
環境: keil(MDK)
使用ULINK2仿真器連接Embest EduKit-IV實驗平臺的主板JTAG接口;使用Embest EduKit-IV實驗平臺附帶的交叉串口線,連接實驗平臺主板上的COM2和PC機的串口(一般PC只有一個串口,如果有多個請自行選擇,筆記本沒有串口設備的可購買USB轉串口適配器擴充);使用EmbestEduKit-IV實驗平臺附帶的電源適配器,連接實驗平臺主板上的電源接口。

#include <string.h>
#include "2410lib.h"
#include "lcdlib.h"
#include "glib.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include <math.h>
#define LCD_BUF_SIZE        (SCR_XSIZE_TFT_640480*SCR_YSIZE_TFT_640480/2)
#define LCD_ACTIVE_BUFFER   (0x33800000)
#define LCD_VIRTUAL_BUFFER  (0x33800000 + LCD_BUF_SIZE)
#define LCD_D_OFF           rGPCDAT &= ~(1 << 4); 
#define LCD_D_ON            rGPCDAT |= (1 << 4); 


#ifndef BOARDTEST   
extern const UINT8T g_ucBitmap[][76800];
extern UINT8T g_ucAscii8x16[];
extern UINT8T g_auc_Ascii6x8[];
extern UINT8T g_auc_hzk24[];

void Lcd_DspAscII6x8(UINT16T x0, UINT16T y0, UINT16T ForeColor, UINT8T * s);
void Lcd_DspAscII8x16(UINT16T x0, UINT16T y0, UINT16T ForeColor, UINT8T * s);
void Lcd_DspHz24(UINT16T x0, UINT16T y0, UINT16T ForeColor, UINT8T *s);
void Lcd_Draw_HLine(INT16T usX0, INT16T usX1, INT16T usY0, UINT16T ucColor, UINT16T usWidth);
void Lcd_Draw_VLine (INT16T usY0, INT16T usY1, INT16T usX0, UINT16T ucColor, UINT16T usWidth);
void lcd_clr(void);
extern void Lcd_port_init(void);
extern void Lcd_Port_Return(void);

* name:     lcd_init_app
* func:     lcd application initialization code 
* para:     none
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void lcd_init_app()
    Glib_ClearScr(0, MODE_TFT_16BIT_800480);
    Lcd_PowerEnable(0, 1);

* name:     lcd_init_app_end
* func:     end lcd application initialization
* para:     none
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void lcd_init_app_end()

#ifndef BOARDTEST   
* name:     Lcd_DspHz24
* func:     display 24x24 Chinese Symbol on Lcd  
* para:     UINT16T x0          --  x coordinate of start point
*           UINT16T y0          --  y coordinate of start point
*           UINT16T ForeColor --  foreground color of lcd 
*           UINT8T *s        --  string to display 
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void Lcd_DspHz24(UINT16T x0, UINT16T y0, UINT16T ForeColor, UINT8T *s)
    INT16T i,j,k,x,y,xx;
    UINT8T qm,wm;
    INT32T ulOffset;
    INT8T hzbuf[72];

    for(i = 0; i < strlen((const char*)s); i++)
        if(((UINT8T)(*(s+i))) < 161)
            qm = *(s+i) - 176;                                  //161;
                wm = *(s+i + 1) - 161;
                    ulOffset = (INT32T)(qm * 94 + wm) * 72;
                    for (j = 0; j < 72; j ++)
                        hzbuf[j] = g_auc_hzk24[ulOffset + j];
                    for(y = 0; y < 24; y++)
                    for(x = 0; x < 24; x++) 
                        k = x % 8;
                    if (hzbuf[y * 3 + x / 8]  & (0x80 >> k))
                        xx = x0 + x + i*12;
                        PutPixel( xx, y + y0, (UINT16T)ForeColor);

* name:     Lcd_DspAscII6x8()
* func:     display 6x8 ASCII character string 
* para:     usX0,usY0 -- ASCII character string's start point coordinate
*           ForeColor -- appointed color value
*           pucChar   -- ASCII character string
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
#define XWIDTH          6
extern UINT8T g_ucAscii6x8[];
void Lcd_DspAscII6x8(UINT16T usX0, UINT16T usY0,UINT16T ForeColor, UINT8T* pucChar)
    UINT32T i,j;
    UINT8T  ucTemp;

    while( *pucChar != 0 )
        for( i=0; i < 8; i++ )
            ucTemp = g_ucAscii6x8[(*pucChar) * 8 + i];
            for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
                if( (ucTemp & (0x80 >> j)) != 0 )
                    PutPixel(usX0 + i, usY0 + 8 - j, (UINT16T)ForeColor);
        usX0 += XWIDTH;

#ifndef BOARDTEST   
* name:     Lcd_DspAscII8X16
* func:     display 8x16 AscII Symbol on Lcd  
* para:     UINT16T x0          --  x coordinate of start point
*           UINT16T y0          --  y coordinate of start point
*           UINT16T ForeColor --  foreground color of lcd 
*           UINT8T *s        --  string to display 
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void Lcd_DspAscII8x16(UINT16T x0, UINT16T y0, UINT16T ForeColor, UINT8T * s)
    INT16T i,j,k,x,y,xx;
    UINT8T qm;
    INT32T ulOffset;
    INT8T ywbuf[16];

    for(i = 0; i < strlen((const char*)s); i++)
        if((UINT8T)*(s+i) >= 161)
            qm = *(s+i);
                    ulOffset = (INT32T)(qm) * 16;   
                    for (j = 0; j < 16; j ++)
                        ywbuf[j] = g_ucAscii8x16[ulOffset + j];

                    for(y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                    for(x = 0; x < 8; x++) 
                            k = x % 8;
                    if (ywbuf[y]  & (0x80 >> k))
                        xx = x0 + x + i*8;
                        PutPixel( xx, y + y0, (UINT16T)ForeColor);

* name:     lcd_clr
* func:     clear LCD screen
* para:     none 
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void lcd_clr(void)
    UINT32T i;

    for (i = 0; i < (SCR_XSIZE_CSTN * SCR_YSIZE_CSTN /4); i++)
        *pDisp = 0xffffffff;//ALLWHITE;

* name:     lcd_clr_rect
* func:     fill appointed area with appointed color
* para:     usLeft,usTop,usRight,usBottom -- area's rectangle acme coordinate
*           ucColor -- appointed color value
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:  also as clear screen function 
void lcd_clr_rect(INT16T usLeft, INT16T usTop, INT16T usRight, INT16T usBottom, UINT16T ucColor)
    UINT32T i, j;
    for (i = usLeft; i < usRight; i++)
    for (j = usTop; j < usBottom; j++)
        //*(pDisp+i+j) = ucColor;

* name:     Lcd_Draw_Box()
* func:     Draw rectangle with appointed color
* para:     usLeft,usTop,usRight,usBottom -- rectangle's acme coordinate
*           ucColor -- appointed color value
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void Lcd_Draw_Box(INT16T usLeft, INT16T usTop, INT16T usRight, INT16T usBottom, UINT16T ucColor)
    Lcd_Draw_HLine(usLeft, usRight,  usTop,    ucColor, 1);
    Lcd_Draw_HLine(usLeft, usRight,  usBottom, ucColor, 1);
    Lcd_Draw_VLine(usTop,  usBottom, usLeft,   ucColor, 1);
    Lcd_Draw_VLine(usTop,  usBottom, usRight,  ucColor, 1);

* name:     Lcd_Draw_Line()
* func:     Draw line with appointed color
* para:     usX0,usY0 -- line's start point coordinate
*           usX1,usY1 -- line's end point coordinate
*           ucColor -- appointed color value
*           usWidth -- line's width
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void Lcd_Draw_Line(INT16T usX0, INT16T usY0, INT16T usX1, INT16T usY1, UINT16T ucColor, UINT16T usWidth)
    INT16T usDx;
    INT16T usDy;
    INT16T y_sign;
    INT16T x_sign;
    INT16T decision;
    INT16T wCurx, wCury, wNextx, wNexty, wpy, wpx;

    if( usY0 == usY1 )
        Lcd_Draw_HLine (usX0, usX1, usY0, ucColor, usWidth);
    if( usX0 == usX1 )
        Lcd_Draw_VLine (usY0, usY1, usX0, ucColor, usWidth);
    usDx = abs(usX0 - usX1);
    usDy = abs(usY0 - usY1);
    if( ((usDx >= usDy && (usX0 > usX1)) ||
        ((usDy > usDx) && (usY0 > usY1))) )
        GUISWAP(usX1, usX0);
        GUISWAP(usY1, usY0);
    y_sign = (usY1 - usY0) / usDy;
    x_sign = (usX1 - usX0) / usDx;

    if( usDx >= usDy )
        for( wCurx = usX0, wCury = usY0, wNextx = usX1,
             wNexty = usY1, decision = (usDx >> 1);
             wCurx <= wNextx; wCurx++, wNextx--, decision += usDy )
            if( decision >= usDx )
                decision -= usDx;
                wCury += y_sign;
                wNexty -= y_sign;
            for( wpy = wCury - usWidth / 2;
                 wpy <= wCury + usWidth / 2; wpy++ )
                PutPixel(wCurx, wpy, ucColor);

            for( wpy = wNexty - usWidth / 2;
                 wpy <= wNexty + usWidth / 2; wpy++ )
                PutPixel(wNextx, wpy, ucColor);
        for( wCurx = usX0, wCury = usY0, wNextx = usX1,
             wNexty = usY1, decision = (usDy >> 1);
             wCury <= wNexty; wCury++, wNexty--, decision += usDx )
            if( decision >= usDy )
                decision -= usDy;
                wCurx += x_sign;
                wNextx -= x_sign;
            for( wpx = wCurx - usWidth / 2;
                 wpx <= wCurx + usWidth / 2; wpx++ )
                PutPixel(wpx, wCury, ucColor);

            for( wpx = wNextx - usWidth / 2;
                 wpx <= wNextx + usWidth / 2; wpx++ )
                PutPixel(wpx, wNexty, ucColor);

* name:     Lcd_Draw_HLine()
* func:     Draw horizontal line with appointed color
* para:     usX0,usY0 -- line's start point coordinate
*           usX1 -- line's end point X-coordinate
*           ucColor -- appointed color value
*           usWidth -- line's width
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void Lcd_Draw_HLine(INT16T usX0, INT16T usX1, INT16T usY0, UINT16T ucColor, UINT16T usWidth)
    INT16T usLen;

    if( usX1 < usX0 )
        GUISWAP (usX1, usX0);

    while( (usWidth--) > 0 )
        usLen = usX1 - usX0 + 1;
        while( (usLen--) > 0 )
            PutPixel(usX0 + usLen, usY0, ucColor);

* name:     Lcd_Draw_VLine()
* func:     Draw vertical line with appointed color
* para:     usX0,usY0 -- line's start point coordinate
*           usY1 -- line's end point Y-coordinate
*           ucColor -- appointed color value
*           usWidth -- line's width
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void Lcd_Draw_VLine (INT16T usY0, INT16T usY1, INT16T usX0, UINT16T ucColor, UINT16T usWidth)
    INT16T usLen;

    if( usY1 < usY0 )
        GUISWAP (usY1, usY0);

    while( (usWidth--) > 0 )
        usLen = usY1 - usY0 + 1;
        while( (usLen--) > 0 )
            PutPixel(usX0, usY0 + usLen, ucColor);

* name:     color_lcd_test()
* func:     LCD test function
* para:     none
* ret:      none
* modify:
* comment:      
void color_lcd_test(void)
    char c;
    UINT8T *cInput;
    UINT8T ucInNo=0;
    UINT32T g_nKeyPress;
    Lcd_DspAscII8x16(30,200,RED,"The words that you input are: ");
    ucInNo = 0;
    uart_printf(" \nPlease input words, then press Enter: ");
    g_nKeyPress = 1;
    while(g_nKeyPress==1)           // only for board test to exit


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