
class MenuCanvas extends Canvas {
* The SVGImage painted by the canvas.
protected SVGImage svgImage;

* The ScalableGraphics used to paint into the midp
* Graphics instance.
protected ScalableGraphics sg = ScalableGraphics.createInstance();

* The number of icons, vertically.
protected int numRows;

* The number of icons, horizontally.
protected int numCols;

* The size of a single icon.
protected int iconWidth;

* The size of a single icon.
protected int iconHeight;

* Number of frames in focus selection.
protected int numFramesFocus;

* Frame length.
protected float frameLength;

* The menu raster images.
protected Image[][][] menuIcons;

* The index of the current frame for each icon
protected int[][] currentFrame;

* The row/col index of the currently-focused icon.
protected int focusRow;

* The row/col index of the currently-focused icon.
protected int focusCol;

* The padding ratio.
protected float padding;

* @param svgImage the SVGImage this canvas should paint.
* @param numRows the number of rows of icons.
* @param numCols the number of columns of icons.
* @param padding the margin around each icons, as a percentage of the
* icon's bounding box.
* @param numFramesFocus the number of frames to sample in order to get
* from the unselected frame to the focused state.
* @param frameLength the amount of time between frames.
protected MenuCanvas(final SVGImage svgImage, final int numRows, final int numCols,
final float padding, final int numFramesFocus, final float frameLength) {
if ((svgImage == null) || (numRows <= 0) || (numCols <= 0) || (padding < 0) ||
(numFramesFocus < 1) || (frameLength <= 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();

this.svgImage = svgImage;
this.numRows = numRows;
this.numCols = numCols;
this.numFramesFocus = numFramesFocus;
this.frameLength = frameLength;
this.padding = padding;

// The input svgImage should have numRows * numCols icons under the
// root svg element.
final int numIcons = numRows * numCols;
Document doc = svgImage.getDocument();
SVGSVGElement svg = (SVGSVGElement)doc.getDocumentElement();

// Load all the icons in a Vector for future manipulation
Vector iconVector = new Vector();

for (int i = 0; i < numIcons; i++) {
SVGElement iconElt = (SVGElement)doc.getElementById("icon_" + i);

if (iconElt == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The SVG Image does not have " + numIcons +
" icons under the root svg element" + " icon_" + i +
" does not exist in the document");

if (!(iconElt instanceof SVGLocatableElement)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The " + (i + 1) + "th icon under the " +
"root svg element is not a <g>");

// Hide all icons initially
iconElt.setTrait("display", "none");


// Now, compute the size allocated to each icon.
int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();

iconWidth = width / numCols;
iconHeight = height / numRows;

// Render each icon in a bitmap.

final int numFrames = 1 + numFramesFocus;
menuIcons = new Image[numRows][numCols][numFrames];
currentFrame = new int[numRows][numCols];

// calculate viewBox for each icon

// svg -> screen
SVGMatrix svgCTM = svg.getScreenCTM();

// screen -> svg
SVGMatrix svgICTM = svgCTM.inverse();

SVGRect[] iconViewBox = new SVGRect[numIcons];

for (int i = 0; i < numIcons; ++i) {
SVGLocatableElement icon = (SVGLocatableElement)iconVector.elementAt(i);

// Get the user space bounding box for the icon
SVGRect bbox = icon.getBBox();
if (bbox == null) {
// If someone tampered with the svg menu file, the bbox
// could be null
iconViewBox[i] = null;

// icon -> svg -> screen
SVGMatrix iconCTM = icon.getScreenCTM();

// icon -> svg
SVGMatrix iconToSvg =
svg.createSVGMatrixComponents(svgICTM.getComponent(0), svgICTM.getComponent(1),
svgICTM.getComponent(2), svgICTM.getComponent(3), svgICTM.getComponent(4),

// get the icon bounding box in svg coordinates
float x0 = bbox.getX();
float y0 = bbox.getY();
float x1 = x0 + bbox.getWidth();
float y1 = y0 + bbox.getHeight();
float[] pointsX = { x0, x0, x1, x1 };
float[] pointsY = { y0, y1, y0, y1 };
float minX = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float minY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float maxX = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
float maxY = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
float a = iconToSvg.getComponent(0);
float b = iconToSvg.getComponent(1);
float c = iconToSvg.getComponent(2);
float d = iconToSvg.getComponent(3);
float e = iconToSvg.getComponent(4);
float f = iconToSvg.getComponent(5);

for (int j = 0; j < pointsX.length; ++j) {
float nx = (a * pointsX[j]) + (c * pointsY[j]) + e;
float ny = (b * pointsX[j]) + (d * pointsY[j]) + f;

if (nx < minX) {
minX = nx;

if (nx > maxX) {
maxX = nx;

if (ny < minY) {
minY = ny;

if (ny > maxY) {
maxY = ny;

bbox.setWidth(maxX - minX);
bbox.setHeight(maxY - minY);

iconViewBox[i] = pad(bbox);

// do the rendering
int i = 0;

for (int ri = 0; ri < numRows; ri++) {
for (int ci = 0; ci < numCols; ci++, i++) {
// Get the icon we want to draw
SVGLocatableElement icon = (SVGLocatableElement)iconVector.elementAt(i);

// Now, set the icon's display to 'inline' before drawing
// it to the offscreen.
icon.setTrait("display", "inline");

// "zoom" the icon
if (iconViewBox[i] != null) {
svg.setRectTrait("viewBox", iconViewBox[i]);

// Create a bitmap to draw into

for (int fi = 0; fi < numFrames; fi++) {
menuIcons[ri][ci][fi] = Image.createImage(iconWidth, iconHeight);

// Get a Graphics instance that we can draw into
Graphics g = menuIcons[ri][ci][fi].getGraphics();
g.setColor(255, 0, 0);
g.fillRect(0, 0, iconWidth, iconHeight);
sg.render(0, 0, svgImage);


icon.setTrait("display", "none");

// The following thread handles animating the currently focused item.
final long frameLengthMs = (long)(frameLength * 1000);
Thread th =
new Thread() {
public void run() {
long start = 0;
long end = 0;
long sleep = 0;
boolean interrupted = false;

while (!interrupted) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();

int cr = focusRow;
int cc = focusCol;
boolean needUpdate = false;

for (int ri = 0; ri < numRows; ri++) {
for (int ci = 0; ci < numCols; ci++) {
// Process icon (ri, ci)

// Frames are:
// [0] : unselected
// [1, numFramesFocusIn -1] : focusIn anim
// [numFramesFocus] : focused
int curFrame = currentFrame[ri][ci];

if ((cr == ri) && (cc == ci)) {
// We are processing the focused icon.
// If we are below the focused frame, just increase the frame index
if (curFrame < numFramesFocus) {
// Move towards focused state on the focusIn animation
curFrame += 1;
needUpdate = true;
} else {
// Do nothing, we are in the right frame already.
} else {
// We are _not_ on the focused frame.
if (curFrame > 0) {
curFrame -= 1;
needUpdate = true;

currentFrame[ri][ci] = curFrame;

if (needUpdate) {

end = System.currentTimeMillis();
sleep = frameLengthMs - (end - start);

if (sleep < 10) {
sleep = 10;

try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
interrupted = true;


* Helper method. Pads the input bounding box.
* @param bbox the box to pad.
SVGRect pad(final SVGRect bbox) {
float hPad = bbox.getWidth() * padding;
float vPad = bbox.getHeight() * padding;
bbox.setX(bbox.getX() - hPad);
bbox.setY(bbox.getY() - vPad);
bbox.setWidth(bbox.getWidth() + (2 * hPad));
bbox.setHeight(bbox.getHeight() + (2 * vPad));

return bbox;

public void keyPressed(int keyCode) {
int r = focusRow;
int c = focusCol;

switch (getGameAction(keyCode)) {
case LEFT:

if (c < 0) {
c = numCols - 1;


case RIGHT:

if (c == numCols) {
c = 0;


case UP:

if (r < 0) {
r = numRows - 1;


case DOWN:

if (r == numRows) {
r = 0;



// do nothing

focusRow = r;
focusCol = c;

public void paint(Graphics g) {
int fi = 0;

for (int ri = 0; ri < numRows; ri++) {
for (int ci = 0; ci < numCols; ci++) {
fi = currentFrame[ri][ci];
g.drawImage(menuIcons[ri][ci][fi], ci * iconWidth, ri * iconHeight,
Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);
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