Hacker News 簡訊 2021-02-22

最後更新時間: 2021-02-22 09:00

  1. I paid for Spotify playlist placements so you don’t have to - (najinsan.wordpress.com)
    我爲Spotify播放列表位置付費,所以你不必 [中文翻譯版]
  2. Mistakes I've Made as an Engineering Manager - (css-tricks.com)
    我作爲工程經理犯的錯誤 [中文翻譯版]
  3. Cross-Database Queries in SQLite - (simonwillison.net)
    SQLite中的跨數據庫查詢 [中文翻譯版]
  4. Frustrated with Parler deplatforming, I am building a service no one can silence - (1b677b8f8bb20100.github.io)
    對帕勒去平臺感到失望,我正在建立一個無人能沉默的服務 [中文翻譯版]
  5. If Materialism Is True, the United States Is Probably Conscious (2015) - (ucr.edu)
    如果物質主義是真的,美國可能是有意識的(2015) [中文翻譯版]
  6. Please do not put IP addresses into DNS MX records - (hboeck.de)
    請不要將IP地址放入DNS MX記錄 [中文翻譯版]
  7. Apparent hackers behind Kia ransomware attack demand millions in Bitcoin - (thedrive.com)
    起亞勒索軟件攻擊背後的明顯黑客要求數百萬比特幣 [中文翻譯版]
  8. When Engineers Were Humanists - (nybooks.com)
    當工程師還是人文主義者的時候 [中文翻譯版]
  9. Feedback Welcome: I am developing an e-paper calendar as a consumer product - (invisible-computers.com)
    歡迎反饋:我正在開發一個電子紙日曆作爲消費產品 [中文翻譯版]
  10. Activists who embrace nuclear power - (newyorker.com)
    擁護核能的積極分子 [中文翻譯版]
  11. Show HN: Ad Network for Sideprojects - (tinyads.io)
    Show HN:Sideprojects廣告網絡 [中文翻譯版]
  12. YouTube blocked chess channel after mistaken detection of racial slurs - (news18.com)
    YouTube在錯誤發現種族歧視後封鎖了國際象棋頻道 [中文翻譯版]
  13. Formalising Mathematics: An Introduction - (xenaproject.wordpress.com)
    數學形式化導論 [中文翻譯版]
  14. Replit (YC W18) is hiring to make computing more accessible - (repl.it)
    Replit(ycw18)正在招聘,以使計算變得更容易使用 [中文翻譯版]
  15. Project Xanadu - (wikipedia.org)
    仙那都項目 [中文翻譯版]
  16. ‘It just blew fire’: Kauai woman watched as an engine fell apart on flight 328 - (hawaiinewsnow.com)
    “它剛剛起火”:考艾島一名婦女在328航班上看着一臺發動機拋錨 [中文翻譯版]
  17. Diplomacy: The Board Game of the Alpha Nerds (2014) - (grantland.com)
    外交:阿爾法書呆子的棋盤遊戲(2014) [中文翻譯版]
  18. TransferWise: World, Meet Wise - (wise.com)
    世界,遇見智慧 [中文翻譯版]
  19. Passerine: An extensible and expressive new programming language - (passerine.io)
    Passerine:一種可擴展、可表達的新型程序設計語言 [中文翻譯版]
  20. The modern packager’s security nightmare - (gentoo.org)
    現代包裝商的安全噩夢 [中文翻譯版]
  21. Website scores kill our success, waste our time - (arencambre.com)
    網站分數扼殺我們的成功,浪費我們的時間 [中文翻譯版]
  22. It’s cheaper because we pass the risk on to you - (shkspr.mobi)
    因爲我們把風險轉嫁給你,所以比較便宜 [中文翻譯版]
  23. Silent Running: The sci-fi that predicted modern crises - (bbc.com)
    無聲奔跑:預言現代危機的科幻小說 [中文翻譯版]
  24. A Data Pipeline Is a Materialized View - (nchammas.com)
    數據管道是一個物化視圖 [中文翻譯版]
  25. The Beirut Bank Job (2017) - (darknetdiaries.com)
    貝魯特銀行工作(2017) [中文翻譯版]
  26. Nvidia Limits RTX 3060 Hash Rate - (tomshardware.com)
    Nvidia限制RTX 3060哈希速率 [中文翻譯版]
  27. Show HN: Turn scripts into fine-tuned voices via Wiki markups - (github.com/baxtree)
    Show HN:通過Wiki標記將腳本轉換爲微調的聲音 [中文翻譯版]
  28. Biocrusts Are an Entire World Beneath Our Feet - (atlasobscura.com)
    生物殼是我們腳下的整個世界 [中文翻譯版]
  29. Commenting vs. Making - (chiefofstuff.substack.com)
    評論與製作 [中文翻譯版]
  30. When Bitcoin miners take over a town (2018) - (politico.eu)
    當比特幣礦商接管一座城鎮(2018) [中文翻譯版]

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本文由 HiCMS 自動編譯,最後更新時間: 2021-02-22 09:00
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