原创 Python -- argparse usage

import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--foo', help='foo help') args = parser.pars

原创 functional coverage

Normally, functional coverage can be added in monitor and scoreboard. Adding it in monitor to cover transaction Addin

原创 cm_hier file for Code Coverage

We can use -cm_hier to specify certain modules/instances to be included when VCS do compiling for coverage. Some usef

原创 Siloti/KDB is what?

The Siloti™ Visibility Automation System transforms your verification methodology by eliminating the overhead associa

原创 X-prop

Why X-prop? Designers use RTL constructs to describe hardware behaviors. However, certain RTL simulation semantics ar

原创 systemverilog $sformatf vs $sformat

The system function $sformatfbehaves like $sformat except that the string result is passed back as the function resul

原创 `Timescale

In Verilog, all delays are governed by `timescale directive in the source file. -timescale=<time_unit/time_resolutio

原创 Register Model -- Mirroring

The register model maintains a mirror of what it thinks the current value of registers is inside the DUT. The mirrore

原创 $cast usage

The $cast system task can be used to assign values to variables that might not ordinarily be valid because of differi

原创 Register Model Study -- Back-door read/write vs. peek/poke

You can perform back-door access to registers and memory by calling the following read/write methods with their path

原创 Overview of Register Model

A register model is typically composed of a hierarchy of blocks that map to the design hierarchy. Blocks can contain

原创 Strength length for scalar net signal values

Strength length for scalar net signal values

原创 Tips: How to quit simulation by using UVM_ERROR

set_report_max_quit_count( 10 ); It will exit simulation after the number of UVM_ERRORS reaching 10. It can be added

原创 Real constants

Definition The real constant numbers shall be represented as described by IEEE Std 754-1985, an IEEE standard for do

原创 Tips: Illegal rand variable type

Tips for vcs compile The rand variable ‘half_period’ must be an integral type, an enum type, a packed struct, or