

// ConsoleApplication2.cpp : 定義控制檯應用程序的入口點。

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
typedef struct Stack{
 int data;
 struct Stack* Next;
void initStack(Stack* &S)//初始化棧,帶頭結點的棧
 S = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack));
 S->Next = NULL;
int StackEmpty(Stack* S)//判斷棧是否爲空
 if (S->Next == NULL)
  return 1;
  return 0;
void StackPush(Stack* S, int x)//入棧
 Stack* p = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack));//申請一個結點
 p->Next = NULL;
 p->data = x;

 p->Next = S->Next;//令新結點的Next指針指向首結點
 S->Next = p;//將頭結點的Next指針指向新結點
int StackPop(Stack* S, int &x)//出棧
 if (S->Next == NULL)//判斷棧是否爲空
  return 0;
  Stack* p = S->Next;//令p指向棧頂結點
  S->Next = p->Next;//令頭結點的Next指針指向棧頂結點的下一個結點,之前的棧頂結點的下一個結點變爲新的棧頂結點
  x = p->data;//將之前棧頂結點的值賦給x
  return 1;
void Transfer(int x)
 int temp = x;
 Stack* S;
 while (x != 0)//判斷x是否爲零
  StackPush(S, x % 2);//將x除2的餘數入棧
  x = int(x / 2);//x除2,並向下取整
 cout << temp << " transfer to binary is:\n";
 while (!StackEmpty(S))
  StackPop(S, x);//出棧並打印
  cout << x << ' ';
 cout << '\n';
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 for (int i = 1; i < 11;i++)
 cout << "\ndone!\n";
 return 0;

1 transfer to binary is:
2 transfer to binary is:
1 0
3 transfer to binary is:
1 1
4 transfer to binary is:
1 0 0
5 transfer to binary is:
1 0 1
6 transfer to binary is:
1 1 0
7 transfer to binary is:
1 1 1
8 transfer to binary is:
1 0 0 0
9 transfer to binary is:
1 0 0 1
10 transfer to binary is:
1 0 1 0

請按任意鍵繼續. . .


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