原创 linux目錄結構和重要目錄、文件

Each of the above directory (which is a file, at the first place) contains important information, required for booting t

原创 Samba與AD集成認證

For convenient manage account, Samba can integrate with AD.1.environment: windows 2008 R2 domain, Centos, Please bind yo

原创 Mac 下flash 英文亂碼解決方法

If Mac sets english fond as defaul language,Flash plugins maybe could not recognise chinese and others, So just run a co

原创 18款開源Linux 管理系統

As an owner of the website it is very difficult to manage multiple websites without a control panel. However to suit the

原创 linux加入 domain 的四種方法

1.Kerberos plus LDAP - This is a lower-level option where you set up Linux to use Active Directory's underlying protocol

原创 A little collection of cool unix terminal/console/curses tools

Just a list of 20 (now 28) tools for the command line. Some are little-known, some are just too useful to miss, some are

原创 18 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance

It’s really very tough job for every System or Network administrator to monitor and debug Linux System Performance probl

原创 回收站功能在 Linux 中的實現

本文仿照 Windows 回收站的功能,運用 Bash 腳本在 Linux 上做了實現,創建 delete 腳本代替 rm 命令對文件或目錄進行刪除操做。該腳本實現了以下功能:對大於 2G 的文件或目錄直接刪除,否則放入$HOME/tra

原创 我的友情鏈接


原创 20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know

Need to monitor Linux server performance? Try these built-in commands and a few add-on tools. Most Linux distributions a

原创 Snort-IDS&IPS tools

Snort is an open source network intrusion prevention and  detection system (IDS/IPS) developed by Sourcefire. Combining

原创 如何計算raid 磁盤的 IOPS

When it comes to measuring a storage system's overall performance, Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) is still th

原创 Windows 8 Disk Usage Keep up 100%

Recently i find the windows8 Disk Usage always keep up 100%, It must be have some issue.Step1. Go into Open Task Manager

原创 Create a quick http file server with GO LANG

#cat httpsfile.gopackage main import "net/http" func main(){     h := http.FileServer(http.Dir("."))     //this is https

原创 Authentication token manipulation error

Today i clone a redhat vm, But don't remember the password. ok, reboot, enter into the single user mode. How to enter in