

std::unique_ptr<std::vector<float>> PrecomputeValueToBoundedFloat(
    const uint16 unknown_value, const float unknown_result,
    const float lower_bound, const float upper_bound) {
  auto result = common::make_unique<std::vector<float>>();
  // Repeat two times, so that both values with and without the update marker
  // can be converted to a probability.
  for (int repeat = 0; repeat != 2; ++repeat) {
    for (int value = 0; value != 32768; ++value) {
          value, unknown_value, unknown_result, lower_bound, upper_bound));
  return result;

// 0 is unknown, [1, 32767] maps to [lower_bound, upper_bound].
float SlowValueToBoundedFloat(const uint16 value, const uint16 unknown_value,
                              const float unknown_result,
                              const float lower_bound,
                              const float upper_bound) {
  CHECK_GE(value, 0);
  CHECK_LE(value, 32767);
  if (value == unknown_value) return unknown_result;
  const float kScale = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / 32766.f;
  return value * kScale + (lower_bound - kScale);




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