原创 O-RAN notes(2)---Bronze deployment

O-RAN SC Bronze(or release 'B') has been released at 2020/6/21. Follow link: https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/pages/viewpage.a

原创 NG Toolset開發筆記--5GNR Resource Grid(50)

ngapp_build20190320放出後,陸續收到反饋:app總是報錯,不容易找到valid configuraiton能讓工具順利導出excel。 爲方便調試驗證,新增下列feature: (1) 如果options/enable

原创 NG Toolset開發筆記--5GNR Resource Grid(40)

Implementation notes on 'Msg3 PUSCH': Note 1: 'msg3 pusch' is scheduled by RAR. Note 2: 'msg3 pusch' use RA type1, can

原创 K8s and Docker notes (2.2)---Hands on with Deployment

(1) on both DebianNode and DebianNode2, retag "nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest" to "nigelpoulton/k8sbook:edge" for ease of

原创 golang notes(5)

After reading <Go in Action> and <Effective Go>, i am going to study the Go standard library next. 6/2, notes on builti

原创 K8s and Docker notes (2.1)---Hands on with Pod

(1) Add a third k8s node DebianNode2: (21:35 dabs@CNU1343VF8 ~) > kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AG

原创 NG Toolset開發筆記--5GNR Resource Grid(47)

1/26 update: recvSib1 is ok now. monitorPdcch returns (hsfn, sfn, slot) indicating the detected DCI 1_0(with RNTI=SI-RN

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.3)

(continued) (5,3) kubeadm init (21:26 dabs@CNU1343VF8 ~) > sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= W0528 21

原创 LeetCode-May-Week4 Daily Challenge: Possible Bipartition

5/27 daily challenge: Possible Bipartition   My own solution, a bit faster than DFS(depth-first search): func possibl

原创 LeetCode-May-Week4 Daily Challenge: Contiguous Array

5/26 Daily Challenge: Contiguous Array   Very elegant and interesting idea: func findMaxLength(nums []int) int{ //

原创 golang notes (8)---therecipe/qt binding

6/5 update on therecipe/qt binding: refer to: https://github.com/therecipe/qt export GO111MODULE=off; go get -v github

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.1)

5/28, start reading <The Kubernetes Book>. 用了幾乎一天的時間研究install k8s with kubeadm and configure master node of k8s cluster

原创 golang notes (6)---PAT (Basic Level) 1002-寫出這個數

using golang's math/big library, otherwise, one can use string to represent the input integer n(n <= 10^100). package

原创 Kubernetes(K8s) and Docker notes (1.2)

(continued) (5.1) kubeadm config images pull how to avoid the "[ERROR ImagePull]: failed to pull image ...: manifest un

原创 golang notes(9)--reimplementation of ngapp using go(UI part)

I'm planning to reimplement ngapp using Golang. possible enhancement(s): 1, excel report --> csv report per frame so th