C++ reverse_iterator 遍歷刪除問題源碼解析


  • 問題代碼

      std::map<int, int> test;
      test[1] = 10;
      test[2] = 20;
      map <int, int>::iterator it = test.begin();
      map <int, int>::reverse_iterator rit = test.rbegin();
      for (;rit != test.rend();) {
         cout << "t1 "<< rit->first << endl;
         test.erase(--(rit++).base()); // code 1
        //test.erase(--rit.base()); // code 2
         cout << "t2 " << rit->first << endl;
    // 輸出
    t1 2
    t2 1
    t1 1
    t2 0
    t1 0 // 這裏還能訪問到t1已經是不對了
  • 問題復現

    • 從正常使用的邏輯來講,應當是code 1的使用方式,但是正確的卻是code 2
    • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/404258/how-do-i-erase-a-reverse-iterator-from-an-stl-data-structure
  • 查看stl源碼

   *  Bidirectional and random access iterators have corresponding reverse 
   *  %iterator adaptors that iterate through the data structure in the
   *  opposite direction.  They have the same signatures as the corresponding
   *  iterators.  The fundamental relation between a reverse %iterator and its
   *  corresponding %iterator @c i is established by the identity:
   *  @code
   *      &*(reverse_iterator(i)) == &*(i - 1)
   *  @endcode
   *  意思就是:i的reverse_iterator代表的是i-1
   *  <em>This mapping is dictated by the fact that while there is always a
   *  pointer past the end of an array, there might not be a valid pointer
   *  before the beginning of an array.</em> [24.4.1]/1,2
   *  iterator是左閉右開,reverse_iterator是右開左閉
   							[begin(), rend())          (rend(), rbegin]
   *  Reverse iterators can be tricky and surprising at first.  Their
   *  semantics make sense, however, and the trickiness is a side effect of
   *  the requirement that the iterators must be safe.
   *  反向迭代器的實現搓爆了。但是,它們的語義是有意義的,而且棘手是迭代器必須安全的要求的副作用(都翻譯不通)。
// 成員僅有一個迭代器,我沒想到居然不是繼承了同一個迭代器的類,這種設計爲後來發生的問題埋下了伏筆
      _Iterator current;
// 這裏直接記錄了一個bug,這可是最關鍵的*操作啊,因爲還關聯了->操作
       *  @return  A reference to the value at @c --current
       *  This requires that @c --current is dereferenceable.
       *  @warning This implementation requires that for an iterator of the
       *           underlying iterator type, @c x, a reference obtained by
       *           @c *x remains valid after @c x has been modified or
       *           destroyed. This is a bug: http://gcc.gnu.org/PR51823
      operator*() const
				_Iterator __tmp = current;
				return *--__tmp;
       *  @return  A pointer to the value at @c --current
       *  This requires that @c --current is dereferenceable.
      operator->() const
      { return &(operator*()); }
// base 這東西返回的是非常難理解的current
      base() const
      { return current; }
// ++操作也是不走心的直接--current。
				return *this;
  • 看清問題:

    • erase只能根據iterator來,因此我們轉化一下,這個轉化也是醉了,–rit.base(),這個base函數形同虛設。

    • 那麼這樣一來,通過前面埋的伏筆我們發現–current被移出了。

    • ok,深吸一口氣,現在你的rit變成了什麼呢?

    • 你所依賴的current倒是沒什麼問題,但是–current已經變天了。

    • 現在回頭來看我們覺得沒問題的code 1 我們先做了rit++操作即–current,之後我們刪除了–current,這在沒有遍歷刪除到最後一個的時候還是work fine的,但是遍歷到最後一個時,–current就出問題了,沒有正確找到rend,如果還需要進一步深入,需要看tree的erase源碼。

    •   vector <int> test;
        vector <int>::iterator it = test.begin();
        vector <int>::reverse_iterator rit = test.rbegin();
        for (;rit != test.rend();) {
           cout << "t1 "<< *rit << endl;
           cout << "t2 " << *rit << endl;
      // output
      t1 20
      t2 10
      t1 10
      t2 0
      // vector是正確的
  • trick 繞過:

    • test.erase(–rit.base()) 這樣就能繞過了,即在erase之後依靠–current來判斷是不是rend
    • 暫時沒找到rend的定義。問題也可能在這裏
  • 優雅解決:

    • 要麼C++ 11 erase之後返回next;
    • 要麼reverse_it拿來迭代就好,最好別用他去刪除,太搓了
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