
Olympic Knowledge Q & A ?grade school suit the students whose age at 11-12

1、 Who created the Olympic Games?
The ancient Greeks.
2、 What was one of the prizes for winning an Olympic competition?
A wreath.
3、 ??What inspired the idea for the Modern Olympic Games?
The discovery of the ruins at Olympia. ?
4、 Where is the origin of the Modern Olympic Games?
Olympia,Greece. ?
5. ?Who is the creator of the Modern Olympic Games?
????The French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
6、 Who is the father of the Modern Olympic Games? ?
Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
7、 What does IOC stand for?
International Olympic Committee.
8、 ?Who chooses the city where the Olympic Games of Greek antiquity? ?
International Olympic Committee. ?
9、Where is the International Olympic Committee located?
10、 What is the Olympic motto? ?
????“Faster, Higher, Stronger”.
11、 Where is the Olympic flame from?
Olympic,Greece. ???
12、 Where were the first Modern Olympic Games held?
Athens, Greece. ?
13、 When were the first Modern Olympic Games held? ?
????1896. ????1896年。
14、 How often are the Modern Olympic Games held?
Once every four years. ????
15、 What are the colors of the five Olympic rings? ?
Black, blue, green red and yellow.
16、 What do the Olympic rings symbolize?
Unity between Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe.
17、 How many athletes were there at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896?
18、 When was the first Olympic Winter Games held?
?????第一屆冬奧會何時舉行? ???1924年。
19、What brings the Modern Olympic Games within reach?
Technology (television and satellites, etc.) ??

20、 What are the official languages of the International Olympic Committee?
French and English. ?????
21、 How many National Olympic Committee are there now? ?
202. ???????????202個。
22、 Who is the current president of the International Olympic Committee ?
Jacques Rogge. ??
23、 Which important god did the Olympic Games honor? ??
Zeus. ??
24、 Do women now compete in weightlifting?
Yes , they do. ?
25、 Have women competed at the Olympic Games since the second Modern Olympic Games?
Yes, they have. ?
26、 Why was the International Olympic Committee initially reluctant to create the Olympic Winters?
Most countries are too warm to host the Winter Games.
27、 What happened for the first time at the 1900 Olympic Games? ?
Women were allowed to compete. ?
28、 Which year was equestrian sport at the Olympic Games? ?
??????哪一年開始舉辦馬術項目? ?????????1912年。
29、 What kind of people competes at the Paralympics?
Physically disabled. ???
30、 Who were the only people allowed to compete in biathlon until 1992?
Men. ?
31、 When was the women marathon introduced into the Olympic Games?
???女子馬拉松何年進入奧運會項目? ???1984年。
32、 Where is the opening ceremony of each Olympic Games held? ???
????In a major stadium. ?????
33、 What is the Olympic Flame? ?
????It is lit with a torch that is brought by a relay of athletes from the ruins of ancient Olympic in Greece.
34、 Are cities or countries that may host an Olympic Games? ?
????Cities. ?????
35、 How many cities from a country are allowed to bid for the Olympic Games?
????Only one.
36、What does NOCS stand for? ?
National Olympic Committees. ??
37、What is the most revered and visible of the Olympic Games competition?
The Olympic Flame. ???

38、What did the Olympic Games start as a test of?
????Physical strength and endurance. ?
39、Who designed the Olympic Flag?
????Piere de Coubertin. ???
?????????顧拜 旦。
40、Who won the Olympic Marathon race in barefoot?
????Abebe Bikila. ????Abebe Bikila.
41、At which Olympic Games did China first win the gold medal? Which athlete won it?
42、At which Olympic Games did Chinese Women ?Volleyball Team win the championship?
????At 23rd` Olympic Games in Los Angeles. ??在第23屆洛杉磯奧運會上。
43、When was China accepted as member of the International Olympic Committee?
????In 1931. ????。
44、When did P. R. China participate the Olympic Games?
????In 1952.
45、Which city of China is the first one to bid for the Olympic Games?
46、Which Olympic Games did China first bid for?
?????????中國最初申辦哪屆奧運會? ?
?????2000 Olympic Games.
47、When did Xu Haifeng win the first Olympic gold medal for China?
????On July 29 1984. ??
48、When did Beijing win the right of hosting the 29th Olympic Games? ?
????On July 15,2001.
49、What is the slogan of Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee?
????New Beijing, Great Olympics. ?
50、Who is the president of Chinese Olympic Committee?
????Yuan Weimin. ?
51、How many times did the Chinese athletes Participate the Olympic Games before 1949?
52、How many Olympic champions are there in China since 23rd Olympic Games?
55. ???????????????55。
53、What are the themes of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games in 2008?
Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics?
54、What are the mascots for the 2008 ?Beijing Games ?
?????The five hues.
55、What are theirs names?
?They are Beibei 、jingjing、 Huanhuan、Yingying 、Nini.
貝貝 ?晶晶 京京 歡歡 迎迎 妮妮
56、What are theirs ?name means for?
Beijing welcomes ?You
57、 hat ?are the four ?of ?the five mascots ?
The Fish , the Panda ?the Tibetan ?Antelope ?And the Swallow.,he Olympic flame ???
58、 hat is the slogan of the official games and the mascots?
“One World, One Dream ”
同一世界 同一夢想
59、What the colours ?of ?the five hues?
???福娃的顏色是什麼? ???
60、Green ,blue, red, yellow and black.
represent the sea, ?the air, ?forest ,fire and the earth
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