Product Hunt推薦之《高效人士必讀的10本書》

最近非常關注和提高效率相關的話題,正巧看到Product Hunt上的這條書單推薦,拿來分享一下。

說明:每本書都有附上美亞(, 中亞(, Goodreaders(以及豆瓣(的鏈接。有中文版的附上了中文版的封面和中亞上的摘要。僅供參考。

1. Deep Work

Have you ever sat down to do work and then, without realizing it, end up spending an hour (ahem, or two) unintentionally falling into a huge YouTube/social/blog/news hole? We’ve all been there. It seems there is so much grabbing at our attention these days, it’s hard to even get in the state of mind that allows us to get our best work done. In Deep Work, author Cal Newport addresses the increasingly important topic of focus. Learning how to do deep work—the ability to focus on a cognitively demanding task without distraction—is the key to producing better results in less time. Newport offers up no-bullshit advice, suggesting that we should practice being bored and quit social media altogether (…even if you don’t, his argument is worth reading). If you’ve ever spent a workday in a haze of tweets and emails and wondered what you did all day, this book is for you.

2. The 80/20 Principle 80/20法則


3. Eat That Frog

Eat That Frog is a classic productivity book that you can breeze through in an afternoon. But, the 21 different strategies Brian Tracy shares in this gem are worth many lifetimes of productivity. The main premise of this book is that you should eat your “frog”—your biggest, most important task—first every day. This should also be the task that has the greatest positive impact on your life and results at the moment. The follow up rule is this: “If you have to eat a live frog at all, it doesn’t pay to sit and look at it for very long.” In other words, when you’re given a big task, it’s best to get started on it right away. Tracy also walks you through techniques like the ABCDE Method, single-tasking, and the Law of Forced Efficiency. This is a book you won’t soon forget, and we highly recommend actually doing all of the recommended exercises as you work your way through it.

4. The Checklist Manifesto 清單革命:如何持續、正確、安全地把事情做好


5. The Effective Executive 卓有成效的管理者


6. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up 怦然心動的人生整理魔法


7. Getting Things Done 搞定Ⅰ:無壓工作的藝術

戴維·艾倫的《搞定(Ⅰ無壓工作的藝術最新版)》(Getting things Done)已經成爲時間管理領域最具影響力的著作之一,書中介紹的GTD(Getting Things Done)時間管理方法也成爲全球千萬讀者用來輕鬆高效完成工作與個人事務的最佳工具。GTD看似簡單易行,其背後卻有深刻的洞見:


8. The Power of Less 少做一點不會死



9. The One Thing 最重要的事,只有一件

《最重要的事,只有一件》被評爲“2015年最 佳讀物”!《最重要的事,只有一件》具有極強的可讀性,並且提供了簡單易行的方法幫助你獲得更高效、更有序、更幸福的生活。

10. Do The Work

Look, no matter how many productivity books you read, in the end it comes down to doing the actual work that so many people aren’t willing to do. What’s truly getting in the way of you producing your best work? How do you finish projects you start? What have you been too afraid to start in the first place? In Do The Work, author Steven Pressfield says it’s not about better ideas or more time…but rather, moving through resistance and doing the work it takes to get through any long-form project (like a book, album, screenplay, app, website, etc). He reiterates that you are not crazy (nor alone) in the “I’ve-hit-a-wall” stage. We all go through it at some point. What makes the difference in what you end up achieving is what you do when you brush up against inevitable resistance. This motivating manifesto is a must-read for anyone working on big, slightly intimidating creative pursuits.

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