unity3d NGUI滿足不了需求,修改源代碼記錄



修改處:NGUIText.cs    849-860 883-889 892 898  屏蔽代碼


	static public bool WrapText (string text, out string finalText, bool keepCharCount)
		if (rectWidth < 1 || rectHeight < 1 || finalLineHeight < 1f)
			finalText = "";
			return false;

		float height = (maxLines > 0) ? Mathf.Min(rectHeight, finalLineHeight * maxLines) : rectHeight;
		int maxLineCount = (maxLines > 0) ? maxLines : 1000000;
		maxLineCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Min(maxLineCount, height / finalLineHeight) + 0.01f);

		if (maxLineCount == 0)
			finalText = "";
			return false;

		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) text = " ";

		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		int textLength = text.Length;
		float remainingWidth = rectWidth;
		int start = 0, offset = 0, lineCount = 1, prev = 0;
		bool lineIsEmpty = true;

		// Run through all characters
		for (; offset < textLength; ++offset)
			char ch = text[offset];

			// New line character -- start a new line
			if (ch == '\n')
				if (lineCount == maxLineCount) break;
				remainingWidth = rectWidth;

				// Add the previous word to the final string
				if (start < offset) sb.Append(text.Substring(start, offset - start + 1));
				else sb.Append(ch);

				lineIsEmpty = true;
				start = offset + 1;
				prev = 0;

			// When encoded symbols such as [RrGgBb] or [-] are encountered, skip past them
			if (encoding && ParseSymbol(text, ref offset)) { --offset; continue; }

			// See if there is a symbol matching this text
			BMSymbol symbol = useSymbols ? GetSymbol(text, offset, textLength) : null;

			// Calculate how wide this symbol or character is going to be
			float glyphWidth;

			if (symbol == null)
				// Find the glyph for this character
				float w = GetGlyphWidth(ch, prev);
				if (w == 0f) continue;
				glyphWidth = finalSpacingX + w;
			else glyphWidth = finalSpacingX + symbol.advance * fontScale;

			// Reduce the width
			remainingWidth -= glyphWidth;

			// If this marks the end of a word, add it to the final string.
//			if (ch == ' ' && prev != ' ' && start < offset)
//			{
//				int end = offset - start + 1;
//				// Last word on the last line should not include an invisible character
//				if (lineCount == maxLineCount && remainingWidth <= 0f && offset < textLength && text[offset] <= ' ') --end;
//				sb.Append(text.Substring(start, end));
//				lineIsEmpty = false;
//				start = offset + 1;
//				prev = ch;
//			}

			// Doesn't fit?
			if (remainingWidth < 0f)
				// Can't start a new line
				if (lineIsEmpty || lineCount == maxLineCount)
					// This is the first word on the line -- add it up to the character that fits
					sb.Append(text.Substring(start, Mathf.Max(0, offset - start)));

					if (lineCount++ == maxLineCount)
						start = offset;

					if (keepCharCount) ReplaceSpaceWithNewline(ref sb);
					else EndLine(ref sb);

					// Start a brand-new line
					lineIsEmpty = true;
//					if (ch == ' ')
//					{
//						start = offset + 1;
//						remainingWidth = rectWidth;
//					}
//					else
//					{
						start = offset;
						remainingWidth = rectWidth - glyphWidth;
//					}
					prev = 0;
					// Skip all spaces before the word
//					while (start < textLength && text[start] == ' ') ++start;

					// Revert the position to the beginning of the word and reset the line
					lineIsEmpty = true;
					remainingWidth = rectWidth;
					offset = start - 1;
					prev = 0;

					if (lineCount++ == maxLineCount) break;
					if (keepCharCount) ReplaceSpaceWithNewline(ref sb);
					else EndLine(ref sb);
			else prev = ch;

			// Advance the offset past the symbol
			if (symbol != null)
				offset += symbol.length - 1;
				prev = 0;

		if (start < offset) sb.Append(text.Substring(start, offset - start));
		finalText = sb.ToString();
		return (offset == textLength) || (lineCount <= Mathf.Min(maxLines, maxLineCount));

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