
1. 模型理論與應用

以下幾個問題都是比較經典的問題,會對模型的深入理解會有很大的幫助。 特別是對於邏輯迴歸的二次導數的求解過程可以用來證明一個函數是否凸函數。

1.1 邏輯迴歸相關

假設我們有訓練數據D={(x1,y1),...,(xn,yn)}D=\{(\mathbf{x}_1,y_1),...,(\mathbf{x}_n,y_n)\}, 其中(xi,yi)(\mathbf{x}_i,y_i)爲每一個樣本,而且xi\mathbf{x}_i是樣本的特徵並且xiRD\mathbf{x}_i\in \mathcal{R}^D, yiy_i代表樣本數據的標籤(label), 取值爲00或者11. 在邏輯迴歸中,模型的參數爲(w,b)(\mathbf{w},b)。對於向量,我們一般用粗體來表達。請回答以下問題。
(a) 在邏輯迴歸模型下,請寫出目標函數(objective function), 也就是我們需要"最小化"的目標(也稱之爲損失函數或者loss function),不需要考慮正則
L(w,b)=argminw,bi=1nyilogσ(wTxi+b)+(1yi)log[1σ(wT+b)]L(\mathbf{w},b) = argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i=1}^n y_ilog\sigma(w^Tx_i+b) + (1-y_i)log[1-\sigma(w^T+b)]

(b) 求出L(w,b)L(\mathbf{w},b)的梯度(或者計算導數),需要必要的中間過程。
$\frac{\partial L(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial \mathbf{w}}\

= argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i=1}ny_i\frac{\sigma(wTx_i + b)[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]x_i}{\sigma(w^Tx_i+b)} + (1 - y_i)\frac{(-1)\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]x_i} {1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)}\

= argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i = 1}^n y_i[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]x_i + (y_i - 1)\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i\

= argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i = 1}^n [y_i - y_i\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]x_i + y_i\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i\

= argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i = 1}^n [y_i - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]x_i\

= argmin_{w,b}\sum_{i = 1}^n [\sigma(w^Tx_i + b) - y_i]x_i$

$\frac{\partial L(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial b}\

= argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i=1}ny_i\frac{\sigma(wTx_i + b)[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]} {\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)} + (1 - y_i)\frac{(-1)\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]} {1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)}\

= argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i=1}^ny_i[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)] + (1 - y_i)(-1)\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)\

= argmin_{w,b}-\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\

= argmin_{w,b}\sum_{i=1}n[\sigma(wTx_i + b) - y_i]$

© 請寫出基於梯度下降法(batch)的對於w\mathbf{w}bb的更新
wt+1=wtηti=1n[σ(wTxi+b)yi]xiw^{t+1} = w^t - \eta_t\sum_{i=1}^n[\sigma(w^Tx_i + b) - y_i]x_i

bt+1=btηti=1n[σ(wTxi+b)yi]b^{t+1} = b^t - \eta_t\sum_{i=1}^n[\sigma(w^Tx_i + b) - y_i]

(d) 假設在(a)的基礎上加了一個L2正則項,請寫出基於梯度下降法(batch)的對於w\mathbf{w}bb的更新
wt+1=wtηti=1n[σ(wTxi+b)yi]xi+2λww^{t+1} = w^t - \eta_t\sum_{i=1}^n[\sigma(w^Tx_i + b) - y_i]x_i + 2\lambda w

bt+1=btηti=1n[σ(wTxi+b)yi]+2λwb^{t+1} = b^t - \eta_t\sum_{i=1}^n[\sigma(w^Tx_i + b) - y_i] + 2\lambda w

(e) 在(b)的基礎上接着對w\mathbf{w}求導(等於二階導數,二階導數的維度爲D×DD\times D),這個二階導數也稱之爲Hessian Matrix(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessian_matrix) 對於矩陣、向量的求導請參考:https://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~hwolkowi/matrixcookbook.pdf

2L2w=i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xiTxi\frac{\partial^2 \mathcal{L}}{\partial^2 \mathbf{w}} = \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i^Tx_i

2Lwb=i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xi\frac{\partial^2 \mathcal{L}}{\partial \mathbf{w} \partial \mathbf{b}} = \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i

2Lbw=i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xi\frac{\partial^2 \mathcal{L}}{\partial \mathbf{b} \partial \mathbf{w}} = \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i

2L2b=i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)\frac{\partial^2 \mathcal{L}}{\partial^2 \mathbf{b}} = \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)

H=(i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xiTxii=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xii=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xii=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b))H = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i^Tx_i & \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i \\ \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i & \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b) \end{array} \right)

(f) 請說明在(e)的得出來的Hessian Matrix是Positive Definite. 提示:爲了證明一個D×DD\times D的矩陣HH爲Positive Semidefinite,需要證明對於任意一個非零向量vRDv\in \mathcal{R}^D, 需要得出vTHv>=0v^{T}Hv >=0



假設vT=[x,y]Rv^T = [x, y] \in \mathcal{R}


vTHv=[x,y](i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xiTxii=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xii=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xii=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b))[x,y]T=x2i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xiTxi+xyi=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xi+yxi=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xi+y2i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)=x2i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xiTxi+2xyi=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)xi+y2i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)=i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)[x2xiTxi+2xyxi+y2]=i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)(xxi+y)2v^{T}Hv\\ = [x, y]\left( \begin{array}{cc} \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i^Tx_i & \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i \\ \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i & \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b) \end{array} \right)[x, y]^T\\ = x^2\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i^Tx_i + xy\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i + yx\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i +\\ y^2\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)\\ = x^2\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i^Tx_i + 2xy\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)x_i + y^2\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)\\ = \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)[x^2x_i^Tx_i + 2xyx_i + y^2]\\ = \sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)(xx_i + y)^2

因爲[1σ(wTxi+b)][1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]σ(wTxi+b)\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)以及(xxi+y)2(xx_i + y)^2都是大於等於0的

所以i=1n[1σ(wTxi+b)]σ(wTxi+b)(xxi+y)2>=0\sum_{i=1}^n[1 - \sigma(w^Tx_i + b)]\sigma(w^Tx_i + b)(xx_i + y)^2 >= 0

所以,最終得出vTHv>=0v^{T}Hv >=0

2. 情感分析項目


import re
import jieba
import numpy as np

# 讀取文件內容
def read_train_file(file_path='', comments=[], labels=[], val=''):
    with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        text = f.read().replace(' ','').replace('\n','')
        reg = '<reviewid="\d{1,4}">(.*?)</review>'
        results = re.findall(reg, text)
        for result in results:
            result = ','.join(jieba.cut(result))

def read_test_file(file_path='', comments=[], labels=[]):
    with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        text = f.read().replace(' ','').replace('\n','')
        reg = '<reviewid="\d{1,4}".*?</review>'
        results = re.findall(reg, text)
        for result in results:
            label_reg = '<reviewid="\d{1,4}"label="(\d)">'
            com_reg = '>(.*?)</review>'
            label = re.findall(label_reg, result)[0]
            comment = re.findall(com_reg, result)[0]
            comment = ','.join(jieba.cut(comment))
    assert(len(comments) == len(labels))

# TODO: 讀取文件部分,把具體的內容寫入到變量裏面
train_comments = []
train_labels = []
test_comments = []
test_labels = []
def process_file():
    train_pos_file = "data/train.positive.txt"
    train_neg_file = "data/train.negative.txt"
    test_comb_file = "data/test.combined.txt"
    # 讀取正面評論文件內容
    read_train_file(train_pos_file, train_comments, train_labels, '1')
     # 讀取負面評論文件內容
    read_train_file(train_neg_file, train_comments, train_labels, '0')
    # 讀取測試文件數據
    read_test_file(test_comb_file, test_comments, test_labels)

print(len(train_comments), len(train_labels), len(test_comments), len(test_labels))


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

pos_comments_count = []
neg_comments_count = []
pos_train_comments = []
neg_train_comments = []

def get_comments():
    index = 0
    for flag in train_labels:
        comment = train_comments[index]
        length = len(comment)
        if flag == '1':
        index = index + 1

pos_total_count = len(pos_comments_count)
neg_total_count = len(neg_comments_count)
print(pos_total_count, neg_total_count)

# 計算相同長度的字符串出現的次數
def cal_statics(comments_count=[]):
    temp_dict = {}
    total_num = len(comments_count)
    for length in comments_count:
        temp_dict[length] = temp_dict.get(length, 0) + 1
    for key in temp_dict:
        temp_dict[key] = temp_dict[key]/total_num
    return temp_dict

pos_statics = cal_statics(pos_comments_count)
neg_statics = cal_statics(neg_comments_count)
print(len(pos_statics), len(neg_statics))

# 排序
pos_statics = dict(sorted(pos_statics.items(), key = lambda x:x[0]))
neg_statics = dict(sorted(neg_statics.items(), key = lambda x:x[0]))
# 畫正樣本histogram
pos_x = list(pos_statics.keys())
pos_y = list(pos_statics.values())
neg_x = list(neg_statics.keys())
neg_y = list(neg_statics.values())

fig = plt.figure()
plt.bar(pos_x, pos_y, 1, color="red")
plt.xlabel("every comment string length")
plt.ylabel("percentage of this string length")
plt.title("positive comments histogram")

fig = plt.figure()
plt.bar(neg_x, neg_y, 1, color="green")
plt.xlabel("every comment string length")
plt.ylabel("percentage of this string length")
plt.title("negative comments histogram")
import collections
import jieba

def get_top20_words(comments=[]):
    word_library = []   # 儲存所有詞
    for comment in comments:
        for i in jieba.cut(comment):
    word_dic = collections.Counter(word_library).most_common(20)
    top20_list = [i[0] for i in word_dic]
    return top20_list

pos_top20_words = get_top20_words(pos_train_comments)
neg_top20_words = get_top20_words(neg_train_comments)
print('pos_top20_words:' + str(pos_top20_words))
print('neg_top20_words:' + str(neg_top20_words))

# 將正面評價和負面評價中共同出現的詞作爲停用詞
stop_words = []
for word in pos_top20_words:
    if word in neg_top20_words and word.isalnum():
print('stop_words:' + str(stop_words))
pos_top20_words:[',', ',', '的', '。', '了', '是', '!', '很', '我', '也', '在', '有', '~', '都', '好', '.', '不錯', '就', '買', '這']
neg_top20_words:[',', ',', '的', '。', '了', '!', '是', '我', '不', '買', '就', '也', '都', '很', '有', '在', '?', '沒有', '!', '.']
stop_words:['的', '了', '是', '很', '我', '也', '在', '有', '都', '就', '買']


import string

def text_preprocessing(comments=[]):
    new_comments = []
    for comment in comments:
        new_sentence = ''
        for word in jieba.cut(comment):
            # 去除停用詞、標點符號、數字
            if word not in stop_words  and word.isalnum() and not word.isdigit():
                new_sentence += word
    return new_comments

train_comments_new = text_preprocessing(train_comments)
test_comments_new = text_preprocessing(test_comments)
print(len(train_comments_new), len(test_comments_new))


from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_comments)      # 訓練數據的特徵
y_train = np.array(train_labels)                        # 訓練數據的label
X_test  = vectorizer.transform(test_comments)           # 測試數據的特徵
y_test  = np.array(test_labels)                         # 測試數據的label

print(np.shape(X_train), np.shape(X_test), np.shape(y_train), np.shape(y_test))



from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

def process_text(text=''):
    text = ''.join(e for e in text if e.isalnum())
    return ', '.join(jieba.cut(text))

parameters = { 'C': np.logspace(-3, 3, 7)}
lr = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear')
clf = GridSearchCV(lr, parameters, cv=5)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_predict = clf.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_predict))

# clf = LogisticRegression(C=1.0).fit(X_train, y_train)
# 打印在訓練數據上的準確率
print("訓練數據上的準確率爲:" + str(clf.score(X_train, y_train)))

# # 打印在測試數據上的準確率
print("測試數據上的準確率爲: " + str(clf.score(X_test, y_test)))

test_comment1 = '這個寶貝還是比較不錯滴'
test_comment2 = '很不好,太差了'

test = []
{'C': 1.0}
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.86      0.54      0.66      1250
           1       0.67      0.91      0.77      1250

   micro avg       0.73      0.73      0.73      2500
   macro avg       0.76      0.73      0.72      2500
weighted avg       0.76      0.73      0.72      2500

測試數據上的準確率爲: 0.7268
['很, 不好, 太差, 了']
  (0, 10188)	0.8064523512198745
  (0, 3669)	0.591299082708519


from sklearn import svm
# TODO: 利用SVM來訓練模型
parameters = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf', 'poly', 'sigmoid'), 'C':np.logspace(-3, 3, 7)}
svc = svm.SVC(gamma='scale')
clf = GridSearchCV(svc, parameters, cv=5)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_predict = clf.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_predict))
{'C': 1.0, 'kernel': 'sigmoid'}
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.85      0.59      0.70      1250
           1       0.69      0.89      0.78      1250

   micro avg       0.74      0.74      0.74      2500
   macro avg       0.77      0.74      0.74      2500
weighted avg       0.77      0.74      0.74      2500

仍然使用SVM模型,但在這裏使用Bayesian Optimization來尋找最好的超參數

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization
from sklearn.svm import SVC

def svm_cv(C, gamma):
    svm = SVC(C=10 ** C, gamma=10 ** gamma, random_state=1)
    val = cross_val_score(svm,X_train, y_train, cv=5).mean()
    return val

pbounds = {'C':(0,1), 'gamma':(2,20)}
svm_bo = BayesianOptimization(svm_cv, pbounds=pbounds)

|   iter    |  target   |     C     |   gamma   |
|  1        |  0.6206   |  0.3705   |  6.928    |
|  2        |  0.6206   |  0.9682   |  4.705    |
|  3        |  0.6206   |  0.7015   |  7.333    |
|  4        |  0.6206   |  0.5141   |  12.72    |
|  5        |  0.6206   |  0.6732   |  6.483    |
|  6        |  0.6206   |  0.6284   |  19.99    |
|  7        |  0.6206   |  0.04032  |  19.99    |
|  8        |  0.6208   |  0.8602   |  2.037    |
|  9        |  0.6206   |  0.1939   |  20.0     |
|  10       |  0.6208   |  0.2209   |  2.017    |
|  11       |  0.6206   |  0.8674   |  20.0     |
|  12       |  0.6208   |  0.58     |  2.033    |
|  13       |  0.6208   |  0.859    |  2.009    |
|  14       |  0.6206   |  0.9947   |  19.94    |
|  15       |  0.6208   |  0.06059  |  2.017    |
|  16       |  0.6206   |  0.2054   |  19.95    |
|  17       |  0.6208   |  0.8543   |  2.084    |
|  18       |  0.6208   |  0.103    |  2.021    |
|  19       |  0.6206   |  0.8894   |  19.97    |
|  20       |  0.6208   |  0.3986   |  2.015    |
|  21       |  0.6208   |  0.4768   |  2.015    |
|  22       |  0.6206   |  0.2138   |  19.98    |
|  23       |  0.6208   |  0.3656   |  2.135    |
|  24       |  0.6208   |  0.4324   |  2.012    |
|  25       |  0.6206   |  0.06989  |  20.0     |
|  26       |  0.6208   |  0.5922   |  2.132    |
|  27       |  0.6208   |  0.9851   |  2.101    |
|  28       |  0.6208   |  0.1901   |  2.146    |
|  29       |  0.6206   |  0.2751   |  20.0     |
|  30       |  0.6208   |  0.5422   |  2.036    |

特徵: 添加n-gram特徵

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2))
X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_comments)  # 添加完bigram之後的特徵
y_train = np.array(train_labels)                    # 
X_test = vectorizer.transform(test_comments)        # 添加完bigram之後的特徵
y_test = np.array(test_labels)                      # 

print (np.shape(X_train), np.shape(X_test), np.shape(y_train), np.shape(y_test))


from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

def process_text(text=''):
    text = ''.join(e for e in text if e.isalnum())
    return ', '.join(jieba.cut(text))

parameters = { 'C': np.logspace(-3, 3, 7)}
lr = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear')
clf = GridSearchCV(lr, parameters, cv=5)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_predict = clf.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_predict))

# clf = LogisticRegression(C=1.0).fit(X_train, y_train)
# 打印在訓練數據上的準確率
print("訓練數據上的準確率爲:" + str(clf.score(X_train, y_train)))

# # 打印在測試數據上的準確率
print("測試數據上的準確率爲: " + str(clf.score(X_test, y_test)))

test_comment1 = '這個寶貝還是比較不錯滴'
test_comment2 = '很不好,太差了'

test = []
{'C': 10.0}
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.84      0.61      0.71      1250
           1       0.69      0.89      0.78      1250

   micro avg       0.75      0.75      0.75      2500
   macro avg       0.77      0.75      0.74      2500
weighted avg       0.77      0.75      0.74      2500

測試數據上的準確率爲: 0.7484
['很, 不好, 太差, 了']
  (0, 55400)	0.8064523512198745
  (0, 15496)	0.591299082708519


from sklearn import svm
parameters = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf', 'poly', 'sigmoid'), 'C':np.logspace(-3, 3, 7)}
svc = svm.SVC(gamma='scale')
clf = GridSearchCV(svc, parameters, cv=5)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_predict = clf.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_predict))
{'C': 1.0, 'kernel': 'linear'}
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.85      0.61      0.71      1250
           1       0.70      0.89      0.78      1250

   micro avg       0.75      0.75      0.75      2500
   macro avg       0.77      0.75      0.75      2500
weighted avg       0.77      0.75      0.75      2500

仍然使用SVM模型,但在這裏使用Bayesian Optimization來尋找最好的超參數

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization
from sklearn.svm import SVC

def svm_cv(C, gamma):
    svm = SVC(C=10 ** C, gamma=10 ** gamma, random_state=1)
    val = cross_val_score(svm,X_train, y_train, cv=5).mean()
    return val

pbounds = {'C':(0,1), 'gamma':(2,20)}
svm_bo = BayesianOptimization(svm_cv, pbounds=pbounds)

|   iter    |  target   |     C     |   gamma   |
|  1        |  0.6202   |  0.1987   |  16.93    |
|  2        |  0.6202   |  0.9998   |  8.928    |
|  3        |  0.6202   |  0.381    |  12.99    |
|  4        |  0.6202   |  0.2872   |  15.86    |
|  5        |  0.6202   |  0.845    |  7.817    |
|  6        |  0.6201   |  0.9857   |  2.006    |
|  7        |  0.6202   |  0.2213   |  20.0     |
|  8        |  0.6202   |  0.04001  |  2.014    |
|  9        |  0.6202   |  0.9077   |  20.0     |
|  10       |  0.6201   |  0.6421   |  2.061    |
|  11       |  0.6202   |  0.8399   |  20.0     |
|  12       |  0.6201   |  0.2333   |  2.027    |
|  13       |  0.6202   |  0.5979   |  19.97    |
|  14       |  0.6202   |  0.6701   |  2.109    |
|  15       |  0.6202   |  0.1631   |  19.95    |
|  16       |  0.6201   |  0.4138   |  2.022    |
|  17       |  0.6202   |  0.1256   |  19.98    |
|  18       |  0.6201   |  0.09698  |  2.062    |
|  19       |  0.6202   |  0.3008   |  19.91    |
|  20       |  0.6202   |  0.281    |  19.97    |
|  21       |  0.6202   |  0.6433   |  2.072    |
|  22       |  0.6202   |  0.5776   |  19.98    |
|  23       |  0.6201   |  0.8474   |  2.026    |
|  24       |  0.6202   |  0.8294   |  19.94    |
|  25       |  0.6202   |  0.005122 |  19.99    |
|  26       |  0.6201   |  0.9513   |  2.034    |
|  27       |  0.6202   |  0.03517  |  19.99    |
|  28       |  0.6201   |  0.1467   |  2.003    |
|  29       |  0.6202   |  0.5118   |  19.99    |
|  30       |  0.6201   |  0.7277   |  2.028    |
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