3D Game Programming & Design:空間與運動








  • 我們知道拋物線運動也就是平拋運動的速度運算公式如下:

水平初速度Vx = V0
豎直方向速度Vy = gt

在Unity3D的三維座標系中,我們以xoz座標系爲例,分別用修改Transform屬性、使用向量Vector3的方法、 的方法來實現物體的拋物線運動。



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
    public float xspeed = 5;//水平方向初速度
    public float zspeed = 0;
    public float g = 10;//重力加速度
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        this.transform.position += Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime * xspeed;
        this.transform.position += Vector3.down * Time.deltaTime * zspeed;
        zspeed += g * Time.deltaTime;

Transform.right moves the GameObject in the red arrow’s axis (X).



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class vector : MonoBehaviour
    public float xspeed = 5;//水平方向初速度
    public float zspeed = 0;
    public float g = 10;//重力加速度
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 myVector = new Vector3(Time.deltaTime * xspeed, -Time.deltaTime * zspeed, 0);
        this.transform.position += myVector;
        zspeed += g * Time.deltaTime;

public Vector3(float x, float y, float z);
//Creates a new vector with given x, y components and sets z to zero.



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class trans : MonoBehaviour
    public float xspeed = 5;//水平方向初速度
    public float zspeed = 0;
    public float g = 10;//重力加速度
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 myVector = new Vector3(Time.deltaTime * xspeed, -Time.deltaTime * zspeed, 0);
        zspeed += g * Time.deltaTime;



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class solar : MonoBehaviour
	// Start is called before the first frame update
	public Transform sun;
	public Transform mars;
	public Transform jupiter;
	public Transform saturn;
	public Transform uranus;
	public Transform neptune;
	public Transform mercury;
	public Transform venus;
	public Transform earth;

	void Start()
		sun.position = Vector3.zero;
		mercury.position = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
		venus.position = new Vector3(-2, 0, 0);
		earth.position = new Vector3(3, 0, 0);
		mars.position = new Vector3(-6, 0, 0);
		jupiter.position = new Vector3(-7, 0, 0);
		saturn.position = new Vector3(9, 0, 0);
		uranus.position = new Vector3(12, 0, 0);
		neptune.position = new Vector3(-14, 0, 0);
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update()
		mars.RotateAround(sun.position, new Vector3(0, 13, 5), 10 * Time.deltaTime);
		mars.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 12, 5) * 40 * Time.deltaTime);

		jupiter.RotateAround(sun.position, new Vector3(0, 8, 3), 8 * Time.deltaTime);
		jupiter.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 10, 3) * 30 * Time.deltaTime);

		saturn.RotateAround(sun.position, new Vector3(0, 2, 1), 6 * Time.deltaTime);
		saturn.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 3, 1) * 20 * Time.deltaTime);

		uranus.RotateAround(sun.position, new Vector3(0, 9, 1), 6 * Time.deltaTime);
		uranus.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 10, 1) * 20 * Time.deltaTime);

		neptune.RotateAround(sun.position, new Vector3(0, 7, 1), 5 * Time.deltaTime);
		neptune.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 8, 1) * 30 * Time.deltaTime);

		mercury.RotateAround(sun.position, new Vector3(0, 3, 1), 20 * Time.deltaTime);
		mercury.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 5, 1) * 5 * Time.deltaTime);

		venus.RotateAround(sun.position, new Vector3(0, 2, 1), 15 * Time.deltaTime);
		venus.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 2, 1) * Time.deltaTime);

		earth.RotateAround(sun.position, Vector3.up, 10 * Time.deltaTime);
		earth.Rotate(Vector3.up * 30 * Time.deltaTime);





Priests and Devils

Priests and Devils is a puzzle game in which you will help the Priests and Devils to cross the river within the time limit. There are 3 priests and 3 devils at one side of the river. They all want to get to the other side of this river, but there is only one boat and this boat can only carry two persons each time. And there must be one person steering the boat from one side to the other side. In the flash game, you can click on them to move them and click the go button to move the boat to the other direction. If the priests are out numbered by the devils on either side of the river, they get killed and the game is over. You can try it in many > ways. Keep all priests alive! Good luck!


  • play the game ( http://www.flash-game.net/game/2535/priests-and-devils.html )
  • 列出遊戲中提及的事物(Objects)

Characters: Priests牧師、Devils魔鬼
Environment: Boat船、River河流、Coast岸

  • 用表格列出玩家動作表(規則表),注意,動作越少越好

動作 條件
開船 船上有人,船在左岸或者右岸
下船 船上有人,船到左岸或者右岸
開始岸牧師上船 船在開始岸,船有空位,開始岸有牧師
結束岸牧師上船 船在結束岸,船有空位,結束岸有牧師
開始岸魔鬼上船 船在開始岸,船有空位,開始岸有魔鬼
結束岸魔鬼上船 船在結束岸,船有空位,結束岸有魔鬼
  • 在 GenGameObjects 中創建 長方形、正方形、球 及其色彩代表遊戲中的對象,將遊戲中對象做成預製:

  • 整個遊戲僅主攝像機和一個 Empty 對象, 其他對象必須代碼動態生成。

  • 請使用課件架構圖編程,不接受非 MVC 結構程序
    MVC 結構

    MVC全名是Model View Controller,是模型(model)-視圖(view)-控制器(controller)的縮寫,一種軟件設計典範,用一種業務邏輯、數據、界面顯示分離的方法組織代碼,將業務邏輯聚集到一個部件裏面,在改進和個性化定製界面及用戶交互的同時,不需要重新編寫業務邏輯。MVC被獨特的發展起來用於映射傳統的輸入、處理和輸出功能在一個邏輯的圖形化用戶界面的結構中。

    本遊戲中所涉及的objects,包括牧師與魔鬼以及其他的所有環境的game objects都是model,它們分別通過不同的controller類控制。除了控制各個object的controller以外,還有控制整個場景的FirstController控制着這個場景中的所有對象。和一個控制着場景的創建、切換、銷燬、遊戲暫停、遊戲退出的Controller類。

基於MVC 結構的代碼分析

Model & Controller部分

  • moveable:用於控制角色和船的移動。
public class Moveable: MonoBehaviour {
		readonly float move_speed = 20;
		// change frequently
		int moving_status;	// 0->not moving, 1->moving to middle, 2->moving to dest
		Vector3 dest;
		Vector3 middle;
		void Update() {
			if (moving_status == 1) {
				transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, middle, move_speed * Time.deltaTime);
				if (transform.position == middle) {
					moving_status = 2;
			} else if (moving_status == 2) {
				transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, dest, move_speed * Time.deltaTime);
				if (transform.position == dest) {
					moving_status = 0;
		public void setDestination(Vector3 _dest) {
			dest = _dest;
			middle = _dest;
			if (_dest.y == transform.position.y) {	// boat moving
				moving_status = 2;
			else if (_dest.y < transform.position.y) {	// character from coast to boat
				middle.y = transform.position.y;
			} else {								// character from boat to coast
				middle.x = transform.position.x;
			moving_status = 1;

		public void reset() {
			moving_status = 0;
  • CoastController:用於控制與河岸有關的動作,比如角色上下岸,船的離開和停靠。


 public class CoastController {
		readonly GameObject coast;
		readonly Vector3 from_pos = new Vector3(9,1,0);
		readonly Vector3 to_pos = new Vector3(-9,1,0);
		readonly Vector3[] positions;
		readonly int to_or_from;	// to->-1, from->1

		// change frequently
		MyCharacterController[] passengerPlaner;

		public CoastController(string _to_or_from) {
			positions = new Vector3[] {new Vector3(6.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(7.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(8.5F,2.25F,0), 
				new Vector3(9.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(10.5F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(11.5F,2.25F,0)};

			passengerPlaner = new MyCharacterController[6];

			if (_to_or_from == "from") {
				coast = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Stone", typeof(GameObject)), from_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
				coast.name = "from";
				to_or_from = 1;
			} else {
				coast = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Stone", typeof(GameObject)), to_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
				coast.name = "to";
				to_or_from = -1;

		public int getEmptyIndex() {
			for (int i = 0; i < passengerPlaner.Length; i++) {
				if (passengerPlaner [i] == null) {
					return i;
			return -1;

		public Vector3 getEmptyPosition() {
			Vector3 pos = positions [getEmptyIndex ()];
			pos.x *= to_or_from;
			return pos;

		public void getOnCoast(MyCharacterController characterCtrl) {
			int index = getEmptyIndex ();
			passengerPlaner [index] = characterCtrl;

		public MyCharacterController getOffCoast(string passenger_name) {	// 0->priest, 1->devil
			for (int i = 0; i < passengerPlaner.Length; i++) {
				if (passengerPlaner [i] != null && passengerPlaner [i].getName () == passenger_name) {
					MyCharacterController charactorCtrl = passengerPlaner [i];
					passengerPlaner [i] = null;
					return charactorCtrl;
			Debug.Log ("cant find passenger on coast: " + passenger_name);
			return null;

		public int get_to_or_from() {
			return to_or_from;

		public int[] getCharacterNum() {
			int[] count = {0, 0};
			for (int i = 0; i < passengerPlaner.Length; i++) {
				if (passengerPlaner [i] == null)
				if (passengerPlaner [i].getType () == 0) {	// 0->priest, 1->devil
				} else {
			return count;

		public void reset() {
			passengerPlaner = new MyCharacterController[6];


  • MyCharacterController:用於控制6個角色的動作,比如上船,上岸等。
  • BoatController:用於控制船的運動以及角色的上下船綁定。



  • Director控制器:它就像是整個遊戲的“導演”,場景的加載、切換等,也可以控制遊戲暫停、結束等等。它只有一個實例,之後的任何返回值和各個方法之間的通信都會返回到這個實例對象上。
public class Director : System.Object {
		private static Director _instance;
		public SceneController currentSceneController { get; set; }

		public static Director getInstance() {
			if (_instance == null) {
				_instance = new Director ();
			return _instance;
  • SceneController接口:上面Director類中的public SceneController currentSceneController { get; set; }就是SceneController接口的實現。Director通過調用SceneController接口中的方法,來實現對場景的控制權。
public interface SceneController {
		void loadResources ();


  • FirstController:FirstController實現了具體的對遊戲整體場景的控制方法。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Com.Mygame;

public class FirstController : MonoBehaviour, SceneController, UserAction {

	readonly Vector3 water_pos = new Vector3(0,0.5F,0);

	UserGUI userGUI;

	public CoastController fromCoast;
	public CoastController toCoast;
	public BoatController boat;
	private MyCharacterController[] characters;

	void Awake() {
		Director director = Director.getInstance ();
		director.currentSceneController = this;
		userGUI = gameObject.AddComponent <UserGUI>() as UserGUI;
		characters = new MyCharacterController[6];
		loadResources ();

	public void loadResources() {
		GameObject water = Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Perfabs/Water", typeof(GameObject)), water_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;
		water.name = "water";

		fromCoast = new CoastController ("from");
		toCoast = new CoastController ("to");
		boat = new BoatController ();

		loadCharacter ();

	private void loadCharacter() {
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			MyCharacterController cha = new MyCharacterController ("priest");
			cha.setName("priest" + i);
			cha.setPosition (fromCoast.getEmptyPosition ());
			cha.getOnCoast (fromCoast);
			fromCoast.getOnCoast (cha);

			characters [i] = cha;

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			MyCharacterController cha = new MyCharacterController ("devil");
			cha.setName("devil" + i);
			cha.setPosition (fromCoast.getEmptyPosition ());
			cha.getOnCoast (fromCoast);
			fromCoast.getOnCoast (cha);

			characters [i+3] = cha;

	public void moveBoat() {
		if (boat.isEmpty ())
		boat.Move ();
		userGUI.status = check_game_over ();

	public void characterIsClicked(MyCharacterController characterCtrl) {
		if (characterCtrl.isOnBoat ()) {
			CoastController whichCoast;
			if (boat.get_to_or_from () == -1) { // to->-1; from->1
				whichCoast = toCoast;
			} else {
				whichCoast = fromCoast;

			boat.GetOffBoat (characterCtrl.getName());
			characterCtrl.moveToPosition (whichCoast.getEmptyPosition ());
			characterCtrl.getOnCoast (whichCoast);
			whichCoast.getOnCoast (characterCtrl);

		} else {									// character on coast
			CoastController whichCoast = characterCtrl.getCoastController ();

			if (boat.getEmptyIndex () == -1) {		// boat is full

			if (whichCoast.get_to_or_from () != boat.get_to_or_from ())	// boat is not on the side of character

			characterCtrl.moveToPosition (boat.getEmptyPosition());
			characterCtrl.getOnBoat (boat);
			boat.GetOnBoat (characterCtrl);
		userGUI.status = check_game_over ();

	int check_game_over() {	// 0->not finish, 1->lose, 2->win
		int from_priest = 0;
		int from_devil = 0;
		int to_priest = 0;
		int to_devil = 0;

		int[] fromCount = fromCoast.getCharacterNum ();
		from_priest += fromCount[0];
		from_devil += fromCount[1];

		int[] toCount = toCoast.getCharacterNum ();
		to_priest += toCount[0];
		to_devil += toCount[1];

		if (to_priest + to_devil == 6)		// win
			return 2;

		int[] boatCount = boat.getCharacterNum ();
		if (boat.get_to_or_from () == -1) {	// boat at toCoast
			to_priest += boatCount[0];
			to_devil += boatCount[1];
		} else {	// boat at fromCoast
			from_priest += boatCount[0];
			from_devil += boatCount[1];
		if (from_priest < from_devil && from_priest > 0) {		// lose
			return 1;
		if (to_priest < to_devil && to_priest > 0) {
			return 1;
		return 0;			// not finish

	public void restart() {
		boat.reset ();
		fromCoast.reset ();
		toCoast.reset ();
		for (int i = 0; i < characters.Length; i++) {
			characters [i].reset ();


  • UserGUI
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Com.Mygame;

public class UserGUI : MonoBehaviour {
	private UserAction action;
	public int status = 0;
	GUIStyle style;
	GUIStyle buttonStyle;

	void Start() {
		action = Director.getInstance ().currentSceneController as UserAction;

		style = new GUIStyle();
		style.fontSize = 40;
		style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

		buttonStyle = new GUIStyle("button");
		buttonStyle.fontSize = 30;
	void OnGUI() {
		if (status == 1) {
			GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width/2-50, Screen.height/2-85, 100, 50), "Gameover!", style);
			if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2-70, Screen.height/2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttonStyle)) {
				status = 0;
				action.restart ();
		} else if(status == 2) {
			GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width/2-50, Screen.height/2-85, 100, 50), "You win!", style);
			if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2-70, Screen.height/2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttonStyle)) {
				status = 0;
				action.restart ();
  • ClickGUI
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Com.Mygame;

public class ClickGUI : MonoBehaviour {
	UserAction action;
	MyCharacterController characterController;

	public void setController(MyCharacterController characterCtrl) {
		characterController = characterCtrl;

	void Start() {
		action = Director.getInstance ().currentSceneController as UserAction;

	void OnMouseDown() {
		if (gameObject.name == "boat") {
			action.moveBoat ();
		} else {
			action.characterIsClicked (characterController);




  • 最後


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