The Multiresolution Toolkit: Progressive Access for Regular Gridded Data

We present the Multiresolution Toolkit (MTK), a wavelet
based software system for enabling progressive access to
large, regular gridded data sets. Transformations into and
out of the wavelet domain using our methods are highly
efficient, permitting application users to make effective
speed/quality tradeoffs. The transformations operate on
floating point data, are simple to implement, and lossless,
making our approach a viable alternative data representation
format. The method may be easily incorporated into
new or existing visualization and analysis tools with only
minor modification. We demonstrate the utility of our system
by exploring a large turbulence simulation on a desktop
workstation using a collection of multiresolution applications
we have developed or extended with MTK.
Key Words
Data Treatment and Visualization, Visualization Software,
Progressive Data Access, Wavelets, Large Data
1 Introduction
In numerous scientific disciplines the ability to generate
data, either through instrumentation or numerical simulation,
has out-stripped our ability to manipulate, visualize
and analyze these data. The result is that many data sets,
often produced at great expense, are not fully investigated.
In this paper we describe a wavelet-based software system
that provides progressive data access, enabling great reduction
in computing resources required to operate on these
data sets by providing reduced approximations to them.
The underlying premise for this work is that many forms
of scientific inquiry can be performed using coarsened, and
therefor less resource intensive, approximations of the data.
The information extracted from these approximations may
be sufficient for the task at hand or in many cases may serve
to simply narrow the domain (spatial and/or temporal) upon
which further investigation may be conducted at greater detail.
Though others have proposed hierarchical data representation
schemes [17, 3, 10, 18], to our knowledge our
method is the only one that offers all of the following important
• Out-of-core: Our implementation operates out-ofcore
for both forward and inverse transformations,permitting extremely large data sets to be processed
using only a modest memory footprint.
• High efficiency: Both inverse and forward transforms
are highly cpu and I/O efficient.
• Subsetting: Subregions of the data may easily and
efficiently be extracted at varying resolutions.
• Minimal storage overhead: Only a few bytes of
header information are required, typically representing
less than 0.01% of the data.
• Resampling: Approximations are produced by resampling
the original data, not by simply subsampling.
2 Previous Work
The challenges posed by large data analysis are not limited
to the numerical simulation community, or visualization in
general. Much work has been done in the area of compression,
possibly combining hierarchical representation, with
an aim towards enabling interactive display by permitting
speed/quality tradeoffs.
Triangle mesh simplification methods have demonstrated
the utility of data coarsening combined with progressive
refinement for the display of the largest triangle
meshes [16]. In the area of data visualization, Schroeder et
al. were probably the first to apply mesh simplification to
address the notorious problem of over tesselation with the
marching cubes and related isosurfacing algorithms [15].
Lindstrom and Silva investigate out-of-core mesh simpli-
fication methods for some of the largest published scientific
data sets [9]. While these approaches can greatly reduce
triangle counts while preserving surface fidelity, and
are well-suited to progressive display, they suffer from long
preprocessing times, the need for additional storage if the
full resolution representations are to be preserved, and preclude
interactive isosurface selection. Further, these methods
provide little benefit to other stages in the pipeline beyond
Others have employed compression and hierarchical
methods to quantized data in order to reduce processing,
storage and/or communication requirements specifi-
cally for direct volume rendering. Levoy was the first toemploy hierarchical decompositions in an effort to accelerate
ray casting by using octrees skip areas of low opacity
[8]. Ihm and Park were the first to adapt 3D wavelet compression
strategies that permit random access, an essential
capability for the changing access patterns required by 3D
data visualization [7]. Rodler treats 3D volumes as a collection
of 2D slices, employing video coding methods to the
slices and 2D wavelet transforms within each slice [12].
The wavelet hierarchy presented by Guthe et al. is most
similar to our own, though their focus is direct volume rendering,
not general data simplification [6]. All of these
methods employ lossy compression strategies, quantizing
floating point data into narrow integer representations, thus
requiring multiple copies of the data to be maintained if the
original data are to be preserved.
The more general approach of using hierarchical approximations
to represent the data sets themselves with
varying resolutions was introduced by Cignoni et al. [3]
and Wilhelms and Van Gelder [17]. Cignoni et al. generate
multiresolution representations of scattered data through
successive tetrahedral refinement of a coarsened initial approximation
[3]. While Cignoni’s method is capable of
supporting irregular as well as regular data, at the same
time it fails to preserve regularity in coarsened representations
even when it originally existed. Though not based on
wavelet theory, Wilhelms and Van Gelder’s approximation
strategy is more similar to our own, exploring a small number
of basis functions to reconstruct the field [17]. Zhou
introduces yet another tetrahedra based framework, differing
from that of Cignoni in that interpolation is avoided
by relying on subsampling, making their method more ef-
ficient, though limited to regular grids [18]. For the most
part all of these methods are cpu and memory intensive, do
not support region subsetting, and impose significant storage
Most closely related to our own efforts are those of
Pascucci and Frank [10]. Unlike our own wavelet-based
approach, Pascucci and Frank’s method is based upon
Space Filling Curves (SPF) that enable subsetting and progressive
access for regular gridded data by simply reorganizing
the layout of the data storage. These methods do not
alter the data in any way and are therefore inherently invertible.
However, coarsened resolutions are then necessarily
produced by nearest neighbor sampling, leading to inferior
3 Algorithm
Our algorithm, described in more detail elsewhere [4], assumes
a Cartesian gridded, regularly spaced data volume of
dimension Nx × Ny × Nz where each dimension is of size
forsome positive integer j. The power-of-two restriction
may be relaxed with either padding or careful attention to
boundary conditions. We reorder our Nx×Ny×Nz volume
into blocks of size b, where b is also a power of two, and associate
subvolumes consisting of eight neighboring blocks
with a 2×2×2 superblock . For each block in a superblock we apply a single pass of a separable wavelet transform
using the Quincunx decomposition ordering [13]. That
is, we first transform along the X axis, decomposing the
block into two subbands. We then apply the Y direction
transform only to the low-frequency λ coefficients resulting
from the X transform. Similarly, we then apply the
Z axis transform only to the new λ coefficients resulting
from the Y axis pass. After a single complete pass of the
wavelet transform has been completed for all the blocks in
a superblock, we gather the λ0−1 and high-frequency γ0−1
coefficients of the superblock together in the manner depicted
by the 2D example of a supertile shown in figure 1.
After each superblock has been transformed in this
manner, we recursively apply the procedure to each set of
λ coefficients produced in the previous pass, forming new
superblocks with each pass. With each pass the number
of available λ blocks is reduced by a factor of eight. Processing
stops when only a single λ block remains or after a
user-determined limit is reached.
3.1 Implementation
The paragraphs above describe our conceptual approach. In
practice, we balance memory and efficient disk access, applying
the forward transform using a depth-first, binary tree
traversal with slabs of raw block data serving as leaf nodes.
The data is streamed out-of-core with slabs read in sequen- tially from disk, only as needed, in a single pass. In this
way our memory footprint can be kept quite small, requiring
only memory to contain less than 4×Nx×Ny blocks,
where Nx and Ny are the resolution X and Y volume coordinate
dimensions in blocks, respectively. The depth-first
tree traversal operates as follows: If a node is a leaf node,
a slab of blocks is read into memory as λ0 coefficients. If a
node is not a leaf node and not the root, the forward wavelet
transformation is applied along all three axis to the λj coefficients
stored by the node’s two children as indicated in
figure 1. The resulting γj−1 coefficients are written to disk
and the new λj−1 coefficients are stored in memory forsubseqent
processing when the node’s parent is visited. If the
node is the root, or the user-defined maximum transformation
limit is reached, then the λj coefficients are written to
disk as well.
The inverse transform operates in much the same way
as the forward, reading λ and γ coefficients only as needed.
Of course if we are reconstructing a subvolume, or the
full volume at a coarsened resolution, our memory requirements
are even lower. We also note that the reordering step
can be performed during the transform, compressing these
two operations into one.
The block based method just described has a number
of attractions worth noting:
• The blocks, when sized appropriately, may be transformed
quickly on cache-dependent microprocessors.
• By gathering our λj coefficients into new blocks at
the end of each transformation pass, we can lessen the
effects of block boundary artifacts typical of blockbased
encoding schemes.
• The number of coefficients transformed within a block
does not decrease with each pass, facilitating the use
of higher-order wavelets with larger supports.
• We can easily and efficiently reconstruct approximations
of subvolumes or volumes at any desired powerof-two
resolution. This is in contrast to previous block
based approaches; by reordering our storage of coefficients
such that coefficients are grouped by level
instead of by spatial location, we can better accommodate
page-based storage access, greatly reducing
cache and page faults in the case of in-core access and
I/O operations for out-of-core access.
4 The Multiresolution Toolkit
To demonstrate the applicability of our progressive data
scheme we have implemented a suite of tools we collectively
call the Multiresolution Toolkit (MTK). MTK
presently consists of a base C++ object library, upon which
multiresolution tools may easily be layered, a direct volume
rendering application, MDB, extensions to the popular
commercial analysis package, RSI’s Interactive Data
Languate (IDL), and finally, a data importer for the Visualization
Toolkit (VTK) [14]. 4.1 MTK library
The base library consists of a collection of C++ class objects
for applying forward and inverse wavelet transformations
on 3D Cartesian gridded data, as described previously.
The class library encapsulates a 3D implementation
of the Lifting method based on Swelden’s [5] Liftpack software.
Hence, a wide family of wavelet transforms are supported.
Data operated on by the transformation objects are
assumed to have been previously blocked. Padding is not
necessary for non power-of-two data; the wavelet support
is adapted as necessary.
Layered on top of the core transformation object library
is a file API for reading and writing wavelet coeffi-
cients from disk. The file format itself is not exposed. The
API provides a simple interface for streaming, out-of-core
access with transformation files; files may be read by arbitrary
axis-aligned, block-bounded subregions, and read or
written by slabs. The width of a slab is one block. In addition
to storing the actual wavelet coefficients the wavelet
block files also contain a small amount of metadata, including
min, max values for each block. Each approximation
level is stored in a separate file to enable the off-line storage
of the highest-frequency detail coefficients if desired.
4.2 MDB
The Multiresolution Data Browser (MDB) implements a
direct volume rendering engine with support for progressive
data access. In particular, region subsetting is supported
(axis-aligned, rectangular parallelpipeds). MDB
uses a block-based LRU cache to improve performance.
Blocks of data are quantized to 8-bit quantities on the fly
at negligible cost and stored in the data cache. The cache
size may be set arbitrarily large by the user. The cache
is particularly beneficial when moving back and forth between
resolutions and for supporting temporal animations.
A 200 time step 1283 volume requires 400MBs of memory
and is easily accommodated by even a modestly equipped
PC. Once loaded into main memory the volumes may be
streamed for interactive temporal animations. Two direct
volume rendering engines are currently supported, one
based on SGI’s Volumizer [1], the other is implemented
directly on top of OpenGL using 2D texture mapping, enabling
use on PCs with commodity graphics cards.
Because our algorithm preserves the regularity of the
data, adapting our volume rendering engines for progressive
access is trivial; they need only be capable of handling
data with varying resolution from frame to frame. We must
also scale opacities for the changing sampling distances so
that the translucency does not depend on the number of
sampling points which vary for different approximations.
We can accomplish this oblivious to the rendering engine
by adjusting the opacity lookup table. The composting operation
is non-linear and the correct equation for opacity
adjustment is 4.3 Extensions to existing tools
We’ve extended two existing tools to take advantage of progressive
data access: IDL, and the popular freeware visualization
toolkit, VTK [14]. IDL is a general purpose data
analysis and post-processing tool that is widely used by researchers
in the earth sciences. Although recent versions
of IDL provide threaded implementations of many of their
computationally intensive intrinsic functions, many userdefined
IDL functions are serial. Hence, performance is
often far from interactive. The progressive data access capability
we’ve added to IDL can greatly reduce the cost of
many operations.
Similarly, we have added a MTK data importer to
VTK. VTK, while possessing tremendous functionality, is
notorious for its poor performance on large data. Again,
progressive data access provides a means for accelerating
any of VTK’s robust suite of visualization algorithms.
5 Results
In the section that follows we present some results from
our implementation. Our platform for experimentation is
an SGI Octane2 with a 600Mhz, R14000 processor, 5 GB’s
of memory, V12 graphics, and a Fiber Channel attached
RAID. Our data set is a 200 time-step, 5123
solar turbulent
convection simulation occupying nearly half a terabyte
of storage. We’ve transformed the data using three passes
of the Haar wavelet transform, as described, resulting in
a base volume with a resolution of 643
. The block size
we have chosen for our tests is 323
, which strikes a balance
between processor cache efficiency and having an adequate
number of coefficients for our transforms.
We are interested in exploring several aspects of the
performance of our method: 1) the quality of the coarsened
approximations, 2) the speed at which we can reconstruct
a given volume or subvolume to a desired resolution,
3) the performance benefit to our data browser, and 4)
forward transform performance. This last metric, often ignored
elsewhere, is an important consideration, particularly
when dealing with time varying data possessing multiple
time steps with high spatial resolutions.
Figure 2 shows a volume visualizations of our turbulence
data set that has been direct volume rendered using
VTK’s software ray caster. Each coarsening in resolution
represents a factor of eight reduction in data and a corresponding
reduction in storage, communication, and processing
costs. Clearly the image degrades at lower resolutions,
but even the 1283
approximations, which represent
1/64th of the original data, preserve the overall structure of
the simulation. Only the finest details are lost and images
of this fidelity may still be used to identify the location,
or observe dynamics, of the large scale vortices. At 2563
hardly any degradation is observed and it is difficult to argue
that the higher fidelity images resulting from the 5123
data warrant the expense in their computation for the view
point selected. Clearly if we were to zoom in on a feature the higher resolution data would be desirable. But in this
case view frustum clipping would eliminate much of the
domain from the field of view, permitting us to subset the
volume and avoid reconstruction of the entire domain.
To demonstrate scalability and test the efficiency of
reconstruction we ran two different experiments using a
10243 upsampled version of our 5123 data. The forward
wavelet transformation was applied using four passes resulting
in a base resolution of 643
. In our first performance
experiment we look at the efficiency of extracting a 1283
subvolume from the center of the domain at varying transformation
levels. Table 1 shows the average timings for the
I/O and the computation of the reconstruction transformation
itself. Also shown is the total reconstruction time using
the SPF method of Pascucci and Frank. We observe that the
costs of both I/O and the wavelet transformation increase in
proportion to the number of passes required to reconstruct
the subvolume. This result is expected as with each pass the
number of additional coefficients required to reconstruct a
subvolume of constant dimension remains constant. However,
even in the case of the 10243 volume the extraction
takes only a couple of seconds. We also note that I/O dominates
the reconstruction costs, emphasizing how little overhead
our data representation imposes. Lastly, we note that
the SPF method, which does not rely on data transformations,
has near-constant performance.
In our second experiment we look at the cost of reconstructing
the entire volume domain at varying resolutions.
Again our base resolution is 643
. Table 2 shows the time
distributions for our method and again compares the total
time with the SPF approach. The coarsest volume in our
test is 643 which is the resolution of our transformed base
volume. Hence, there are only I/O costs for reconstructing
this volume and no transformation costs. As we would
expect, the costs increase in linearly with the total number
of samples. However, unlike with our subvolume extraction
experiments, the transformation and I/O costs are
more balanced for full volume reconstructions. We speculate
that this is due to efficiency gains in the I/O stage
which can read in larger chunks of contiguous data when
not extracting a subvolume. We note that the good balance
between the I/O and transformation points to future possible
efficiency gains by pipelining these steps. Finally, we
note that unlike with subregion extraction the costs of the
SPF method grow exponentially with the number of samples.
Forward transformation costs are an important con- sideration for extremely large data sets. Table 3 shows the
time in seconds for reading raw data from disk, applying
three passes of the forward transform, and writing the coefficients
back to disk. The amount of processor memory
allocated, as reported by the IRIX operating system, is also
shown. We note that unlike other progressive access methods
reported in the literature, forward transformation, like
the inverse, is quite fast, and again the I/O times dominate.
We also see that as expected our memory requirements
grow only with N2
, making possible the transformation
of a 10243 data set, which occupies 4GBs of disk
space, using less than 400 MBs of main memory.
Finally, we look at application performance. Table 4
shows rendering rates of our multiresolution direct volume
renderer, MDB, and Table 5 shows the performance of IDL
computing a histogram at various resolutions. As we would
expect, as the resolution decreases the performance increases.
However, in both cases as the resolution becomes
extremely coarse the inverse resolution/performance relation
becomes non-linear; the speedup is not as we’d hope. We expect this is due to other factors (e.g. setup time) that
begin to dominate the execution time. Nevertheless, highly
interactive rates are achieved with the coarser data.
6 Discussion
As researchers employing numerical models strive to resolve
details in their simulations at finer and finer scales,
computational grids and the resulting data sets they generate
have reached extraordinary sizes. Interactive analysis
and post processing of these data at their native resolutions
requires computational resources at least on par with those
that produced the data. Unfortunately our experience at the
National Center for Atmospheric Research has been that
analysis platforms of this scale are seldom available. As
a result, many numerical modelers are now faced with a
deluge of data that they are ill-equipped to handle. Their
challenge is often not to compute but to analyze.
While it is hoped that these data sets were not generated
or acquired at such great scales needlessly, it is not
necessarily the case that the full resolution data are essential
for all aspects of analysis. In particular, highly effective data browsing or discovery may be possible using lower
resolution approximations if greater interactivity is enabled
and the full resolution data is preserved for subsequent further
analysis of detected features of interest [11, 2]. It is
this paradigm – interactive browsing of coarsened data, followed
by possibly non-interactive deeper analysis of features
in a reduced domain – that our data representation
scheme targets.
7 Conclusions
We have presented a collection of tools that enable exploratory
data analysis of vast data sets by taking advantage
of our wavelet-based, progressive access data representation
scheme. Our toolkit permits many existing applications
to be easily extended to support progressive access.
The data representation enables highly efficient simplification
and lossless reconstruction of floating point data
at progressively finer resolutions, making the method an attractive
alternative to the conventional Z-ordered storage of
arrays. By simplifying the data set, as opposed to simplifying
visualization output primitives, we stand to accelerate
the entire visualization process.
We anticipate extending our research in several directions.
Higher-order wavelets, though more computationally
complex, could provide more accurate representations
of the coarsened data than those possible with the highly
computationally efficient Haar transform, allowing further
speed/quality tradeoffs. Lossless compression might also
be explored to reduce storage requirements. Irregularly
spaced data might also be accommodated though the use
of second generation wavelets.
The author would like to thank Randy Frank for providing
the space filling curve source code and his insightful
comments, and thank Mark Rast and NCAR’s High Altitude
Observatory for provision of the Rast solar turbulent
convection data set.

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