



  1. 初步預測


  1. 測量更新 感知周圍的世界稱之爲測量更新。收集有關汽車周圍環境的更多信息並改進我們的預測。 比如:測量的停車標誌前兩個網格單元,測量並不完美,但我們對汽車的位置有了更好的瞭解。


  1. 預測(時間更新) 下一步是移動,也稱之爲時間更新或預測步驟;我們根據對速度和當前位置的瞭解,預測汽車的移動位置。 比如:將概率分佈向右移動一個單元格


  1. 循環重複 已經形成了對汽車位置的新估計,卡爾曼濾波器簡單的重複感應和移動(測量和預測),以便在汽車移動時對汽車進行定位!



當定位一輛汽車時,汽車位置和運動通常被稱爲汽車狀態。 汽車的狀態包括:汽車當前位置X以及速度

X= 0
velocity = 50
initial_state = [x, velocity]

假如汽車行駛在一條單行道上: 汽車當前位置在這條路起點,以每秒50米的速度前進,因此三秒後,它將達到150米標記處



  • 汽車有一個初始狀態
  • 假設汽車以一個恆定速度前進 distance = velocity * time該等式也稱之爲運動模型

一個更復雜的模型: 汽車依舊從零點出發,此時的速度爲50米每秒,但它以-20m/s2的加速度速度遞減


  • distance = velocitydt + 0.5acceleration*dt2
  • velocity = acceleration * dt

狀態包括此模型中的加速度,如下所示:[x, velocity, acc]。

# Constant acceleration, changing velocity

# initial variables
x = 0
velocity = 50
acc = -20

initial_state = [x, velocity, acc]

# predicted state after three seconds have elapsed
# this state has a new value for x, and a new value for velocity (but the acceleration stays the same)
dt = 3

new_x = x + velocity*dt + 0.5*acc*dt**2
new_vel = velocity + acc*dt

predicted_state = [new_x, new_vel, acc]  # predicted_state = [60, -10, -20]
#---- predict state function --#
def predict_state(state, dt):
    # Assumes a valid state had been passed in
    # Assumes a constant velocity model
    x = state[0]
    new_x = x+state[1]*dt
    # Create and return the new, predicted state
    predicted_state = [new_x, state[1]]
    return predicted_state
from functions import predict_state

# predict_state takes in a state and a change in time, dt
# So, a call might look like: new_state = predict_state(old_state, 2)

# The car starts at position = 0, going 60 m/s
# The initial state:
initial_state = [10, 60]

# After 2 seconds:
state_est1 = predict_state(initial_state, 2)

# 3 more seconds after the first estimated state
state_est2 = predict_state(state_est1, 3)

## TODO: Use the predict_state function 
## and the above variables to calculate the following states
## (And change their value from 0 to the correct state)

## Then, click Test Run to see your results!

## 1 more second after the second state estimate
state_est3 = predict_state(state_est2, 1)

## 4 more seconds after the third estimated state
state_est4 =  predict_state(state_est3, 4)

創建汽車對象 狀態由位置定義:[y,x];速度具有垂直分量和水平分量:[vy,vx]

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

""" The Car class defines a car's movement and keeps track of its state.

    The class includes init, move, and display functions.
    This class assumes a constant velocity motion model and the state
    of the car includes the car's position, and it's velocity.

        state: A list of the car's current position [y, x] and velocity [vy, vx]
        world: The world that the car is moving within (a 2D list)

class Car(object):
    # Car constructor 
    # Called when you write car.Car(_, _, _)
    def __init__(self, position, velocity, world):
        """Initializes Car with some position, velocity, and a world to traverse."""
        # Initialize the state
        # Position is a list [y, x] and so is velocity [vy, vx]
        self.state = [position, velocity]
        self.world = world # world is a 2D list of values that range from 0-1
        # Set the default color
        self.color = 'r'
        # Initalize the path
        self.path = []

    # Move function
    def move(self, dt=1):
        """ The move function moves the car in the direction of the velocity and 
            updates the state.
            It assumes a circular world and a default dt = 1 (though dt can be any 
            non-negative integer).
        height = len(self.world)
        width = len(self.world[0])
        position = self.state[0]
        velocity = self.state[1]

        # Predict the new position [y, x] based on velocity [vx, vy] and time, dt
        predicted_position = [
            (position[0] + velocity[0]*dt) % height, # default dt = 1
            (position[1] + velocity[1]*dt) % width
        # Update the state
        self.state = [predicted_position, velocity]
        # Every time the robot moves, add the new position to the path
    # Turn left function
    def turn_left(self):
        """ Turning left "rotates" the velocity values, so vy = -vx, and vx = vy.
            For example, if a car is going right at 1 world cell/sec this means 
            vy = 0, vx = 1, 
            and if it turns left, then it should be moving upwards on the world grid 
            at the same speed! 
            And up is vy = -1 and vx = 0
        # Change the velocity
        velocity = self.state[1]
        predicted_velocity = [
        # Update the state velocity
        self.state[1] = predicted_velocity
    ## TODO: Write the turn_right function
    ## Hint: Use turn_left for inspiration!
    def turn_right(self):
        """ Turning left "rotates" the velocity values, so vy = -vx, and vx = vy.
            For example, if a car is going right at 1 world cell/sec this means 
            vy = 0, vx = 1, 
            and if it turns left, then it should be moving upwards on the world grid 
            at the same speed! 
            And up is vy = -1 and vx = 0
        # Change the velocity
        velocity = self.state[1]
        predicted_velocity = [
        # Update the state velocity
        self.state[1] = predicted_velocity
    # Helper function for displaying the world + robot position
    # Assumes the world in a 2D numpy array and position is in the form [y, x]
    # path is a list of positions, and it's an optional argument
    def display_world(self):
        # Store the current position of the car
        position = self.state[0]
        # Plot grid of values + initial ticks
        plt.matshow(self.world, cmap='gray')

        # Set minor axes in between the labels
        rows = len(self.world)
        cols = len(self.world[0])

        ax.set_xticks([x-0.5 for x in range(1,cols)],minor=True )
        ax.set_yticks([y-0.5 for y in range(1,rows)],minor=True)

        # Plot grid on minor axes in gray (width = 2)
        plt.grid(which='minor',ls='-',lw=2, color='gray')

        # Create a 'x' character that represents the car
        # ha = horizontal alignment, va = verical
        ax.text(position[1], position[0], 'x', ha='center', va='center', color=self.color, fontsize=30)
        # Draw path if it exists
        if(len(self.path) > 1):
            # loop through all path indices and draw a dot (unless it's at the car's location)
            for pos in self.path:
                if(pos != position):
                    ax.text(pos[1], pos[0], '.', ha='center', va='baseline', color=self.color, fontsize=30)

        # Display final result
# Import statements
import numpy
import car

# Declare initial variables
# Create a 2D world of 0's
height = 4
width = 6
world = np.zeros((height, width))

# Define the initial car state
initial_position = [0, 0] # [y, x] (top-left corner)
velocity = [0, 1] # [vy, vx] (moving to the right)
# Create a car object with these initial params
carla = car.Car(initial_position, velocity, world)

# Display the world
## TODO: Move carla around, using your new turn_right() function
## Display the result and the state as it changes
carla = car.Car(initial_position, velocity, world)
for i in range(4):
    for j in range(3):
class Color(object):

    # Initializes a color with rgb values
    def __init__(self, r, g, b):
        self.r = r
        self.g = g
        self.b = b

    # Called when a Color object is printed out
    def __repr__(self):
        '''Display a color swatch and returns a text description of r,g,b values'''
        plt.imshow([[(self.r/255, self.g/255, self.b/255)]])
        return 'r, g, b = ' + str(self.r) + ', ' + str(self.g) + ', ' + str(self.b)

    ## TODO: Complete this add function to add two colors together
    def __add__(self, other):
        '''Adds the r, g, and b components of each color together 
           and averaging them. 
           The new Color object, with these averaged rgb values, 
           is returned.'''
        self.r = self.r + other.r
        self.g = self.g + other.g
        self.b = self.b + other.b
        return self
# Notice we are importing the color class!

import numpy as np
import color

%matplotlib inline

# Auto-reload function so that this notebook keeps up with 
# changes in the class file 
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
color1 = color.Color(250, 0, 0)
color2 = color.Color(0,0, 250)
# Add the two colors to create a *new* color object
new_color = color1 + color2


使用狀態向量,我們可以在一個矩陣乘法步驟中預測新狀態。 矩陣乘法

左邊的2*2矩陣通常稱爲狀態變換矩陣 如果x和y不相互依賴,存在單獨且恆定的x速度和y速度分量

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