ubuntu 安裝kenlm


  • 安裝依賴
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libeigen3-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev
  • 下載代碼
git clone https://github.com/kpu/kenlm.git
  • 編譯
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4



我 是 個 程序員
我 們 都 是 中國人


bin/lmplz -o 3 --verbose header --text text.txt --arpa test.arpa --discount_fallback


test@test-X10DAi:~/Documents/kenlm/build$ bin/lmplz -o 3 --verbose header --text text.txt --arpa test.arpa --discount_fallback
=== 1/5 Counting and sorting n-grams ===
Reading /home/test/Documents/kenlm/build/text.txt
Unigram tokens 9 types 10
=== 2/5 Calculating and sorting adjusted counts ===
Chain sizes: 1:120 2:18728921088 3:35116728320
Substituting fallback discounts for order 0: D1=0.5 D2=1 D3+=1.5
Substituting fallback discounts for order 1: D1=0.5 D2=1 D3+=1.5
Substituting fallback discounts for order 2: D1=0.5 D2=1 D3+=1.5
1 10 D1=0.5 D2=1 D3+=1.5
2 10 D1=0.5 D2=1 D3+=1.5
3 9 D1=0.5 D2=1 D3+=1.5
Memory estimate for binary LM:
type       B
probing  672 assuming -p 1.5
probing  776 assuming -r models -p 1.5
trie     438 without quantization
trie    3424 assuming -q 8 -b 8 quantization
trie     461 assuming -a 22 array pointer compression
trie    3447 assuming -a 22 -q 8 -b 8 array pointer compression and quantization
=== 3/5 Calculating and sorting initial probabilities ===
Chain sizes: 1:120 2:160 3:180
=== 4/5 Calculating and writing order-interpolated probabilities ===
Chain sizes: 1:120 2:160 3:180
=== 5/5 Writing ARPA model ===
Name:lmplz	VmPeak:52757736 kB	VmRSS:6380 kB	RSSMax:12150804 kB	user:1.51267	sys:3.42447	CPU:4.9372	real:5.01352


[1].【自然語言處理入門】02:Kenlm語料庫的製作與模型的訓練. https://blog.csdn.net/xyz1584172808/article/details/78834779

[2].使用KenLM訓練n-gram語言模型 (中文). https://blog.csdn.net/benbenls/article/details/102898960

[3].BUILDING. https://github.com/kpu/kenlm/blob/master/BUILDING

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