區分: for example, such as, like


for example, such as, like 的區別?

  • for example一般只舉同類人或物中的“一個”爲例, 作插入語, 用逗號隔開, 可置於句首、句中、句末;
  • such as常列舉同類人或物中的幾個例子, 不能窮盡, as後面不可有逗號; 可和and so on連用; 可分開使用such...as...;
  • like表示列舉, 可和such as互換. 例如:

1.Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution.舉例說明, 噪音就是一種污染.

2.China has many big cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and so on.=China has many such big cities as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and so on.中國有許多大城市, 比如北京、上海、深圳等等.

3.Some warm-blooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the wolf do not need to hiber- nate.有些熱血動物, 像貓、狗、狼不需要冬眠.


such as除表示舉例外, 還可表示諸如此類, 意思是“像……這樣的”, “諸如……之類的”, 相當於後置定語, 此時不宜與for example互換(但可與表示諸如此類意思的like互換). 如:

Opportunities such as (=like) this did not come every day. 這樣的機會不是天天都有的.

Avoid unhealthy foods such as (=like) hamburger and chips. 不要喫漢堡和薯條之類的不健康食品.

另外, such as有時可分開用, 但for example不能分開用. 如:

The disease attacks such animals as cats and dogs. 這種病只侵襲像貓狗一類的動物. (比較:The disease attacks animals such as cats and dogs.)


such as用於舉例時, 總是跟在被說明的內容之後, 不能獨立成句, 也不能用於句首或句末, 其後也不能用逗號, 但for example可以. 如:

Each situation is different. For example, a man with a rich wife doesn’t have to work. 情況各有不同, 例如, 娶了有錢妻子的男人就不必工作.

You make too many mistakes—lots of spelling mistakes, for example. 你的錯誤太多——比如, 有好多拼法錯誤.

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