
  Professional English this subject test full score, the teacher said I would like to deduct points, but can not find points to deduct, ha ha. At this moment, I sigh that five years ago, from the last 20 in English (the teacher thinks it’s lucky to get 60 in the exam) to 127 in the college entrance examination, to passing CET-4 and CET-6 in my sophomore year, and now preparing for IELTS, practice makes perfect。During this period of time, I have a new understanding:凡事盡人事(我所理解的盡人事是對待任何事情都要全力以赴,不留餘地去做事,也就是英語中的 spare no effort to do sth),聽天命。I used to think that I was lucky and lost my life (得之我幸,失之我命): if I got it, I was lucky, but if I lost it, I lost my life. And after experiencing some things, I found another meaning of it: getting is my luck. And the loss is also my destiny. Dear friends, we encourage each other on the road of pursuing dreams!

開頭先給大家介紹一個很好玩的單詞叫做newbie (它的發音是牛逼哈哈哈,你覺得是NB,但是是小菜鳥哈哈哈),其實是電腦新手的意思哈哈哈



deployment (n) 部署

debug (v) 調試

indispensable (adj) 不可缺少的;必須的
(Positive energy is indispensable)

minimalist (n)最底限要求者

argue (v)主張;認爲

obviate (n)排除; 避免

traditionalist (n) 傳統主義者;墨守成規者
(I don’t think traditionalist is necessarily a derogatory word)

agilist (n) 敏捷主義者;機敏者

fruitless (adj) 徒勞的;無用的
(The antonym is fruit)

recipe (n) 訣竅
(It also has the meaning of menu)

chaos (n)混亂
(Some people’s computer desktop looks very chaotic, almost occupy the entire desktop, like this.
This kind of desktop makes me very uncomfortable and sad ~)

moderation (n) 適度;節制

paper (n) 文章;論文

state (v) 陳述;說明

milestone (n) 里程碑
(Note: this word is very important. I’ve met it many times anyway)

endeavor (n) 努力;盡力
(I shall endeavor to do my duty ,and wish you are)

stress (n)壓力;緊迫
(Note: This is also a high-frequency word. It also has the following meanings:



suffer (v) 受損失,受害
(When surfing the Internet, you must pay attention to network security, and don’t let your computer be attacked)

embrace (v) 掌握;接受;擁抱
(I like this word very much haha…)

consciously (adv) 有意識地

ingredient (n) 成分;因素

staff (n) 配置職員

ultimately (adv) 最後;終於;根本
(This reminds me of the prince and princess in the fairy tale ultimately together. Ha ha.)

breakup (n) 分解
(It also means to break up or end (marriage, relationship or connection) and to split up or disintegrate (organization or country))

configuration (n) 配置
(What is a good computer configuration? Welcome to have a private chat with me to discuss this issue)

live (adj) 生動的

tailor (v) 剪裁;適應

suit (v) 適合;合乎…的要求

prioritize (v) 把…區分有限次序

mitigation (n) 緩解;減輕

mechanism (n) 機制

defect (n) 缺陷

course (n) 過程;進程

arise (v) 出現;產生

churn (n) 粗製濫造;攪拌

petabyte (n) 拍(1015)字節

exabyte (n) 艾(1024)字節

anomaly (n) 異常;反常

skyrocket (v) 突升;猛漲
(Think of it like this: the rocket is going up, and its speed is very fast, so it means a surge)

framework (n) 架構;框架

airfare (n) 飛機票價

cluster (n) 羣;簇

stage (v) 展現;舉行

genomic (adj) 染色粗體的


architectural design 體系結構設計;概要設計

detailed design 詳細設計

Gantt Chart 甘特圖

road map 線路圖

in moderation 適中地

extreme Programming 極限編程

top-down approach 自頂向下方法

bottom-up approach 自底向上方法

configuration items 配置項

with respect to 就…而論;關於

take action 採取行動;着手
(It reminds me of the conversation I just had with a lovely person)

lay out 劃定(路線);佈置;安排

make sense 理解;有意義;是明智的

account for (在數量、比例方面)佔
(Note: this phrase also has these meanings in CET-4 and CET-6 1.Explain (something); 2. (someone) is responsible for (action, policy, etc.); 3. Put (money) in (budget))

data warehouse 數據倉庫
(Different from database數據庫)


W5HH: Why、 What、 When、 Who、 Where、 How、 How mach

V&V:Verification and Validation 驗證和確認
(I always think these two words look alike)

DBMS:DataBase Management System 數據庫管理系統

四、Complex Sentences

Original : The detailed schedule is one in which the tasks are broken in smaller,schedulable tasks, and then assigned to specific team menbers, while preserving the overall schedule and efforts estimates.

Translation: 詳細進度是指,在保持總體進度和工作量估算的條件下,將任務分解成更小、可安排的任務,然後將其分配給特定的團隊成員。

Original : Businesses are interested in big data because they contain more patterns and interesting anomalies than smaller data sets, with the potential to provide new insights into customer behavior, weather patterns, financial market activity, or other phenomenna.

Translation: 企業對大數據感興趣,是因爲它們與更小的數據集相比包含了更多的模式與有趣的特例,因而具備提供新的針對顧客行爲、天氣模式、金融市場活力或其他現象相關信息的潛力。

Original : To meet project goals even under the presence of risks requires proper risk management.

Translation: 爲了即使在風險存在的情況下能夠實現項目目標,需要適當的風險管理。

Original : With proper monitoring in place, these situations can be identified and plans changed accordingly.

Translation: 通過適當的監控,這些情況能夠被識別,從而可以相應地改變計劃。



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