
        旗開得勝,女兒不辱使命,順利進入無錫市迎奧運“希望之星”英語風采大賽複試,而且排名還很靠前呢,讓她的英語老師自豪了一下.Miss Yao可出了大力了,原來我們準備讓女兒唱一首“BIG BIG WORLD"伴奏帶也找好了,女兒彈了4年鋼琴,樂感不錯,酷愛聽歐美歌曲,現在剛好露一首,可Miss Yao堅持要突出個性,認爲唱歌的人太多,不如念小姑娘自己寫的一篇日記,以顯實力。小姑娘在Miss Yao的督促下,堅持寫了半年英語日記,水平見漲,最後選如下一篇朗讀:
Date:Tue.Oct.24                                                               weather:Sunny
          Today,my dad returned home from HongKong.He bought a lot of kinds of chocolates.My favourite food's chocolate.So,looking at the chocolates.I was very happy.I put a chocolate in my mouth.Wow!It was so delious!It's made in Belgium.
          Belgium is famous for making chocolates,All the people there like eating chocolate .My chocolate looks like a seahorse.A sentence on the box is very interesting.It says,'saving the seahorses means saving the seas.'I think,it's right.Seas are very deep and wide.They give us a lot of benifits.Seas are our good friends.we can't put rubbish in them.
           I like chocolates.I also like seas.Let's save the Seas and save the animals!
     女兒在讀完後走出房間,中途又回頭對那個考官-一位年輕的美國小夥-說了句“You are very handsome",弄得那位考官咧嘴一笑,我誇女兒會恭維人,她卻說不是恭維,考官的確長的像網球明星,著名的奶牛-費得勒,帥呆了!
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