
幾天前在 Slideshare 上看到 Etienne Garbugli 的一個關於時間管理的幻燈片,覺得挺不錯,值得分享。另外由於 Slideshare 被牆,順帶保存分享到牆內。如果譯文有不到位的地方,煩請指出,謝謝。

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

01. There is alway time. Time is priorities. 時間常有。時間優先。

02. Days always fill up. 時間總會有的。

Only plan for 4-5 hours of real work per day. 每天只計劃4-5 小時用於真正工作。—— DDH,37signals

03. Work more when you are in the zone. Relax  when you‘re not. 當你在工作狀態時,那就多幹點;不在狀態時,就好好休息。

“有時候會連着幾天不是工作狀態,有時在工作狀態時卻又能天天忙活 12 小時,這都很正常的。” —— Alain Paquin

譯註:If you are in the zone you are happy or excited because you are doing something very skilfully and easily.

04. Respect your time and make it respected. 重視你的時間,並使其值得重視。

“ your time is 1000$/hour, and you need to act accordingly. 你的時間是 1000 美元/小時,你得行動起來。

05. Stop multi-tasking. It merely kill your focus. 不要同時多任務。這隻會消耗注意力。(保持專注,一心一用)

06. Set up a work routine and stick to it. Your body will adapt. 養成一個工作習慣,並持之以恆。你的身體會適應過來的。

07. We’re always more focused and productive with limited time. 在有限的時間內,我們總是非常專注並且有效率。

08.  Work is the best way to get working. Start with short task to get the ball rolling. 獲取工作的最佳方式就是工作。(把要做的工作分成多個小任務,)從小任務開始做起,讓整個工作運轉起來。(千里之行始於足下)

09.  Work iteratively. Expectation to do things perfectly are stifling. 迭代工作。期待完美收工會令人窒息。

” 做完事情,要勝於完美收工。“ Facebook 辦公室牆壁上貼的箴言。(譯註:下圖有誤,不是 Doing,是 Done )。

10.  More work hours doesn’t mean more productive. Use constraints as opportunities. 工作時間越長,並不等於效率越高。把約束當成機遇吧。

11. Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive. 按重要性劃分工作,提高效率。

Separate thinking and execution to execute faster and think better. 把思考和執行獨立開來,是爲了更快的執行和更好的思考。—— Sol Tanguay, Imarklab

12. Organize meetings early during the day. Time leading up to an event is often wasted. 有會議,儘早安排。用於準備會議的時間往往都浪費掉了。

13. Group meetings and communications (email or phone) to create blocks of uninterrupted work. 羣組會議和溝通(郵件或電話)會產生不連續的任務。

”即便是一個簡單的會議,也會毀了一個下午。把下午分割成兩個過小時間段,以至於啥事也做不成了。“——Paul Graham。

PS:①《請不要打斷開發人員》http://t.cn/zjMEfSY ② “當看到一個程序員冥思苦想的時候,不要過去打擾,甚至在極端的情況下,一句友好的問候都是多餘的。 ” http://t.cn/zWNNobV

14. Keep the same context throughout the day. Switching between projects/clients is unproductive. 在一整天中,保持工作環境。在不同項目/客戶之間換來換去,這不高效。

15. Work around procrastination. Procrastinate between intense sprints of work (Pomodoro). 工作之外就是拖延。高強度工作之間都有着拖延。——《番茄工作法》當中的一個觀點,這話直譯相當彆扭,感覺應該是 Rest between intense sprints of work。或者就是我理解有誤或不到位。

16.  ”Break the unreasonable down into little reasonable chunks. A big goal is only achieved when every little thing that you do everyday, gets you closer to that gloal.” 把不切實際的(任務)分割成多個小的合理部分。一個大目標,只要你每天都做些小事情,你也就更靠近那個大目標了。—— escaping the 9 to 5

17. No two tasks ever hold the same importance. Always prioritize. Be really careful with to-do lists. 從來沒有兩個任務會有相同的優先級。總會有個更重要。請仔細考慮代辦事情列表。

18. Always know one thing you really need to get done during the day. 必須要明白你白天要真正去完成哪件事。

“Only ever work on the thing that will have the biggest impact” 只去做那件有着最大影響的事情。—— Jason Cohen

19. Break tasks in to hour increments. Long tasks are hard to get into; feels like it all needs to get done. 長任務難以入手,把任務按等量時間劃分。如此一來,小任務給人感覺的是,很快就要做完了。

20. Delegate and learn to make use of other people. 授權,並學會(利)用(他)人。// 直譯過來,雖然”利用“二字有點怪怪的,但就是這麼個道理。

“If something can be done 80% as well by someone else, delegate!” 如果某件事其他人也可以做到八成,那這件事就可委派給其他人。

21. Turn the page on yesterday. Only ever think about today and tomorrow. 把昨天翻過去,只考慮今天和明天。

“Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games” “昨天的全壘打沒有贏得今天的比賽”

22. Set deadlines for everything. Don’t let tasks go on indefinitely. 給所有事情都設定一個期限。不要讓工作無期限地進行下去。

23. Set end dates for intense or stressful activities. Everything ends at some point. 針對時間緊或有壓力的事情,設置結束時間。在某種程度上,萬事皆會終結。

24. Always take notes. 多做備註。

“Get a reminder app for everything. Do not trust your own brain for your memory” 裝一個提醒應用吧,有句俗話,好記性不如爛筆頭

25. Write down anything that distracts you- google searches, random thoughts, new ideas, whatever. The point is, if you write them down, they’ll stop bubbling up when you’re in the zone. 在你進入(工作)狀態後,記下任何分散你注意力的東西,比如 Google 搜索詞、靈光乍現的想法、新點子等等。如果你把它們記下來,它們就不會在蹦來蹦去了。

26. Take breaks. Sometimes. 請適當休息!

英文原文:Etienne Garbugli


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