03-04 創建和編輯AutoCAD實體(四) 編輯二維命名對象 (4)

 6、Array Objects陣列對象

You can create a polar or rectangular array of an object. Arrays of objects are not created using a dedicated set of functions, but are created through a combination of copying objects, and then using a transformation matrix to rotate and move the copied object. The following outlines the basic logic for each type of array:


·         Polar array. Copy the object to be arrayed and move it based on an angle around a the base point. The distance from the object to the base point of the array is used to calculate the placement of each copy that is created. Once the copied object is moved, you can then rotate the object based on its angle from the base point. Once each copy is created, it needs to be appended to the block table record.

·         環形陣列 複製要陣列的對象並圍繞基點按角度移動對象。對象到陣列基點的距離用來計算所創建的每個複本的位置。移動複本對象之後,就可以基於基點的角度旋轉對象。每創建一個複本,就需將其追加到塊表記錄去。


·         Rectangular array. Copy the object to array based on the number of desired rows and columns. The distance that the copied objects are copied is based on a specified distance between the rows and columns. You first want to create the number of copies of the original to complete the first row or column. Once the first row or column is created, you can then create the number of objects for the remaining rows or columns based on the first row or column you created. Once each copy is created, it needs to be appended to the block table record.

·         矩形陣列 複製對象到基於所需行數和列數的陣列。複本對象間的距離基於給定的行列間距。首先複製一定數量的原件創建第一行或列,然後基於第一行或列創建其他的行或列。每創建一個複本,就需將其追加到塊表記錄去。


For more information about arrays, see “Create an Array of Objects” in theAutoCAD User's Guide.

關於陣列的更多信息,請參見AutoCAD用戶手冊中的 “創建對象的陣列”。


6.1、Create Polar Arrays創建環形陣列

This example creates a circle, and then performs a polar array of the circle. This creates four circles filling 180 degrees around a base point of (4, 4, 0).

本例創建一個圓,然後實現該圓的環形陣列,創建4個圓繞點(4, 4, 0) 圍成180度。


Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry


Public Shared Function PolarPoints(ByVal pPt As Point2d, _

                                   ByVal dAng As Double, _

                                   ByVal dDist As Double)


  Return New Point2d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng), _

                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng))

End Function


<CommandMethod("PolarArrayObject")> _

Public Sub PolarArrayObject()

  '' Get the current document and database

  Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

  Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database


  '' Start a transaction

  Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()


      '' Open the Block table record for read

      Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable

      acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, _



      '' Open the Block table record Model space for write

      Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord

      acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), _



      '' Create a circle that is at 2,2 with a radius of 1

      Dim acCirc As Circle = New Circle()

      acCirc.Center = New Point3d(2, 2, 0)

      acCirc.Radius = 1


      '' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction


      acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, True)


      '' Create a 4 object polar array that goes a 180

      Dim nCount As Integer = 1


      '' Set a value in radians for 60 degrees

      Dim dAng As Double = 1.0472


      '' Use (4,4,0) as the base point for the array

      Dim acPt2dArrayBase As Point2d = New Point2d(4, 4)


      While (nCount < 4)

          Dim acEntClone As Entity = acCirc.Clone()


          Dim acExts As Extents3d

          Dim acPtObjBase As Point2d


          '' Typically the upper-left corner of an object's extents is used

          '' for the point on the object to be arrayed unless it is

          '' an object like a circle.

          Dim acCircArrObj As Circle = acEntClone


          If IsDBNull(acCircArrObj) = False Then

              acPtObjBase = New Point2d(acCircArrObj.Center.X, _



              acExts = acEntClone.Bounds.GetValueOrDefault()

              acPtObjBase = New Point2d(acExts.MinPoint.X, _


          End If


          Dim dDist As Double = acPt2dArrayBase.GetDistanceTo(acPtObjBase)

          Dim dAngFromX As Double = acPt2dArrayBase.GetVectorTo(acPtObjBase).Angle


          Dim acPt2dTo As Point2d = PolarPoints(acPt2dArrayBase, _

                                                (nCount * dAng) + dAngFromX, _



          Dim acVec2d As Vector2d = acPtObjBase.GetVectorTo(acPt2dTo)

          Dim acVec3d As Vector3d = New Vector3d(acVec2d.X, acVec2d.Y, 0)



          '' The following code demonstrates how to rotate each object like

          '' the ARRAY command does.

          'acExts = acEntClone.Bounds.GetValueOrDefault()

          'acPtObjBase = New Point2d(acExts.MinPoint.X, _

          ' acExts.MaxPoint.Y)


          '' Rotate the cloned entity and around its upper-left extents point

          'Dim curUCSMatrix As Matrix3d = acDoc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem

          'Dim curUCS As CoordinateSystem3d = curUCSMatrix.CoordinateSystem3d

          'acEntClone.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(nCount * dAng, _

          ' curUCS.Zaxis, _

          ' New Point3d(acPtObjBase.X, _

          ' acPtObjBase.Y, 0)))



          acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acEntClone, True)


          nCount = nCount + 1

      End While


      '' Save the new objects to the database


  End Using

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;


static Point2d PolarPoints(Point2d pPt, double dAng, double dDist)


  return new Point2d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng),

                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng));




public static void PolarArrayObject()


  // Get the current document and database獲取當前文檔和數據庫

  Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

  Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;


  // Start a transaction啓動事務

  using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())


      // Open the Block table record for read以讀打開Block表

      BlockTable acBlkTbl;

      acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,

                                   OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;


      // Open the Block table record Model space for write

      // 以寫打開塊表記錄ModelSpace

      BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;

      acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],

                                      OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;


      // Create a circle that is at 2,2 with a radius of 1

      // 創建圓,圓心2,2半徑1

      Circle acCirc = new Circle();

      acCirc.Center = new Point3d(2, 2, 0);

      acCirc.Radius = 1;


      // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction

      // 添加新對象到塊表記錄和事務


      acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, true);


      // Create a 4 object polar array that goes a 180


      int nCount = 1;


      // Set a value in radians for 60 degrees定義60度弧度值

      double dAng = 1.0472;


      // Use (4,4,0) as the base point for the array定義陣列基點

      Point2d acPt2dArrayBase = new Point2d(4, 4);


      while (nCount < 4)


          Entity acEntClone = acCirc.Clone() as Entity;


          Extents3d acExts;

          Point2d acPtObjBase;


          // Typically the upper-left corner of an object's extents is used

          // for the point on the object to be arrayed unless it is

          // an object like a circle.



          Circle acCircArrObj = acEntClone as Circle;


          if (acCircArrObj != null)//是圓


              acPtObjBase = new Point2d(acCircArrObj.Center.X,





              acExts = acEntClone.Bounds.GetValueOrDefault();

              acPtObjBase = new Point2d(acExts.MinPoint.X,




          double dDist = acPt2dArrayBase.GetDistanceTo(acPtObjBase);

          double dAngFromX = acPt2dArrayBase.GetVectorTo(acPtObjBase).Angle;


          Point2d acPt2dTo = PolarPoints(acPt2dArrayBase,

                                         (nCount * dAng) + dAngFromX,



          Vector2d acVec2d = acPtObjBase.GetVectorTo(acPt2dTo);

          Vector3d acVec3d = new Vector3d(acVec2d.X, acVec2d.Y, 0);




          // The following code demonstrates how to rotate each object

          // like the ARRAY command does.

          // 下列代碼演示怎樣旋轉每個對象,就像Array命令所做的那樣;

          acExts = acEntClone.Bounds.GetValueOrDefault();

          acPtObjBase = new Point2d(acExts.MinPoint.X,



          // Rotate the cloned entity around its upper-left extents point

          // 圍繞左上範圍點旋轉對象

          Matrix3d curUCSMatrix = acDoc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;

          CoordinateSystem3d curUCS = curUCSMatrix.CoordinateSystem3d;

          acEntClone.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(nCount * dAng,


                                                   new Point3d(acPtObjBase.X,

                                                               acPtObjBase.Y, 0)));



 // 添加新對象到塊表記錄和事務


          acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acEntClone, true);


          nCount = nCount + 1;



      // Save the new objects to the database保存新對象到數據庫




VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub PolarArrayObject()

    ' Create the circle

    Dim circleObj As AcadCircle

    Dim center(0 To 2) As Double

    Dim radius As Double

    center(0) = 2#: center(1) = 2#: center(2) = 0#

    radius = 1

    Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _

                                  AddCircle(center, radius)



    ' Define the polar array

    Dim noOfObjects As Integer

    Dim angleToFill As Double

    Dim basePnt(0 To 2) As Double

    noOfObjects = 4

    angleToFill = 3.14          ' 180 degrees

    basePnt(0) = 4#: basePnt(1) = 4#: basePnt(2) = 0#


    ' The following example will create 4 copies

    ' of an object by rotating and copying it about

    ' the point (4,4,0).

    Dim retObj As Variant

    retObj = circleObj.ArrayPolar _

                         (noOfObjects, angleToFill, basePnt)



End Sub


6.2、Create Rectangular Arrays創建矩形陣列

This example creates a circle and then performs a rectangular array of the circle, creating five rows and five columns of circles.




Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry


Public Shared Function PolarPoints(ByVal pPt As Point2d, _

                                   ByVal dAng As Double, _

                                   ByVal dDist As Double)


  Return New Point2d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng), _

                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng))

End Function




<CommandMethod("RectangularArrayObject")> _

Public Sub RectangularArrayObject()

  '' Get the current document and database

  Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

  Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database


  '' Start a transaction

  Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()


      '' Open the Block table record for read

      Dim acBlkTbl As BlockTable

      acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, _



      '' Open the Block table record Model space for write

      Dim acBlkTblRec As BlockTableRecord

      acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), _



      '' Create a circle that is at 2,2 with a radius of 0.5

      Dim acCirc As Circle = New Circle()

      acCirc.Center = New Point3d(2, 2, 0)

      acCirc.Radius = 0.5


      '' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction


      acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, True)


      '' Create a rectangular array with 5 rows and 5 columns

      Dim nRows As Integer = 5

      Dim nColumns As Integer = 5


      '' Set the row and column offsets along with the base array angle

      Dim dRowOffset As Double = 1

      Dim dColumnOffset As Double = 1

      Dim dArrayAng As Double = 0


      '' Get the angle from X for the current UCS

      Dim curUCSMatrix As Matrix3d = acDoc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem

      Dim curUCS As CoordinateSystem3d = curUCSMatrix.CoordinateSystem3d

      Dim acVec2dAng As Vector2d = New Vector2d(curUCS.Xaxis.X, _



      '' If the UCS is rotated, adjust the array angle accordingly

      dArrayAng = dArrayAng + acVec2dAng.Angle


      '' Use the upper-left corner of the objects extents for the array base point

      Dim acExts As Extents3d = acCirc.Bounds.GetValueOrDefault()

      Dim acPt2dArrayBase As Point2d = New Point2d(acExts.MinPoint.X, _



      '' Track the objects created for each column

      Dim acDBObjCollCols As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection()



      '' Create the number of objects for the first column

      Dim nColumnsCount As Integer = 1

      While (nColumns > nColumnsCount)

          Dim acEntClone As Entity = acCirc.Clone()



          '' Caclucate the new point for the copied object (move)

          Dim acPt2dTo As Point2d = PolarPoints(acPt2dArrayBase, _

                                                dArrayAng, _

                                                dColumnOffset * nColumnsCount)


          Dim acVec2d As Vector2d = acPt2dArrayBase.GetVectorTo(acPt2dTo)

          Dim acVec3d As Vector3d = New Vector3d(acVec2d.X, acVec2d.Y, 0)




          acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acEntClone, True)


          nColumnsCount = nColumnsCount + 1

      End While


      '' Set a value in radians for 90 degrees

      Dim dAng As Double = Math.PI / 2


      '' Track the objects created for each row and column

      Dim acDBObjCollLvls As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection()


      For Each acObj As DBObject In acDBObjCollCols




      '' Create the number of objects for each row

      For Each acEnt As Entity In acDBObjCollCols

          Dim nRowsCount As Integer = 1


          While (nRows > nRowsCount)

              Dim acEntClone As Entity = acEnt.Clone()



              '' Caclucate the new point for the copied object (move)

              Dim acPt2dTo As Point2d = PolarPoints(acPt2dArrayBase, _

                                                    dArrayAng + dAng, _

                                                    dRowOffset * nRowsCount)


              Dim acVec2d As Vector2d = acPt2dArrayBase.GetVectorTo(acPt2dTo)

              Dim acVec3d As Vector3d = New Vector3d(acVec2d.X, acVec2d.Y, 0)




              acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acEntClone, True)


              nRowsCount = nRowsCount + 1

          End While



      '' Save the new objects to the database


  End Using

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;


static Point2d PolarPoints(Point2d pPt, double dAng, double dDist)


  return new Point2d(pPt.X + dDist * Math.Cos(dAng),

                     pPt.Y + dDist * Math.Sin(dAng));




public static void RectangularArrayObject()


  // Get the current document and database獲取當前文檔和數據庫

  Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

  Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;


  // Start a transaction啓動事務

  using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())


      // Open the Block table for read以讀打開塊表

      BlockTable acBlkTbl;

      acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,

                                   OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;


      // Open the Block table record Model space for write

      // 以寫打開塊表記錄ModelSpace

      BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;

      acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],

                                      OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;


      // Create a circle that is at 200,200 with a radius of 60

      Circle acCirc = new Circle();

      acCirc.Center = new Point3d(200, 200, 0);

      acCirc.Radius = 60;


      // Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction


      acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acCirc, true);


      // Create a rectangular array with 5 rows and 5 columns

      // 創建5行8列的矩形陣列

      int nRows = 5;

      int nColumns = 5;


      // Set the row and column offsets along with the base array angle

      // 設置行列間距及陣列基角

      double dRowOffset = 200;

      double dColumnOffset = 300;

      double dArrayAng = 0;


      // Get the angle from X for the current UCS

      // 獲取到當前UCS座標系X軸的角度

      Matrix3d curUCSMatrix = acDoc.Editor.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;

      CoordinateSystem3d curUCS = curUCSMatrix.CoordinateSystem3d;

      Vector2d acVec2dAng = new Vector2d(curUCS.Xaxis.X,



      // If the UCS is rotated, adjust the array angle accordingly

      // 如果UCS座標系旋轉了,相應地調整陣列的角度

      dArrayAng = dArrayAng + acVec2dAng.Angle;


      // Use the upper-left corner of the objects extents for the array base point

      // 使用對象範圍的左上角作爲陣列的基點

      Extents3d acExts = acCirc.Bounds.GetValueOrDefault();

      Point2d acPt2dArrayBase = new Point2d(acExts.MinPoint.X,



      // Track the objects created for each column

      // 跟蹤爲每列創建的對象

      DBObjectCollection acDBObjCollCols = new DBObjectCollection();



      // Create the number of objects for the first column

      // 創建第一行的對象(個數等於列數)

      int nColumnsCount = 1;

      while (nColumns > nColumnsCount)


          Entity acEntClone = acCirc.Clone() as Entity;



          // Caclucate the new point for the copied object (move)

          // 計算新位置

          Point2d acPt2dTo = PolarPoints(acPt2dArrayBase,


                                         dColumnOffset * nColumnsCount);


          Vector2d acVec2d = acPt2dArrayBase.GetVectorTo(acPt2dTo);

          Vector3d acVec3d = new Vector3d(acVec2d.X, acVec2d.Y, 0);




          acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acEntClone, true);


          nColumnsCount = nColumnsCount + 1;



      // Set a value in radians for 90 degrees

      double dAng = Math.PI / 2;


      // Track the objects created for each row and column

      DBObjectCollection acDBObjCollLvls = new DBObjectCollection();


      foreach (DBObject acObj in acDBObjCollCols)





      // Create the number of objects for each row創建其餘各行

      foreach (Entity acEnt in acDBObjCollCols)


          int nRowsCount = 1;


          while (nRows > nRowsCount)


              Entity acEntClone = acEnt.Clone() as Entity;



              // Caclucate the new point for the copied object (move)

              Point2d acPt2dTo = PolarPoints(acPt2dArrayBase,

                                             dArrayAng + dAng,

                                             dRowOffset * nRowsCount);


              Vector2d acVec2d = acPt2dArrayBase.GetVectorTo(acPt2dTo);

              Vector3d acVec3d = new Vector3d(acVec2d.X, acVec2d.Y, 0);




              acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acEntClone, true);


              nRowsCount = nRowsCount + 1;




      // Save the new objects to the database保存到數據庫




VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub RectangularArrayObject()

    ' Create the circle

    Dim circleObj As AcadCircle

    Dim center(0 To 2) As Double

    Dim radius As Double

    center(0) = 2#: center(1) = 2#: center(2) = 0#

    radius = 0.5

    Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _

                                  AddCircle(center, radius)



    ' Define the rectangular array

    Dim numberOfRows As Long

    Dim numberOfColumns As Long

    Dim numberOfLevels As Long

    Dim distanceBwtnRows As Double

    Dim distanceBwtnColumns As Double

    Dim distanceBwtnLevels As Double

    numberOfRows = 5

    numberOfColumns = 5

    numberOfLevels = 0

    distanceBwtnRows = 1

    distanceBwtnColumns = 1

    distanceBwtnLevels = 0


    ' Create the array of objects

    Dim retObj As Variant

    retObj = circleObj.ArrayRectangular _

                  (numberOfRows, numberOfColumns, numberOfLevels, _

                   distanceBwtnRows, distanceBwtnColumns, distanceBwtnLevels)



End Sub



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