LeetCode----- 86.Partition List

Given a linked list and a value x, partition it such that all nodes less than x come before nodes greater than or equal to x.

You should preserve the original relative order of the nodes in each of the two partitions.

For example,
Given 1->4->3->2->5->2 and x = 3,
return 1->2->2->4->3->5.




public class PartitionList {
	public static ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) {
		if(head == null || head.next == null ) {
			return head;
		ListNode less = new ListNode(0);
		ListNode more = new ListNode(0);
		ListNode node = head,pre = less,front = more;
		while(node != null) {
			if(node.val < x) {
				pre.next= node;
				pre = pre.next;
			}else {
				front.next = node;
				front = front.next;
			node = node.next;
		front.next = null;
		pre.next = more.next;
		return less.next;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ListNode l10 = new ListNode(1);
		ListNode l11 = new ListNode(2);
		ListNode l12 = new ListNode(3);		
		ListNode l13 = new ListNode(2);
		ListNode l14 = new ListNode(5);
		ListNode l15 = new ListNode(2);
		l10.next = l11;
		l11.next = l12;
		l12.next = l13;
		l13.next = l14;
		l14.next = l15;
		l15.next = null;
		ListNode node = partition(l10,3);
		while(node != null) {
			if(node.next == null) {
				System.out.print(node.val +"->");
			node = node.next;

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