

北京時間今天凌晨3點,三星舉辦了新品發佈會,量產摺疊屏手機Galaxy Fold全球首發。該手機在摺疊狀態下只有4.6英寸,而展開後則變成7.3英寸超大屏。據瞭解,該手機定價爲1980美元,人民幣約合13300元。

Samsung’s foldable phone is the Galaxy Fold, available April 26th starting at $1,980

Samsung first teased its foldable phone back in November, and at the company's Galaxy Unpacked event today, it's further detailing its foldable plans. Samsung's foldable now has a name, the Samsung Galaxy Fold, and the company is revealing more about what this unique smartphone can do. Samsung is planning to launch the Galaxy Fold on April 26th, starting at $1,980, through AT&T and T-Mobile in the US, with a free pair of Samsung's new wireless earbuds. There will be both an LTE and 5G version of the Galaxy Fold, and Samsung is even planning on launching the device in Europe on May 3rd, starting at 2,000 euros.


表示“發佈先導;預先透露部分消息”,英文解釋爲“to release a limited amount of information about (a forthcoming new product)舉個🌰:

The band have teased a new song online.


注:英文解釋來自柯林斯詞典(Collins Dictionary),中文意思爲自己的理解。

· Teaser是指在正式的產品上市或形象露出廣告之前投放的預熱(或稱先導)廣告(a short advertisement which appears a few days or weeks before a full advertisement for a product)。


作動詞,1) 表示“詳細說明,詳述”,英文解釋爲“to list things or give all the facts or information about something舉個🌰:

The report details the progress we have made over the last year.


2) 表示“指派某人(尤指士兵)做某事”,英文解釋爲“to officially order someone, especially soldiers, to do a particular job”舉個🌰:

Two soldiers were detailed to guard duty.



have an eye for detail (= be skilled at noticing details) 表示“善於捕捉細節”,舉個🌰:

Photographers need to have an eye for detail.


AT&T and T-Mobile

AT&T公司(AT&T Inc.):電信公司,美國第二大移動運營商,創建於1877年,曾長期壟斷美國長途和本地電話市場,目前是美國最大的本地和長途電話公司,總部位於德州北部大城市達拉斯。 


Samsung is using a new 7.3-inch Infinity Flex Display that allows the phone itself to have a tablet-sized screen that can be folded to fit into a pocket. The main display is QXGA+ resolution (4.2:3), and when it’s folded, a smaller 4.6-inch HD+ (12:9) display is used for the phone mode. Samsung is using 512GB of Universal Flash Storage 3.0 (eUFS) for fast speeds, alongside a Qualcomm 7nm octa-core processor and 12GB of RAM. Samsung has even built two batteries for its Galaxy Fold, that are separated by the fold but combined in the Android operating system to represent a total of 4,380 mAh.


Infinity Flex Display 無線摺疊屏

Universal Flash Storage 通用閃存存儲

octa-core processor 八核處理器

Random Access Memory, RAM 隨機存取存儲器

Samsung has built a sturdy backbone to the device, with a hinge system that has multiple interlocking gears. All of these gears are hidden at the rear of the device, and allow the Galaxy Fold to transform from tablet to phone modes. At the rear of the device there’s also a triple-camera system that will be used for both tablet and phone modes. There’s a 16-megapixel ultra-wide camera, alongside 12-megapixel wide-angle and telephoto cameras at the rear, and a 10-megapixel cover camera for selfies. Samsung is also creating four different colors for the Galaxy Fold, but it’s the main tablet display that’s key here.


sturdy /ˈstɜːdɪ/表示“結實的; 堅固的”,英文解釋爲“Someone or something that is sturdy looks strong and is unlikely to be easily injured or damaged.舉個🌰:

She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties. 



a hinge system 鉸鏈系統

ultra-wide cameras 超廣角鏡頭  

wide-angle and telephoto cameras  廣角+長焦鏡頭

cover cameras 前置攝像頭


表示“(尤指數碼相機的)百萬像素”,英文解釋爲“a million pixel s – used for measuring the quality of a digital picture, especially when talking about digital cameras,如:a three megapixel camera 三百萬像素的相機。

Samsung is allowing the Galaxy Fold to run three apps at once on this Android device, and it’s using an app continuity system to adjust these apps when you move between tablet and phone modes. Apps like WhatsApp, Microsoft Office, and YouTube have all been optimized for the new display and modes, and Samsung has been working with Google to ensure Android 9 Pie fully supports this display.


表示“使優化”,英文解釋爲“To optimize a plan, system, or machine means to arrange or design it so that it operates as smoothly and efficiently as possible.舉個🌰:

The new systems have been optimized for running Microsoft Windows. 


Samsung demonstrated a variety of apps running in this mode, and the switching from phone to tablet and vice versa. It looks rather smooth in the software right now, but it’s fair to say that the Galaxy Fold looks far better when it’s folded out than being used as a traditional phone. The phone display is clearly designed to be used with one hand, but it's flanked by large bezels that aren’t found on the tablet mode. We’ll need to get a closer look at the Galaxy Fold to find out exactly how this impacts the device usability, though.

vice versa

表示“反過來也是如此,反之亦然”,英文解釋爲“used to say that the opposite of a situation you have just described is also true舉個🌰:

The boys may refuse to play with the girls, and vice versa.



此處表示“(常用於表示輕微的批評、失望或驚訝)相當,在某種程度上”,英文解釋爲“used to mean ‘fairly’ or ‘to some degree’, often when you are expressing slight criticism, disappointment or surprise舉個🌰:

The instructions were rather complicated.



表示“兩側有”,英文解釋爲“If something is flanked by things, it has them on both sides of it, or sometimes on one side of it.舉個🌰:

The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees. 



bezel /ˈbɛzəl/表示“(手錶、手機等的)嵌玻璃凹槽,鑲嵌板外圈”,英文解釋爲“a ring with a long narrow cut around the inside, used to hold sth in place, such as the cover of a watch or mobile phone/cellphone”。

Samsung isn't the only smartphone maker creating a foldable device, but it's certainly one of the first to make it widely available. Xiaomi teased its own folding phone recently, that looked like the best concept we've seen so far. Huawei is also reportedly planning to release a foldable handset this year, and Lenovo has started to tease its own prototype. LG has also been developing flexible OLED displays and TVs that roll up into a box. If all these manufacturers progress toward shipping a device like Samsung, then expect to see a lot of foldable phones in 2019 and beyond.


表示“樣機;原型”,英文解釋爲“A prototype is a new type of machine or device that is not yet ready to be made in large numbers and sold舉個🌰:

He has built a prototype of a machine called the wave rotor. 



roll/roll up,表示“使成筒形(球形)”,英文解釋爲“to make something into the shape of a tube or ball舉個🌰:

Would you like the paper rolled or folded?



此處表示“推出(計算機商品);(使)上市”,英文解釋爲“to make a piece of computer equipment or software available for people to buy technical舉個🌰:

Both products are due to ship at the beginning of September.


來源:The Verge

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