cracking the interview


1.raywenderlinch iOS Interview Questions

  • Explain method swizzling. When you would use it?
  • Take three objects: a grandparent, parent and child. The grandparent retains the parent, the parent retains the child and the child retains the parent. The grandparent releases the parent. Explain what happens. 
  • What happens when you invoke a method on a nil pointer? 
  • Give two separate and independent reasons why retainCount should never be used in shipping code. 
  • Explain your process for tracing and fixing a memory leak. 
  • Explain how an autorelease pool works at the runtime level. 
  • When dealing with property declarations, what is the difference between atomic and non-atomic? 
  • In C, how would you reverse a string as quickly as possible?
  • Which is faster: to iterate through an NSArray or an NSSet? 
  • Explain how code signing works.
  • What is posing in Objective-C? 
  • List six instruments that are part of the standard. 
  • What are the differences between copy and retain?
  • What is the difference between frames and bounds? 
  • What happens when the following code executes? Ball *ball = [[[[Ball alloc] init] autorelease] autorelease]; 
  • List the five iOS app states. — Almost no one gets this question right. Normally I have to give an example, such as background state, for them to know what I am talking about.
  • Do you think this interview was a good representation of your skills as a developer? 

autorelease 的對象何時被釋放?

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