

posted on 2005年1月18日 21:39 由 devzhao




緩衝區指針 BYTE* m_lpBufStart,指向緩衝區,這個緩衝區有可能是底層CFile(如派生類CMemFile)對象提供的,但一般是CArchive自己建立的。
緩衝區尾部指針 BYTE* m_lpBufMax;
緩衝區當前位置指針 BYTE* m_lpBufCur;

m_lpBufCur = (IsLoading()) ? m_lpBufMax : m_lpBufStart;


CArchive& operator<<(BYTE by);
CArchive& operator<<(WORD w);
CArchive& operator<<(LONG l);
CArchive& operator<<(DWORD dw);
CArchive& operator<<(float f);
CArchive& operator<<(double d);
CArchive& operator<<(int i);
CArchive& operator<<(short w);
CArchive& operator<<(char ch);
CArchive& operator<<(unsigned u);
CArchive& operator>>(BYTE& by);
CArchive& operator>>(WORD& w);
CArchive& operator>>(DWORD& dw);
CArchive& operator>>(LONG& l);
CArchive& operator>>(float& f);
CArchive& operator>>(double& d);
CArchive& operator>>(int& i);
CArchive& operator>>(short& w);
CArchive& operator>>(char& ch);
CArchive& operator>>(unsigned& u);


CArchive& CArchive::operator<<(DWORD dw)
{  if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(DWORD) > m_lpBufMax) //緩衝區空間不夠
  Flush();  //緩衝區內容提交到實際存儲煤質。
 if (!(m_nMode & bNoByteSwap))
  _AfxByteSwap(dw, m_lpBufCur);  //處理字節順序
  *(DWORD*)m_lpBufCur = dw;      //添入緩衝區
 m_lpBufCur += sizeof(DWORD);     //移動當前指針
 return *this;
CArchive& CArchive::operator>>(DWORD& dw)
{  if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(DWORD) > m_lpBufMax) //緩衝區要讀完了
  FillBuffer(sizeof(DWORD) - (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));  //重新讀入內容到緩衝區
 dw = *(DWORD*)m_lpBufCur;  //讀取雙字
 m_lpBufCur += sizeof(DWORD); //移動當前位置指針
 if (!(m_nMode & bNoByteSwap))
  _AfxByteSwap(dw, (BYTE*)&dw);  //處理字節順序
 return *this;


void CArchive::Flush()
{  ASSERT_VALID(m_pFile);
 ASSERT(m_bDirectBuffer || m_lpBufStart != NULL);
 ASSERT(m_bDirectBuffer || m_lpBufCur != NULL);
 ASSERT(m_lpBufStart == NULL ||
  AfxIsValidAddress(m_lpBufStart, m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufStart, IsStoring()));
 ASSERT(m_lpBufCur == NULL ||
  AfxIsValidAddress(m_lpBufCur, m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur, IsStoring()));
 if (IsLoading())
  // unget the characters in the buffer, seek back unused amount
  if (m_lpBufMax != m_lpBufCur)
   m_pFile-> Seek(-(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur), CFile::current);
  m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufMax;    // 指向尾
 else   //寫模式
  if (!m_bDirectBuffer)
   // 內容寫入到文件
   if (m_lpBufCur != m_lpBufStart)
    m_pFile-> Write(m_lpBufStart, m_lpBufCur - m_lpBufStart);
   //如果是直接針對內存區域的的(例如CMemFile中) (只需移動相關指針,指向新的一塊內存)
   if (m_lpBufCur != m_lpBufStart)
    m_pFile-> GetBufferPtr(CFile::bufferCommit, m_lpBufCur - m_lpBufStart);
   // get next buffer
   VERIFY(m_pFile-> GetBufferPtr(CFile::bufferWrite, m_nBufSize,
    (void**)&m_lpBufStart, (void**)&m_lpBufMax) == (UINT)m_nBufSize);
   ASSERT((UINT)m_nBufSize == (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufStart));
  m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart; //指向緩衝區首
緩衝區將提取空,會調用FillBuffer。 nBytesNeeded爲當前剩餘部分上尚有用的字節
void CArchive::FillBuffer(UINT nBytesNeeded)
{  ASSERT_VALID(m_pFile);
 ASSERT(m_bDirectBuffer || m_lpBufStart != NULL);
 ASSERT(m_bDirectBuffer || m_lpBufCur != NULL);
 ASSERT(nBytesNeeded > 0);
 ASSERT(nBytesNeeded <= (UINT)m_nBufSize);
 ASSERT(m_lpBufStart == NULL ||
  AfxIsValidAddress(m_lpBufStart, m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufStart, FALSE));
 ASSERT(m_lpBufCur == NULL ||
  AfxIsValidAddress(m_lpBufCur, m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur, FALSE));
 UINT nUnused = m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur;
 ULONG nTotalNeeded = ((ULONG)nBytesNeeded) + nUnused;
 // 從文件中讀取
 if (!m_bDirectBuffer)
  ASSERT(m_lpBufCur != NULL);
  ASSERT(m_lpBufStart != NULL);
  ASSERT(m_lpBufMax != NULL);
  if (m_lpBufCur > m_lpBufStart)
   if ((int)nUnused > 0)
    memmove(m_lpBufStart, m_lpBufCur, nUnused);
    m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart;
    m_lpBufMax = m_lpBufStart + nUnused;
   // read to satisfy nBytesNeeded or nLeft if possible
   UINT nRead = nUnused;
   UINT nLeft = m_nBufSize-nUnused;
   UINT nBytes;
   BYTE* lpTemp = m_lpBufStart + nUnused;
    nBytes = m_pFile-> Read(lpTemp, nLeft);
    lpTemp = lpTemp + nBytes;
    nRead += nBytes;
    nLeft -= nBytes;
   while (nBytes > 0 && nLeft > 0 && nRead < nBytesNeeded);
   m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart;
   m_lpBufMax = m_lpBufStart + nRead;
  // 如果是針對內存區域(CMemFile),移動相關指針,指向新的一塊內存
  if (nUnused != 0)
   m_pFile-> Seek(-(LONG)nUnused, CFile::current);
  UINT nActual = m_pFile-> GetBufferPtr(CFile::bufferRead, m_nBufSize,
   (void**)&m_lpBufStart, (void**)&m_lpBufMax);
  ASSERT(nActual == (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufStart));
  m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart;
 // not enough data to fill request?
 if ((ULONG)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur) < nTotalNeeded)

UINT Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nMax); 讀取長度爲nMax的數據
void Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nMax); 寫入指定長度nMax的數據


UINT CArchive::Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nMax)
{  ASSERT_VALID(m_pFile);
 if (nMax == 0)
  return 0;
 UINT nMaxTemp = nMax;  //還需要讀入的長度,讀入一部分,就減相應數值,直到此數值變爲零
 UINT nTemp = min(nMaxTemp, (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));  
 memcpy(lpBuf, m_lpBufCur, nTemp);
 m_lpBufCur += nTemp;
 lpBuf = (BYTE*)lpBuf + nTemp; //移動讀出內容所在區域的指針
 nMaxTemp -= nTemp;
 if (nMaxTemp != 0)  
  nTemp = nMaxTemp - (nMaxTemp % m_nBufSize);  
  UINT nRead = 0;
  UINT nLeft = nTemp;
  UINT nBytes;
   nBytes = m_pFile-> Read(lpBuf, nLeft); //要求讀入此整數緩衝區部分大小
   lpBuf = (BYTE*)lpBuf + nBytes;
   nRead += nBytes;
   nLeft -= nBytes;
  while ((nBytes > 0) && (nLeft > 0)); 知道讀入了預定大小,或到達文件尾
  nMaxTemp -= nRead;
  if (nRead == nTemp) //讀入的字節等於讀入的整數倍部分  該讀最後的餘數部分了
   // 建立裝有此最後餘數部分的內容的CArchive的工作緩衝區。
   if (!m_bDirectBuffer)
    UINT nLeft = max(nMaxTemp, (UINT)m_nBufSize);
    UINT nBytes;
    BYTE* lpTemp = m_lpBufStart;
    nRead = 0;
     nBytes = m_pFile-> Read(lpTemp, nLeft);  //從文件中讀入到CArchive緩衝區
     lpTemp = lpTemp + nBytes;
     nRead += nBytes;
     nLeft -= nBytes;
    while ((nBytes > 0) && (nLeft > 0) && nRead < nMaxTemp);
    m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart;
    m_lpBufMax = m_lpBufStart + nRead;
    nRead = m_pFile-> GetBufferPtr(CFile::bufferRead, m_nBufSize,
     (void**)&m_lpBufStart, (void**)&m_lpBufMax);
    ASSERT(nRead == (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufStart));
    m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart;
   nTemp = min(nMaxTemp, (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
   memcpy(lpBuf, m_lpBufCur, nTemp);
   m_lpBufCur += nTemp;
   nMaxTemp -= nTemp;
 return nMax - nMaxTemp;
void CArchive::Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nMax)
{  if (nMax == 0)
 UINT nTemp = min(nMax, (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur));
 memcpy(m_lpBufCur, lpBuf, nTemp);
 m_lpBufCur += nTemp;
 lpBuf = (BYTE*)lpBuf + nTemp;
 nMax -= nTemp;
 if (nMax > 0)  //還有未寫入的部分
  Flush();    //將當前緩衝區寫入到存儲煤質
  nTemp = nMax - (nMax % m_nBufSize);
  m_pFile-> Write(lpBuf, nTemp);  //直接寫到文件
  lpBuf = (BYTE*)lpBuf + nTemp;
  nMax -= nTemp;
  if (m_bDirectBuffer)
   // sync up direct mode buffer to new file position
   VERIFY(m_pFile-> GetBufferPtr(CFile::bufferWrite, m_nBufSize,
    (void**)&m_lpBufStart, (void**)&m_lpBufMax) == (UINT)m_nBufSize);
   ASSERT((UINT)m_nBufSize == (UINT)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufStart));
   m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart;
  // copy remaining to active buffer
  ASSERT(nMax < (UINT)m_nBufSize);
  ASSERT(m_lpBufCur == m_lpBufStart);
  memcpy(m_lpBufCur, lpBuf, nMax);
  m_lpBufCur += nMax;


void CArchive::WriteString(LPCTSTR lpsz)
{  ASSERT(AfxIsValidString(lpsz));
 Write(lpsz, lstrlen(lpsz) * sizeof(TCHAR));  //調用Write,將字符串對應的一段數據寫入
LPTSTR CArchive::ReadString(LPTSTR lpsz, UINT nMax)
{  // if nMax is negative (such a large number doesn''t make sense given today''s
 // 2gb address space), then assume it to mean "keep the newline".
 int nStop = (int)nMax < 0 ? -(int)nMax : (int)nMax;
 ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(lpsz, (nStop+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)));
 _TUCHAR ch;
 int nRead = 0;
  while (nRead < nStop)
   *this >> ch;  //讀出一個字節
   // stop and end-of-line (trailing ''/n'' is ignored)  遇換行—回車
   if (ch == ''/n'' || ch == ''/r'')
    if (ch == ''/r'')
     *this >> ch;
    // store the newline when called with negative nMax
    if ((int)nMax != nStop)
     lpsz[nRead++] = ch;
   lpsz[nRead++] = ch;
 CATCH(CArchiveException, e)
  if (e-> m_cause == CArchiveException::endOfFile)
   if (nRead == 0)
    return NULL;
 lpsz[nRead] = ''/0'';
 return lpsz;
BOOL CArchive::ReadString(CString& rString)
{  rString = &afxChNil;    // empty string without deallocating
 const int nMaxSize = 128;
 LPTSTR lpsz = rString.GetBuffer(nMaxSize);
 LPTSTR lpszResult;
 int nLen;
 for (;;)
  lpszResult = ReadString(lpsz, (UINT)-nMaxSize); // store the newline
  // if string is read completely or EOF
  if (lpszResult == NULL ||
   (nLen = lstrlen(lpsz)) < nMaxSize ||
   lpsz[nLen-1] == ''/n'')
  nLen = rString.GetLength();
  lpsz = rString.GetBuffer(nMaxSize + nLen) + nLen;
 // remove ''/n'' from end of string if present
 lpsz = rString.GetBuffer(0);
 nLen = rString.GetLength();
 if (nLen != 0 && lpsz[nLen-1] == ''/n'')
 return lpszResult != NULL;

CString定義了輸入輸出符,可以象基本類型的數據一樣使用CArchive 的操作符定義

friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CString& string);
friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CString& string);
// CString serialization code
// String format:
//      UNICODE strings are always prefixed by 0xff, 0xfffe
//      if < 0xff chars: len:BYTE, TCHAR chars
//      if >= 0xff characters: 0xff, len:WORD, TCHAR chars
//      if >= 0xfffe characters: 0xff, 0xffff, len:DWORD, TCHARs
CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CString& string)
{  // special signature to recognize unicode strings
#ifdef _UNICODE
 ar << (BYTE)0xff;
 ar << (WORD)0xfffe;
 if (string.GetData()-> nDataLength < 255)
  ar << (BYTE)string.GetData()-> nDataLength;
 else if (string.GetData()-> nDataLength < 0xfffe)
  ar << (BYTE)0xff;
  ar << (WORD)string.GetData()-> nDataLength;
  ar << (BYTE)0xff;
  ar << (WORD)0xffff;
  ar << (DWORD)string.GetData()-> nDataLength;
 ar.Write(string.m_pchData, string.GetData()-> nDataLength*sizeof(TCHAR));
 return ar;
// return string length or -1 if UNICODE string is found in the archive
AFX_STATIC UINT AFXAPI _AfxReadStringLength(CArchive& ar)
{  DWORD nNewLen;
 // attempt BYTE length first
 BYTE bLen;
 ar >> bLen;
 if (bLen < 0xff)
  return bLen;
 // attempt WORD length
 WORD wLen;
 ar >> wLen;
 if (wLen == 0xfffe)
  // UNICODE string prefix (length will follow)
  return (UINT)-1;
 else if (wLen == 0xffff)
  // read DWORD of length
  ar >> nNewLen;
  return (UINT)nNewLen;
  return wLen;
CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CString& string)
{ #ifdef _UNICODE
 int nConvert = 1;   // if we get ANSI, convert
 int nConvert = 0;   // if we get UNICODE, convert
 UINT nNewLen = _AfxReadStringLength(ar);
 if (nNewLen == (UINT)-1)
  nConvert = 1 - nConvert;
  nNewLen = _AfxReadStringLength(ar);
  ASSERT(nNewLen != -1);
 // set length of string to new length
 UINT nByteLen = nNewLen;
#ifdef _UNICODE
 nByteLen += nByteLen * (1 - nConvert);  // bytes to read
 nByteLen += nByteLen * nConvert;    // bytes to read
 if (nNewLen == 0)
 // read in the characters
 if (nNewLen != 0)
  ASSERT(nByteLen != 0);
  // read new data
  if (ar.Read(string.m_pchData, nByteLen) != nByteLen)
  // convert the data if as necessary
  if (nConvert != 0)
#ifdef _UNICODE
   CStringData* pOldData = string.GetData();
   LPSTR lpsz = (LPSTR)string.m_pchData;
   CStringData* pOldData = string.GetData();
   LPWSTR lpsz = (LPWSTR)string.m_pchData;
   lpsz[nNewLen] = ''/0'';    // must be NUL terminated
   string.Init();   // don''t delete the old data
   string = lpsz;   // convert with operator=(LPWCSTR)
 return ar;



CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CObject* pOb)
 { ar.WriteObject(pOb); return ar; }
CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CObject*& pOb)
 { pOb = ar.ReadObject(NULL); return ar; }




void CArchive::WriteObject(const CObject* pOb)
{  DWORD nObIndex;
 // make sure m_pStoreMap is initialized
 if (pOb == NULL)
  // save out null tag to represent NULL pointer
  *this << wNullTag;
 else if ((nObIndex = (DWORD)(*m_pStoreMap)[(void*)pOb]) != 0)
  // assumes initialized to 0 map
  // save out index of already stored object
  if (nObIndex < wBigObjectTag)
   *this << (WORD)nObIndex;
   *this << wBigObjectTag;
   *this << nObIndex;
  // write class of object first
  CRuntimeClass* pClassRef = pOb-> GetRuntimeClass();
  WriteClass(pClassRef);  //寫入運行類信息
  // enter in stored object table, checking for overflow
  (*m_pStoreMap)[(void*)pOb] = (void*)m_nMapCount++;
  // 調用CObject的Serialize成員,按其中的代碼寫入類中數據。
  ((CObject*)pOb)-> Serialize(*this);
CObject* CArchive::ReadObject(const CRuntimeClass* pClassRefRequested)
 // attempt to load next stream as CRuntimeClass
 UINT nSchema;
 DWORD obTag;
 CRuntimeClass* pClassRef = ReadClass(pClassRefRequested, &nSchema, &obTag);
 // check to see if tag to already loaded object
 CObject* pOb;
 if (pClassRef == NULL)
  if (obTag > (DWORD)m_pLoadArray-> GetUpperBound())
   // tag is too large for the number of objects read so far
  pOb = (CObject*)m_pLoadArray-> GetAt(obTag);
  if (pOb != NULL && pClassRefRequested != NULL &&
    !pOb-> IsKindOf(pClassRefRequested))
   // loaded an object but of the wrong class
  // 建立對象
  pOb = pClassRef-> CreateObject();
  if (pOb == NULL)
  // Add to mapping array BEFORE de-serializing
  m_pLoadArray-> InsertAt(m_nMapCount++, pOb);
  // Serialize the object with the schema number set in the archive
  UINT nSchemaSave = m_nObjectSchema;
  m_nObjectSchema = nSchema;
  pOb-> Serialize(*this); //調用CObject的Serialize,按其中代碼讀入對象數據。
  m_nObjectSchema = nSchemaSave;
 return pOb;


void CArchive::WriteClass(const CRuntimeClass* pClassRef)
{  ASSERT(pClassRef != NULL);
 ASSERT(IsStoring());    // proper direction
 if (pClassRef-> m_wSchema == 0xFFFF)
  TRACE1("Warning: Cannot call WriteClass/WriteObject for %hs./n",
   pClassRef-> m_lpszClassName);
 // make sure m_pStoreMap is initialized
 // write out class id of pOb, with high bit set to indicate
 // new object follows
 // ASSUME: initialized to 0 map
 DWORD nClassIndex;
 if ((nClassIndex = (DWORD)(*m_pStoreMap)[(void*)pClassRef]) != 0)
  // previously seen class, write out the index tagged by high bit
  if (nClassIndex < wBigObjectTag)
   *this << (WORD)(wClassTag | nClassIndex);
   *this << wBigObjectTag;
   *this << (dwBigClassTag | nClassIndex);
  // store new class
  *this << wNewClassTag;
  pClassRef-> Store(*this);
  // store new class reference in map, checking for overflow
  (*m_pStoreMap)[(void*)pClassRef] = (void*)m_nMapCount++;
CRuntimeClass* CArchive::ReadClass(const CRuntimeClass* pClassRefRequested,
 UINT* pSchema, DWORD* pObTag)
{  ASSERT(pClassRefRequested == NULL ||
  AfxIsValidAddress(pClassRefRequested, sizeof(CRuntimeClass), FALSE));
 ASSERT(IsLoading());    // proper direction
 if (pClassRefRequested != NULL && pClassRefRequested-> m_wSchema == 0xFFFF)
  TRACE1("Warning: Cannot call ReadClass/ReadObject for %hs./n",
   pClassRefRequested-> m_lpszClassName);
 // make sure m_pLoadArray is initialized
 // read object tag - if prefixed by wBigObjectTag then DWORD tag follows
 DWORD obTag;
 WORD wTag;
 *this >> wTag;
 if (wTag == wBigObjectTag)
  *this >> obTag;
  obTag = ((wTag & wClassTag) << 16) | (wTag & ~wClassTag);
 // check for object tag (throw exception if expecting class tag)
 if (!(obTag & dwBigClassTag))
  if (pObTag == NULL)
   AfxThrowArchiveException(CArchiveException::badIndex, m_strFileName);
  *pObTag = obTag;
  return NULL;
 CRuntimeClass* pClassRef;
 UINT nSchema;
 if (wTag == wNewClassTag)
  // new object follows a new class id
  if ((pClassRef = CRuntimeClass::Load(*this, &nSchema)) == NULL)
   AfxThrowArchiveException(CArchiveException::badClass, m_strFileName);
  // check nSchema against the expected schema
  if ((pClassRef-> m_wSchema & ~VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA) != nSchema)
   if (!(pClassRef-> m_wSchema & VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA))
    // schema doesn''t match and not marked as VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA
    // they differ -- store the schema for later retrieval
    if (m_pSchemaMap == NULL)
     m_pSchemaMap = new CMapPtrToPtr;
    m_pSchemaMap-> SetAt(pClassRef, (void*)nSchema);
  m_pLoadArray-> InsertAt(m_nMapCount++, pClassRef);
  // existing class index in obTag followed by new object
  DWORD nClassIndex = (obTag & ~dwBigClassTag);
  if (nClassIndex == 0 || nClassIndex > (DWORD)m_pLoadArray-> GetUpperBound())
  pClassRef = (CRuntimeClass*)m_pLoadArray-> GetAt(nClassIndex);
  ASSERT(pClassRef != NULL);
  // determine schema stored against objects of this type
  void* pTemp;
  BOOL bFound = FALSE;
  nSchema = 0;
  if (m_pSchemaMap != NULL)
   bFound = m_pSchemaMap-> Lookup( pClassRef, pTemp );
   if (bFound)
    nSchema = (UINT)pTemp;
  if (!bFound)
   nSchema = pClassRef-> m_wSchema & ~VERSIONABLE_SCHEMA;
 // check for correct derivation
 if (pClassRefRequested != NULL &&
  !pClassRef-> IsDerivedFrom(pClassRefRequested))
  AfxThrowArchiveException(CArchiveException::badClass, m_strFileName);
 // store nSchema for later examination
 if (pSchema != NULL)
  *pSchema = nSchema;
  m_nObjectSchema = nSchema;
 // store obTag for later examination
 if (pObTag != NULL)
  *pObTag = obTag;
 // return the resulting CRuntimeClass*
 return pClassRef;
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